A place to find Hope


December Has The Shortest Light of the Year, But then it’s January.

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Still struggling. the physical therapy I did on Wednesday threw me for a loop. Very sore muscles the next day. Yesterday, I tried to walk on a tread mill, and I could do 10 minutes. I was very disappointed, but then I realized that I did 10 minutes, which is better than zero.


You have to think of things in a positive was.

  1. Instead of we lost, what did you learn from the experience?
  2. It is better to have loved and lost than to never have been loved at all.
  3. December 21st will be the shortest, darkest, light of the year, but on the 22nd it starts getting lighter longer.
  4. If you ever fail, wake up and try again.


I am sure you can add to the list. Do that today.


Have you had some dark days like it during December? Fear not! There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Just keep going, and things will change. Storms come, but they go away.

By the way…God is with you every step you take. He will guide through the rough paths you have to walk. He will never cause you to face something you can’t handle.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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I Thought I was a Dead Man Walking.

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Sorry I missed a couple of posts. I was in the hospital.

Here is the whole story…

I started having dark stools. I mean pitch black. I called the gastro clinic, and tried to make an appointment. The lady that answered looked for some openings and told me it would be a least a month out to get an appointment. She then told me that she would put me on long a waiting list, and hope for an opening would come from a cancelation.

I thought it would be dangerous to wait that long and was checking other cities for their gastro people.

Before I could make an appointment, the same lady called me back and said there was a cancelation. THAT HAD TO BE GOD!!

I got in to a PA lady, and she told me that I needed to go to the ER. I asked why. She said it would take to long to treat me there.

So, my wife and I went to the ER. When we got there the waiting was pretty light. It still took us three hours to get in.

I got in and a lady doctor came in and asked me questions, and said turn over. She whipped my rear and walked out. (Embarrassing moment.)

They decided I needed to have the resident gastro doctor come in to see me. He did come in and asked a bunch of questions. He decided I needed to have him look inside me, and that would happen within the next hour.

The time came and they sent me to la-la land. When I woke up they told me that I had four polyps in my stomach that was causing the bleeding. They took them all out and said I should be OK.

They kept me over night to make sure that it was success. My next “sit down,” showed a beautiful brown stool.

I was able to go home later that day.


This was pretty traumatic for me. This is because they told me what it could be before they did the procedure. I didn’t like any of the choices.

Colon cancer

Stomach cancer



It was none of the above..

It was that the polyps were bleeding.


Have you had something similar to this? Have you wondered if you were going to be OK?

FEAR NOT!! I have no question in my mind that God was in charge in my situation.

  1. a canceled appointment the same day I called? Impossible!
  2. They found nothing from their scary list? Amazing!
  3. The quick recovery? Thank you Lord!

God made everything work for me, and He will for you too. You just have to believe He will.


Never think everything is lost. God is right there with you. He will guide you through the storms.

I always say, 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.


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Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Frightening, in the End, We Win.

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What a world we live in! Wars and rumors of wars. A pandemic taking many lives. A severely divided country, and much more. God has it all planned, and all the worrying we can muster will not change that.


I would rather take care of those around me. I have reached an age that is getting difficult, but I will not waver until my last breath!


The war in Ukraine is devastating, and horrific. However, what it has done is united many countries together. This is the most unity we have had in years and years.

This could be God’s plan for us. The Bible refers to the great enemy of Gog. Today that would be Russia. According to that same Bible they will be destroyed.

Worrying should not be in our lives. Things will be amazingly wonderful in the end. The shortest verse in the Bible is, FEAR NOT!

Cling to God’s promises and be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Ukraine Needs Our Prayers and Love to Sustain Them

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It has been very frightening for the people of Ukraine. They have a huge Army trying to defeat them. So far they are hanging tough, but there are thousands of Russian military heading for the capital.


It is easy to sit here in the United States and think, I feel badly for them, but I am safe here. We should never forget them. There are thousands of Christians there that will severely be persecuted and killed.


Pray for God’s intervention. Pray that He will protect the people of Ukraine. We may have to defend our own country some day.


How is your world turning? Do you want it to stop so you can get off? This hotel called earth, is become very hostile and sad. Many would want to check out.


Rest on the love of God. He knows what is happening. He knows our fears. The shortest verse in the Bible says, “Fear not!”

Don’t let the dark side overcome you with fear. God is in charge. We just have to be faithful and abide in Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Signs of Hope is Needed for Life, Military, and Seniors.

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I am very tired today so my spellcheck better work. 🙂

I am getting to the age where every new day is a blessing. I am almost through with my second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

It is a book for the veterans who are struggling with life. It covers PTSD, TBI, Depression, anxiety, etc. It also shares live for me while I was in the military. Some funny and not so funny stories there.

Go to…www.dougbolton.com to find out more about the book.


My next book will be called, Signs of Hope for Seniors: The Alligators that Chase us. I am an expert on that since I am 82 years old and counting.

It will talk about aging, of course, but also about loneliness, health issues, depression, lack of memory, being sent to assisted living, and many more of the usual suspects for seniors.


Also…stay tuned here for excerpts from my first book, which won and national award, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

It is perfect timing for the way that our world is today. It speaks about being strong when the storms of life try to overcome us. It shares ways to stand up to the rush of daily problems.

I will share my first excerpt in my next post on Monday. So keep coming back to check them out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


How is it going for you today? Too overwhelming? Too much sorrow and not much joy?


God is in charge !!! He knows what your hurts are. He know what causes you pain. He knows every single hair on your head. Turn to Him during your storms of life. Pray for His protection. Ask Him to hold your hand and guide you down the right paths.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have Nothing At All to Fear, But Fear Itself

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You have heard of lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Well, what about threat of war, pandemic, and gouging prices increases, Oh My! I may want to choose the first choice.

This may not be a fun time to be alive in this world. So many things to cause fear. Fear is our worst enemy right now.


So what in the world can we do?

  1. Do not worry about tomorrow. Today has enough worries to handle.
  2. Worry is the darkroom where negatives are developed.
  3. Know that God is always there by your side to help you through the storms of life.
  4. Be strong for others and it will rub off on you.
  5. God will never you put you into anything you can not handle. That is Satan’s job.


Are you overwhelmed with the fear of the unknown? Does each day seem to be too much for you?


That is the shortest verse in the Bible. It also is the strongest in my opinion. Never give in the the dark side of Satan. He would love you put you up on his wall as a trophy.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Everything That Can go Wrong Probably Will

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I had four days of exercise last week. At my age you would think that I was almost dead. 🙂 However, I now feel stronger, and will be doing four more days of exercise this week. We will see what happens.


I am sharing another excerpt from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.


Chapter 2

Everything that Can Go Wrong Probably Will

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;

 he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

Murphy must have been a sad soul. We all live by the laws he created for us. It seems that we blame everything that goes wrong on Murphy’s Law.

You’ve had those days. You get up in the morning and start out happy as a clam. (Not sure how happy that is.) You have some errands to do, and you begin to do them.

You run out of gas, or you have a flat tire. You forgot your grocery list. The item you thought was on sale wasn’t. There is an accident on the freeway, and you are stuck for hours.

Ever had those kinds of days? Let me tell you about mine! I had volunteered to help my son Greg out when he vacationed in Disneyland with my granddaughter Molly. I told him I would pick up his mail every day, put the garbage cans back on Tuesday, and feed Charlie the cat all week.

Everything went well Sunday through Tuesday. But on Wednesday, the worst thing happened. I lost the door key. I had it in my summer shorts when I went to shower. I took off the shorts, showered, and then put on a clean pair of shorts. I left the house and headed over to my son’s house.

Charlie was waiting for me, and already had started his purring sound to let me know he was glad to see me. I got the mail, walked up to the door and reached into my pocket to get the key. It wasn’t there. Charlie was looking up at me looking like, “Why are you taking so long to open the door?”

“Sorry Charlie,” I muttered, sounding like a tuna commercial. “I have to go back home and get the key.” He wasn’t very happy with me as I walked to my car. I felt badly.

I got home and looked everywhere for the key. It was nowhere in sight. I even dumped out the hamper where the dirty clothes were. Zilch! Notta! Ouch!

I remembered that we had a bunch of extra keys in the desk drawer that had no names on them. I dug all of them out and drove back to my son’s house. You guessed it: None of them worked!

I was desperate by this time. I thought that I might have to call a locksmith, or call my son and have him Fed Ex his keys to me.

I prayed for help from God and immediately thought of calling my wife Charlotte to see if she had any ideas. (This was my close encounter with God.) I probably sounded shook up when she answered the phone—maybe because my only words were, “Now what do I do?”

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“I’ve lost the key to the house, and the cat food is on the inside.”

Without hesitating, she suggested, “Go to the grocery store and buy another bag of cat food and feed Charlie outside. He’s an outside cat anyway. Greg can make a new key when he gets home.”

Charlie was really mad at me when I left the second time without feeding him. I returned with a tasty tuna and salmon meal (yum). He gobbled it up and was purring again when I left.

Of course, going to the grocery store was the obvious choice. (You realize, of course, that I actually knew it all along. I was just testing Charlotte.) The important thing was that the answer came after I had prayed for help. Charlotte was the messenger, but God answered the prayer.

God can answer prayers in many ways. It can be directly, or it can be through someone else. Charlotte was my answer to prayer. She knew the easy solution I needed, but I wasn’t able to think of.

Do you call on God to help you when you have a problem, or do you panic like I did? (God has a speed dial you know.) At least, I knew I couldn’t do it on my own and turned to God for help. The calming feeling that came as soon as I finished praying was very reassuring.

It was in God’s hands, and I knew something good would happen. Charlie got fed, and I have a whole bag of cat food for future lockouts.

Don’t let obstacles stop you. Turn your problems over to God. Let Him figure out a solution. It may not come as fast as mine did, but He will work it out the way He knows is best for you.

Since I am on the subject of prayer, please don’t just call on God when there is a problem. Talk to God every day. He loves to hear from you.

I know it is hard to pray when you are at work. It is hard to pray while you are driving. But you know what? When you are driving might be the best time to pray. It is when you are likely to be tense and need a calming spirit. A guy is blowing his horn behind you. Pray seeking patience because you do not know what is going on in this man’s life. He may want to get home because his wife called and is ready to have their first baby. Wouldn’t you be honking?

Prayer should be done without ceasing. Pray each and every day. Use it to praise God. Use it to thank Him for your good health. Use it to pray for peace. Whatever is on your mind, God wants to hear from you. It should be like He is sitting in the room with you. Carry on a conversation with Him.

Do not be anxious about anything,

but in everything, by prayer and petition,

with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,

will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6–7

Further Adventures

Have you gone along in life thinking that everything is fine, only to have a day that makes you realize that the world is not always a rose garden? First of all, remember that we can’t look at everything through rose-colored glasses.

Second, when a bad day comes knocking at your door like it was your long-lost relative, make sure it understands that it can only stay for that day. Then boot it out at the end of the day by giving it over to God in prayer. You should never let your bad days stay longer than they should.

Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny that we always have a direct line to God, but we sometimes think the connection is dead?


I will be sharing more excerpts in the future so keep coming back. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will directly to your inbox.


Does it seem like the storms are coming too often? Would you rather stay in bed all day?


God is with you 24/7. He will never forsake you. Lean on Him as your fortress. Never give in to the darkside.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Are You Tired of Going Round and Round in This World?

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It has been a quiet day today. (Sure need those from time to time.) I just finished my post at www.dougbolton.com. Go there to see my latest excerpt from my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

If you or anyone you know are military. This is the site for you.


Here is another excerpt from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in This Unfriendly World.


Chapter 1

Stop the World and Let Me Off. I’m Tired of Going ’Round and ’Round

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 34:18

I was out of control. The sobbing filled my eyes with tears. I couldn’t see the road ahead of me as I drove my Explorer.

Everything seemed to be going wrong in my life. I had quit two jobs because of guilt. I even failed at running my own business. I quit the two jobs because I had to sell something to customers and I had a hard time trying to force people to buy something they may not really need.

The business that failed was a cash flow venture that helped businesses have a better flow of money while they waited for their accounts receivables to come in. I left that venture because I again had to convince people to take part in something they may not have needed.

Depression, self doubt, fear, anxiety, and even hopelessness, overcame me until I was in the pit of despair. I was a happily married man with three children and several grandchildren. I had a wonderful 25-year teaching career. Why was I feeling so low? Why did I feel so unloved?

All I wanted to do was to stop the madness and check out of this wretched hotel called Earth! I pulled my SUV into a high school parking lot in a secluded area. I was ready to commit suicide. The date was March 31, 2001. The next day was April Fools Day. A very fitting time to have your life end, don’t you think?

I did have the common sense to call my wife Charlotte. She came quickly to where I was. She calmed me down enough to where I thought I could drive myself home. After she left, I sat there behind the steering wheel still crying, and then I yelled, “God, I can’t take this anymore!”

In a flash, there was calmness in me. It even felt different in the vehicle. The air was fresher and cooler. It was as if God were saying, “It’s about time you came back to Me. I have been waiting for you. Let Me carry you the rest of the way.”

My life changed that day. I gave my life back to God.

I had been a Christian since I was about 16. But I was the poster child for a lukewarm Christian.

Yes, I went to church and made sure my children went also, but I wouldn’t say I was a perfect example for them. I rose up in my church to where I was the Sunday school superintendent and on the important Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, but in my heart I didn’t put God first.

On Sundays, I stayed home if there was a good football game on. You didn’t have to go to church every Sunday, did you? God let me know I did. He also let me know of a new direction for me to go.

Why had I allowed myself to fall to such a low spot? Why had I drifted so far away from God?

The answer my friend is I was in a battle with many afflictions like self-doubt, anxiety, etc. Those aren’t fancy medical terms like cardiovascular disease or leukemia, but they are just as deadly. These demons of the mind can control your life to the point where you are not functional. It can cause you to hide from the world and let your life go on unnoticed until you die. It can push you to ending your own life.

This book is for those who want to discuss all the enemies of man like self-doubt, fear of failure, divorce, death in the family, and many others. I want to share with you how God used me to write this book, and how He pulled me out of the muck and mire.

The walls we put up in life can be caused by a loss of a loved one or extreme trauma. We can put them up because of sexual abuse, inappropriate or unclear expectations, divorce, poverty, violence in the family, family addiction or environment.

Do you often feel like you don’t want to go to work? Are there times when you feel like you would rather stay in bed and not face the world? Have you fallen into the pit of despair without even knowing why you did? Have you ever felt lost—and alone?

You are not alone! Close to 19 million American adults, or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older, suffer from some kind of handicapping mental disorder in a given year.1

Now that I have totally broken you down—there is hope! There are treatments that can help you. See your doctor to find what treatment is best for you. Then go to where there is eternal treatment, and that is through your loving heavenly Father.

The first part of this book talks about putting on God’s armor and fighting against the many mental afflictions. This information is from the horse’s mouth. That would be me. I have gone through many battles of my own. I have felt lost, and I thought that there was nowhere to go. I lived that way for many years. I existed from day to day, struggling with my emotions. I found out that I didn’t need to go through the torture. I had places I could go for help. I found out what they were, and I invite you to find out too.

            Bare with me! There is a happy ending.

“I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him and restore comfort to him, creating praise on the lips of the mourners in Israel. Peace, peace, to those far and near,” says the Lord. “And I will heal them.”

Isaiah 57:18–19

Further Adventures

You know how easy it is to let your emotions take over in your life. You’ve been there. It is too easy to let the little things grow from molehills to mountains. When each trial comes up, try to put it into perspective. Is it something that is going to be life-changing? Is it something you can’t handle yourself?

You could tell in this chapter that I couldn’t handle what was happening to me, and what happened next? I felt God was changing me.

Stop in the middle of your grief and say, “Why am I so out of control? What can I do to stop this madness?” The answer was easy for me. I ran to God like a long lost prodigal son, and He opened His arms and took me back in like any father would do with his own son. You should do the same: Run to God and let Him carry you the rest of the way through your life like He is doing for me.

Something to Ponder

Isn’t it funny how we let the smallest winds grow into a full-blown storm?


I will be sharing more excerpts in the future so keep coming back. Better yet..go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox. You will glad you did.


Battling the darkside? Things seem too scary for you right now?



He will not let you be tempted any more than you can handle. Lean on Him to be your fortress, and protector.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Do Not Have to Fear Anything, But God

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I am going to be on a rant today. There are so many things I do not like:

  1. I do no t like the pandemic.
  2. I d not like the bickering and shouting in congress.
  3. I do not like the so called authority figures trying to tell parents what to do with their children in school.
  4. I do not like how our government is running things.
  5. I do not like, not liking things!

I have to realize, and I have said this almost every post, GOD IS IN CHARGE!!

His answer to all of my do nots, is “I am taking care of it.”

So just how much power does God really have?…

The Stars haven’t always been there. God created them. The earth hasn’t always been there, God created it. The universe is vast, and unending. He created it.

Just think how much power it took to do all of that.

So, if you fear facing the day. If you would rather stay under the covers all day. If the fear is just too much for you. You do not have to fear anything, but God.

As long as we believe in God and Jesus, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38-39.)

Stand strong and never give into the dark side.



You are never alone.

You are never fosaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, everm give up!


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It is Hard to be Positive in This Not so Friendly World

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More updates from Afghanistan.

Horrible reports are coming in. The most aggreges one is that a woman who was cooking for the Taliban was burned alive because she didn’t cook the way they wanted her to.

Many more horrible stories coming in I will not share, because of the graphic scenes it may cause.

I try to think on as many positives things as I can. I think we need to lighten up the dark side a little.

I had to miss two weeks of church while on vacation, last week. It was very hard to do that. I need to keep hearing about the good things God is doing for us.


Here are some good things God does for us.

  1. He loves us unconditionally.
  2. He protects us from the dark side.
  3. His Son died so that we may have eternal life.
  4. When storms come, He is there holding our hand and helping us through them.


Have you had some storms come into your life? has it been a rough road for you?

FEAR NOT! The shortest verse in the Bible comes from Jesus Himself. He is there with us 24/7.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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