A place to find Hope

Tag: doctor

I Won the War With COVID, and Hoping Everyone Else is Doing Well

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I have had quiet a ride the last week. I was hit hard with COVID. I seem to have won the battle. I see my doctor today to verify that. I am very sure that if I hadn’t taken my shots I would be gone now.


Have you had similar things happen to you? Have you been hit with a sudden illness? You certainly are not alone. Over a million people have died from COVID. Doesn’t seem to be any let up insight.


We need to rely on God. We need to cling to His promises. He is in charge and He will take care of us if we ask.


Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

C.S. Lewis

Pretty much shows us the right path to walk.


Many people feel the world owes them something. What follows is a list of what many people strive for when they have pride.

Manifestations of Pride (appear one at a time)

  • A lack of gratitude in general (2 Chronicles 32:25).
  • Being irritated when people don’t see your gifts, your abilities, or your importance. (1 Corinthians 4:7)
  • Being consumed with what others think (Galatians 1:10)
  • A lack of service (Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 2:10)
  • Being disrespectful to authorities (1 Peter 2:13-17)
  • Not having close relationships (Proverbs 18:1-2, Hebrews 10:24-25). Self-sufficient, don’t need other people.

Do you relate to anything on this lists? If so, do a check on what you need to do to escape this trap.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Hard to Have Pain and No Way to Stop It.

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I have been battling sadness the last few weeks. I have gotten a report that I have a hernia, and the surgeon I met said he won’t do it because of my age and medical condition.

I am seeking a second opinion to see if I can still have the surgery. However, I am feeling very bad that I have to live with the pain, and stop some exercising I was doing.

The doctor prescribed a device for me to wear the rest of my life, that is suppose to “push,” the hernia back into it place. I do not want to wear a device the rest of my life.


Have you struggled with you health like I am doing now? I completely understand the boat you are in. I am on it with you.

I am working hard to be positive throughout all of this. Here are some things I have been leaning on to help me with that:

  1. I need to be thankful that it is only hernia, and try to stop the pity parties. That doesn’t go well with my children.
  2. I need to know that God will provide the answer to all of this.
  3. I need to pray often, and without ceasing for strength.
  4. I need to still go on walks to keep some semblance of strength.


Why don’t you make your own list of ways to plow through your walls you are facing? It made me feel good by doing these for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Ill Can Pull You Down Like a Huge Magnet

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I had an interesting night last night. Many of you may have already done this. I went to a sleep center to spend the night. They are testing to see if I get enough oxygen when I am breathing.

I got there at 8:00pm. The tech lady, told me it would be a short wait because there were other patients waiting. Well, two hours later I get my turn to prepare.

They put every type of wire they could invent on your body. On your head, stomach, and legs. Glad I could not see myself in a mirror. 🙂

I woke up this morning at 6:00am and they sent me home. I won’t know the results until I meet with the doctor.


It is let off steam time for me. Our president said yesterday in a quote. “I refuse to meet the deadline of May 1st to pull out all of troops from Afghanistan.” He doesn’t seem to care about our troops.

President Trump had all of that arranged and now it has disappeared.


Do you often feel overwhelmed when health issues come knocking at your door. I know I do. I have heart problems; hearing loss; bad back, and several other ailments.

It seems that at least once every week, I have a doctor’s appointment. The week of April 4th-10th I have a huge 5 appointments.


If you have similar problems, I certainly hear you. I know it isn’t easy to have so many thorns in your side. It not only is painful, but stressful.

So, how can we overcome all the negative part of life, like health.:

  1. God didn’t promises us a rose garden, and of course there are those pesky torns.
  2. God never has us face more than we can handle. Lean on Him for your strength.
  3. I use my ailments to be a witness to others. I share with them that I do not care to have the ailments, but God has chosen me to calm other people because if it.

Never let ailments, or attacks from the dark side overcome you. With God on your side who can be against you? NO ONE!

Be strong and face the storms head on. By doing this you are a very positive example to those around you who are suffering as well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Going to the Hospital Can be Scary, But Doesn’t Have to Be

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This week is give blood time. Not voluntarily. Had to do a test to see how my blood thinner is doing. Then I had to go to another lab to have a test for a procedure I am doing next Friday.

Between now and next Friday, I have an echo done on my heart . At the heart clinic I was told I was getting a new generator in my defibrillator. I looked shocked and asked what she meant. She laughed and said, “No, no it is the new name for batteries in defibrillators!”

My surgery on Friday is an in and out. Quick replacement of the “generator,” and quick recovery.

I have been having a serious time with dizziness. I hope this procedure will help with that.


Have you had a situation where you have had to do some corrective surgery? Were you worried before the surgery.

I have so many surgeries, I have been OK, and not worried. The people know my by my first name! The last count I had there were 22 incisions in my body. After a while I feel I know more than the surgical people do, and laugh with them during prep.

When I had my first pacemaker put in during the year of 2008. The post op was pretty funny, because the doctor kept telling me the funny things I said during the procedure that had the whole surgical team laughing.

Anywhere I can help!


All we need to do is pray for God to be at our hospital visits, and keep us safe. He will be there the whole time holding your hand.

The time in the hospital is to help you be better. They will do everything they can to get you up and running again and healthy.



Your never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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99% of What We Worry About Never happens

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President Biden has been in office less than a week, and he has signed many executive orders. Executive orders do not need the approval of congress.

Much of what he has signed has wiped out many of the accomplishments of Donald trump. We will see how the people react to that.


My doctor sent me to do blood testing. I got to the lab and the lab technician proceeded to draw blood. She drew and drew!! I looked on the counter where she was placing the vials of blood. There were eight vials filled.

I jokingly asked, “Am I going to need a transfusion.” The person didn’t like my remark, and said there is only eight ounces SO FAR! That’s right, she wasn’t finished yet. She pulled out two more vials that were huge. About the size of a small baby bottle. She filled both of those up.

I got up very slowly knowing I was going to be dizzy, and I was right.

I was able to make it home, and the results are already back. They have me very concerned. Eight of the results were abnormal. I see my doctor again in a month, or sooner if he looks at my tests early.


Have you had this happen to you? Have you had a sudden surprise come upon you? The pandemic has you locked up in your home. The bills are piling up because you can’t work.

We all face unexpected happenings in our lives. It is how we handle them that defines our character.


I have learned that 99% of what we worry about never happens. We worry way too much. We just need to rely on God for the other one percent.

I realize that it is not easy to accept this, but God is in charge.


Never let the dark side overcome you. Go to the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have to Remember God is Near to Help us

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I am tired and weary today. The rigorous days I have faced are slowing me down. I had a doctor’s appointment today that was good news. Sure needed that.


We are close to our second week without knowing who our next president is going to be. There is growing evidence that something is not being done like it should be. My thoughts are that no matter who wins, it has to be fair and square. Not cheating. Time will tell.


I really enjoyed my online church service last Sunday. It stressed calmness, and turning all of our burdens over to God. I have to reminded often about this. I take on way too many burdens that God could be helping me with.

The service online went on to say: We are never alone. One of my closing thoughts on every post I send out to you. Must be true then don’t you think?

Some think Jesus was very alone on the cross. Jesus was fulling human and felt in the ways we do. However, He was not alone. God was there with Him. You have to know that God was in pain watching His only Son die.

My pastor also mentioned that God allowed all the turmoil we are going through right now, because He wanted to bring the world closer together. Makes sense to me.

It’s almost like we have all fallen asleep about God being there for us. We fear everything. We doubt everyone. We are angry way too much.

Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Be anxious about nothing.” That pretty much covers it in my world.

If you have fallen asleep like so many Christians seemed to have done, wake up, it is time to praise the Lord. Do not hold it in any longer!!


I hear you when you say, “I love the Lord, but I am overwhelmed with burdens.”

In this day and age, there seems to be way too many burdens each of us has to carry. Stop in your tracks right now and turn all of them over to God. Now, can’t you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. I do every time I give him my hurts, disappointments and fear.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Surprises Tear Into Our Daily Struggles in Life

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What a day I have had so far. Had a doctor’s appointment early this morning and it was almost frightening.

My doctor surprised me with a dementia test. He was concerned and wanted to see if my thinking process was OK.

He handed me a sheet with several test questions on it. He pointed to the first one where I had to draw a line from dot to dot. Somehow I missed number ten. BUSTED!

Then he had me draw a copy of a square that was on the page. It seemed like an optical illusion to me so I blew it there too. BUSTED!

Then he had me read five words in a row three times. After that he had me repeat them without looking. Got four out of five. PASSED!

Then he had me name three pictures of animals. Peachy easy! Passed.

He went on to me repeating two sentences right after he said them. Aced!! Passed!

He then aske me what year, month and day it was. He finished that part with what day of the week it was. My mind blocked. (I am retired. What do I know about days of the week.) Before he went on I blurted out WEDNESDAY! He allowed that. PASSED IT!

The final question from him was the game changer. If I missed it I failed the test. He asked me what the five words were that he had me say at the beginning of the test. I named four out of five. He said that this test was the best one he had had in many months. PASSED! 27 out of 30!

He suggested that I do a lot of crossword puzzles, and solitaire to keep my brain active. Already doing both of them.


Do you like surprises? Is it hard to accept them? We all have surprises every day. The car won’t start. You turned on the wrong street. You forgot your cell phone. (I do that a lot.)

Surprises are hard, at best, hard to handle, but they come and test us frequently.

We still have our Lord looking out for us even when those pesky surprises attack us. He is there to calm the spirit and let us handle them.


Do not give in to this world. We are not part of it. We are only here for a short while if we believe. The world is a very scary place right now. The pandemic is just getting worse. The rioting has not stopped. Wild fires are still burning. The election is upon us.


We need to remember that God is our fortress during our storms. He will never let us face something that we can not handle. Lean on Him during these troubling times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Think Very Hard Before You Vote. It is a Vital Year


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More doctor appointments today. See my eye doctor this afternoon. He is prepping me for my second cataract surgery.

I went to a neurologist two weeks ago because of a bad tremor in my left hand. She did Botox on it and in the past that worked fine. This time I think it is worse after to procedure. Can’t control my whole left arm much now.


I am not a very political guy, but in four days from now we elect our president. The is the most important election in our countries history. There never has been such a divided country since the Civil War.

Here is my take on it. You don’t have to agree with me, but I need to share.


In 2016 everyone one on the planet thought Hilary Clinton was going to win the election. She didn’t! WHY!

Many so called scholars think it is because God didn’t want her to be president. I tend to agree with that. It really seemed impossible to have a non-politician beat a veteran one. It happened, and Hilary is still complaining today. She thinks he stole the election from her. He didn’t. God gave it to him.

Now it is 2020. Trump is behind in almost every poll out there with only four days left. The odds are against him again. However, it looks like God is on his side, and I predict another with for President trump.

He is heading our country in the right direction. Yes, I do not like him blasting away on Twitter. Yes, he is cruel in calling people names. His personality turns me off, and yet he would be a much better president than Joe Biden, who seems to have a pile of worries coming at him from all directions. Mostly from his own son.


If you haven’t voted, please do. This is a critical election. Each vote counts in the very tight race. Use your right to vote.


How are you handle all this garbage we face each day? We are hit with this election and ads on TV by the millions. We are struggling with the pandemic that seems to be getting worse. The rioting is back worse than ever. Philadelphia is the latest victim.

I wish it all to go away, but it hasn’t so we must buckle up and face the storms head on. This is the time to really lean on God for his comfort and protection. He is a fortress in all this chaos.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We Have Aches and Pains. We Need Reach Out to God for Help


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I have been having a ton of doctor’s appointments lately. I had to go to Neurologist because I had bad tremors on my left hand. She did a Botox procedure on it, and unfortunately it didn’t do anything. I still have my tremor.

Then I went to a throat specialist to see what was wrong with my throat. My voice was raspy and hoarse all the time. The doctor stuck a hose through my nose down into the throat. He said everything looks great there, and that my hoarseness and raspy voice was just due to old age.


That knocked me down a few notches. I went last week to have a procedure to expand my esophagus. That was successful. I not chocking as much. It seems like I have a lot of issues. Last Thursday, I had Cataract surgery on my right eye. It went great and I can see much better with that eye.

They do the left eye in a week.


What is hitting me right between the eyes is that my body isn’t like it was when I was 21. The aging process is hard to take. It slows you down. You have aches and pains. Poor me!


I have just decided that I should be thankful that God has given me another day. He is in charge. He knows my aches and pains. He knows about my throat. He knows about my eyes.

I should be enjoying each day. I should think it is my last, and do everything I can to help others and myself. I need to awake my weary soul and sing praises to the lord.

Are you going through similar things? Do you have more aches and pains than you would like to have? Does the day seem to drag along?


I hear you! It is hard, at best, to live each day this way. The only solution for me is to give all my pain and agony to God. He has big shoulders. He will ease your your pain, and give the love you need to feel.

Be strong for yourself, and for others. It seems to work for me to reach out to someone that is hurting, and give them hope and love. It comes back to me and makes me feel better too.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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