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The title of my blog is “Daily signs of hope,” I want to share some things that share hope.


  1. Every storm has an ending.
  2. Even the worst days are better than no days.
  3. Be thankful for your family.
  4. Get rid of the negative thoughts in your head, and replace them with positive thoughts.
  5. Reach out to help others. It makes them, and you, feel better.
  6. Go for long walks, even in the rain. It clears out all the garbage in your head.
  7. Call someone to brighten their day.
  8. Walk the walk and talk the talk.
  9. 99% of what we worry about never happens. Give the rest to God.
  10. Always know that God is with you 24/7. Call on Him to protect you.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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