A place to find Hope

Tag: exhausted

Never Forget God During Your Stormy Days

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It has been quite a ride for me the last four weeks. I got COVID on July 3rd, and now I am just at the tail end of Post COVID.

I am down to battling severe fatigue. I get up in the morning and feel pretty good, but by noon, I am exhausted. I see my primary doctor on Friday.


I am repeating a section of a previous post to remind me to stay the course with God.

Remembering God

  1. The way to remember is to keep God’s ways.
  2. The way to remember is to walk on God’s paths.
  3. The way to remember is by not giving any opportunities to forget.
  4. The most important way to remember is by humble surrender.

Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.

C. S. Lewis


I sometimes take God for granted. I know He is there, and I don’t need to bother Him of my needs. That is just the opposite of what God wants. He want us to talk to Him every day.

I now talk to Him every day. I thank Him for his love. I thank Him for His protection. I ask Him to protect my family, and give me ways to serve Him

Doing this every day lets me feel safe and loved.


How is your world turning? Do you have days where you wish you could stay in bed and forget everything else? I have been there.

Always face the storms. Never let the darkside steer you away. God is always with you and will guide your paths. He loves you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Can Cause Anxiety to Skyrocket.

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My take on the Ukraine war.

Russia has lost over 9,000 soldiers in this war. Russian Convoys are stranded because they are out of gas. Tanks are stuck in the mud. Warriors from many other nations are volunteering to help fight with the Ukrainians. Many Russian soldiers are giving up, because they are hungry, and didn’t want to fight in this war.

One Ukrainian pilot personally shot down 6 Russian airplanes.


Please understand that because of the mass numbers of Russian military, (138,000) it looks hopeless for the Ukrainian people.

They need our prayers.


I am not feeling all that well today. My back has erupted, and I seem exhausted even after I thought I had a good nights sleep.

Have you had one of those kind of days yourself? Has the turmoil of our world caused your anxiety to skyrocket? I certainly hear you.

I try to remain positive around people. People I talk to need to hear positive things. Smile at them. It is contagious, and you will probably make their day.

God hears our prayers, so pray without ceasing. Pray for protection. Pray for peace. Pray our government will make good choices. They are many other things to pray for, so make up your own list.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Does Your Routine Pull You Down Like a Magnate?

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I am battling fatigue and pain. My right Achilles tendon is very sore, and I seem exhausted all the time. I see my physical therapist this afternoon to help me with my foot.

Does the daily routine seem to lead to extreme fatigue for you as well? Do you have aches and pains?

You certainly are not alone.

Many people are in this same battle. They feel depressed and wondering why it is happening to them.

What I try to do is some suggestions I have for you to try as well:

  1. Get out and walk. It may be very short at first, but extend yourself everyday, and you will start feeling more energy, and less fatigue.
  2. Stop allowing negative thoughts to enter you brain. Think of only positive thoughts and that will drive the depression away.
  3. Reach out to others and give the help they need. This is one of my favorite things to do. It makes them feel better, and it lifts you up as well.
  4. Know that God is with you 24/7. He knows what you are going through. Lean on Him to give you peace.
  5. Never, ever, give up! Face your storms and conquer them.



You are never alone.

You ar enever forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pain and Agony Comes Knocking at our Door too Often

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I had a nightmarsh day yesterday. I had my normal workout at cardiac rehab and came home very tired.

I thought I was going to be OK for the rest of the night when my wife decided we need to buy a storage shed for our backyard. We went to Home depot and didn’t find what we wanted. I must have covered every inch of that store because I was exhausted.

We then went to Lowes and found what we wanted. It was a storage shed in a box that had to be assembled. (Yippie!)

I was so far gone by the time we got home that I got very upset when my wife said we needed to put the box in the backyard. That box weighed 65 pounds! I tried to get it out of the car and immediately dropped it to the pavement.

We decided to drag to to the back yard. By the time we got where we wanted it I was almost in tears from the pain, and frustration.

I was in terrible pain so I showered and went to bed. I took Tylenol but was awake for several hours because of the pain.


When I woke up this morning I was still in agony, and had to cancel my PT appointment. I am just now starting to feel better with the help of Tylenol.


Have you ever had a day where everything seemed to come crashing down on you? Was it a lost job, or a lost loved one?

These kind of sudden tragedies take a toll on us. We wonder why it is happening to us.

We must always remember that God is always near. He knows our pain and frustrations. He will pull us out of the muck and more and give us hope.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The World Can be Overwhelming if we Let it.

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I had my first appointment for therapy today. I am going there to try to get my balance back, and give me more strength.

It was grueling. The first day they test you to see what your baseline is. I did a fast as I cloud walk. Getting up and sitting down as many times as I could in two minutes! (No helping hands.) I then had to stand for 2 minutes. Then with my eyes closed. I failed that big time.

I then had to raise one leg after I stood. I failed that on both feet.

The last test was a machine that tests your arm and leg strength. It was for only tow minutes, but it seemed like an hour.

I came home exhausted..

I have gone therapy three times, and each time he helps me tremendously to get back my strength and agility.


Have you has days when you thought it was just too overwhelming? Did you feel exhausted way to early in the day?

Stress and fear, can wear the best of people down. It drags us down like a huge magnet.

We allow this to happen. If you thought of only positive things the stress and fear would go away.


Another approach is to give all your stress and fear to God. He has shoulders. He loves you and will protect you whenever you need Him.

Don’t let this, not so friendly, world get you down. Leave the dark side and look for the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Vaccines Are Being Given. Be Patient and Your Time Will Come

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Had a very interesting day and I was blessed much beyond what I deserve.

They are now doing vaccine shots for the COVID-19 virus. They had a list of who gets the shot and when. I was a ways down the list. My wife and I decided we would attempt to get one anyway. They have a huge vaccination center at our State Fairgrounds.

We went a different route to get there faster. That was a very wise choice. (God directed us) The lines of cars to get into the grounds was at least a mile long coming towards us, but our line was very short.

The light changed to green, but the the traffic from the other way attempted to keep turning in. My wife became a race track driver at that time and forced her way ahead of a car that had no business trying to cut us off. Of course that person gave a friendly salute with her hand. 🙂

The line from there was tremendous. About another mile long, but we were moving forward pretty fast.

W got to the correct parking lot, and saw people scurrying towards the building where the shots were being given out.

I knew a wouldn’t be able to move fast, so I used my walker to guide me. That turned out to be a blessing from God.

We got to the end of the line, and I sat down on my walker exhausted. We were very slowly moving up when a Private First Class National Guards man came up and told us to follow him. We went through a side door. He talked to the directing nurse and she waved us through.

The PFC took us to a side room that was set up for handicapped people. Only those who were struggling could go in that area.

We were in there 20 minutes, and was done. We had to wait one half hour in an area to make sure we didn’t have any reactions.

We got there at 8:00am and was done at 9:04am. We saw the same people who was in line when we came up to the building still waiting to get in.


So what does this mean:

If I hadn’t decided to use the walker I have still been there waiting my turn. I think God pocked me and said take the walker.

I decided? God, decided that I needed to wear a hat in case it was chilly. The hat I wore was a military hat for the Army.

The PFC was able to see the hat through all the people and came out to help me.

+ A side note is that the vaccine center closed two hours after we were done, because they switched to only giving care givers the shots. Another blessing from God.


God was completely in charge yesterday and I thank Him for His guidance and love.


We have no side effects from the shot. Another blessing from God.

How are you doing? Have the burdens of this world been weighting you down like a huge magnate? You certainly are not alone. There is wide spread chaos throughout the world. (The end times?)

Be strong. Face the storm, and cling to God’s promises. He loves you. He made you in His image, and God never makes mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Bad Things Happen When you Least expect it.

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Had a very intersting weekend. Went and stayed in Portland for my niece’s wedding. Yes, that is the Portland that has had 101 straight days of rioting. Well, we hit it lucky. The smoke from the wild fires in Oregon was so thick, the rioters were too much of cowards to come out and play. Of course they were back in full force today.

Ted Wheeler, (Weak Man) told the Portland Police they couldn’t use tear gas anymore because it was too harmful. So the Federal Agents protecting the Federal buildings used it instead. I love it!!

I know this all sounds harsh, but people have died; businesses have been destroyed, and many police were hurt.


Let’s move on to happier moments.

Like I said, we were there for my niece’s wedding. It was a very beautiful wedding held in a very small church that is a histroical meusum. It had the old wooden pews with carvings on them. The walls were wooden, The platform was very small, but fit for this small wedding.

My grand Nephew carried the rings. He released the tension a little by dropping the rings not once but twice. His mom just laughed and kept doing her vows.

My wife lost one of her diamond ear rings, so there was some panic for a while. As I was out to the car checking there, I asked the lord to guide us to the ring.

When I got back one of the attendies found it outside in the rain. My wife was overwhelmed with joy. Thank you Lord.


Then we went to the reception

It was held at the top steak place in town called, The Morton’s. There was much relaxing, and laughing during this time. People who didn’t know each other mingled, and we all were one by the time it was over.

There were some interesting things that happened during the gathering. I was the center of two of them. About half way through the toasting I knocked over my champaigne glass, and it went all over my shirt and suit pants. That was extremenly imbrassing, but my wife was very kind and consoled me.

Then a few mintues later, I knocked over my water glass. It spilled all over where the wine had spilled. I joked, ” I did that on purpose to wash out the chanpaigne!” I was very silent much of the rest of the time, because I felt so badly about what I had done.


We eat the wedding cake, said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel.

I was beyond exhausted at that time, and got ready for bed immediatley. My wife was busy getting cloths back to her sister we had stored for them.

Finally got into bed and concked out fast. Half way through the night I fell out of bed and hit my head on the end table by the bad. Got a bump on my head, but I am OK now, because I am back in my lovely home resting up.


Have you been through sudden stress like I went through heavy stress three times in one day?

Have you wondered why me? I did. I kept asking the Lord to help me through everything, and he did. Everytime I had a crises someone came to me to give me encouragement. When I fell out of my bed, Charlotte was right there helping me.


We all face stress.

There will be stormy days where it seems nothing is going right. You may even feel like you should have stayed in bed on those days.

God is always there for you.

He never leaves you. He is just a prayer away. Don’t be discouraged. God will not let you go through anything He feels you can not handle.


Be strong. Do not let the dark side overcome you. Seek the light at all times.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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