A place to find Hope

Tag: disciples

What is Really True? How Can we Prove Something is True?

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What is really true? How can we prove something is true?

People for centuries tried to convince others that Jesus never existed.How could someone do what others claimed he could do?

True faith is that we believe in something we can not see.

Some people think that true faith can not happen without facts.

  1. In Israel there have been archeological diggings that brought the truth to us. They found what they think the cave where Jesus was buried.
  2. They found proof that Pontius Pilate was real by finding papers, and pieces of things that his name all over it.

True facts takes us beyond mere facts to trust.


The Bible is the book with all the truth. There is proof that all of the disciples existed. They wrote what they saw, and all of the books of the disciples say the same things, but in different ways of saying it.


I believe that God sent His only son down to earth to die for us. If we believe this we have eternal life.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Lord, I Believe, Help my Unbelief (Mark 9:24.)

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It is a great day, because I have no negative thoughts floating around in my head.


Can God perform miracles? Of course we know He can, but do we really believe that?

It is hard to believe in some things, but we need to believe. There is a verse in the Bible that says, “I believe, help my unbelief.”(Mark 9:24)

The whole chapter is about a man whose son was taken over by demons. The boy would have convulsions, and foam at the mouth. He did this from his birth.

The father cried out to Jesus to save his son because the disciples could not. That made Jesus very upset and He said, “O unbelieving generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you?: (Mark 9:19)

He was talking to His disciples who couldn’t chase the demon away.

Jesus had the father bring his son to Him and he healed the boy right there.


We need to expect miracles. God can perform many miracles. We need to pray without ceasing that He will do it for our loved ones or ourselves.

He is just a prayer away. He wants to hear from you. Lean on His promises and talk to Him in earnest.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Failure Shouldn’t be Anything Bad in Our Lives, Move on

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The election is behind us, and we have a new president. I did not vote for him, but my prayers are with him each day.

President Biden is in a big hurry to wipe out everything the President Trump accomplished. On his first day he signed over 25 executive orders to change many things President Trump had done.

We will have to wait and see how the people respond to all this change.

There were massive rioting on inauguration day in Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. President Biden has his hands full.


Have you every failed? Did you attempt something and it all went south? You certainly are not alone. Here is a quote by arguably the greatest basketball player of all time.

” I’ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I lost lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I failed over and over in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

Michael Jordan.


Her is an example of failure in the Bible. Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends failed.

He told Jesus He would never betray him. Jesus, said, “This very night before the rooster crows you will deny me three times. Peter declared, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you, and all the disciples said the same. Peter then denied knowing Jesus three times. Later, after the rooster crowed, Peter remembered what he had said and he wept bitterly.

Many people today point to Peter as an example of what not to do, such as, speaking before you think, having little faith, being impulsive, and shrinking back denying things.


In our own lives this is what we need to do:

Admit it

Be open and admit when you fail. Trying to hide sin doesn’t work. God already knows what you have done.

Forget it

Once you have admitted it let it go. Stop thinking about it in your mind. God doesn’t give you a list of things He has forgive you for so neither should you.

Get Back in it

Once you are forgiven it is over. Don’t waste any time. Get back in the game! God wants you to live fully, without being weighed down by shame and guilt. Use your failure to fuel your future success. God has too much to accomplish through you to be burdened by past failures.



You are never alone.

You are never foraken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are “Karens,” Out There Who are Racist

There is far too much anger floating around. I saw a Facebook page that shows a “Karen,” yelling racist words at two girls who were from Asia. The words were of course hurtful. The two girls took it, and kept walking.

I have no idea where they came up with the term “Karens,” I have friends who have that name. However, it is now a label, and you see far too much of them hurting people.

Makes me think of the Bible. In Luke: 25-37 we are told that Samaritans were hated by the Jews. People ignored them and were forbidden to associate with them.

Jesus told a parable about this.

A man was walking on a road back to his home. A thief attacked him and took all of his belongings. He left the person for dead on the road.

He laid there bleeding and dying. Along came a priest. When he saw the man he went to the other side of the road to pass him. Likewise a Levite also went to the other side of the road to avoid him. But a Samaritan came to where he was and had deep compassion. He fixed up his wounds and put him on his own animal. He took him to an Inn, and asked them to care for him. He said he would pay for anything they used to help him.

Jesus told his disciples to do like the Samaritan.

Which one are you of the three men do you fit into? Are you the Priest, Levite, or the Samaritan?

It is so easy to get angry. It happens to all of us. We probably wouldn’t attack someone and take all their belongings, but we do get overly angry at times.

I try to think about someone who may have made me angry. I have learned that love extends further than pride. We need to swallow our pride, and forgive people.

Who has the lord placed in your path to make you angry. Make a list right now. I have done that. It is sitting right next to me.

Thank of each one of them. What did they do to make you angry? Is it worth it to just go on like it didn’t happen?

I think not.

Love is not just love. It is love in action.

Using words like you are expendable, or you are worthless, should be in our vocabulary.

The sad part is that we seem to define ourselves by who we disagree with.

It is OK to disagree, but not to hate.



You are never alone.

You are never unloved.

You are never forsaken.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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