A place to find Hope

Tag: God is near

Life Can be Very Straining, But God is There

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It has been an interesting week for me. I go to physical therapy twice a week, and today my therapist did a mid term test on me. It was excruciating. She had me get up and sit back down as many times as I could in a minute. No help from your hands. I was worn out at the end, but she told I blew away my first test. YES!

Then she had me try to stoop down and pick up things on the floor. This is one of my tough problems. I was able to pick up what she had on the floor for me.

Then she took me outside and had me walk back and forth in a given area, and go back and forth as many times as I could in two minutes. I greatly improved in that as well.

Then she had me do a gruelling two minutes test on a stationary bicycle with the tension very high. I suffered through this test and she called it a day. She said she was very pleased with my progress.


Have you been through grueling tests in life? Were they almost unbearable? Look at it this way. God is testing you. It may not be your midterms, but he is testing to see if your are faithful. He is testing to see if you are strong spiritually. He wants the best for you, and He feels He needs to prepare you for what live has for you.

Don’t get angry when things are hard. Just work hard to overcome them with God’s help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God is With You During the Good Times and the Bad

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I have been through a rollercoaster ride.

Yesterday, I went to have oral surgery on my teeth. They wanted to take two teeth out that were infected.

I got there and they started the painkiller injections. The doctor stopped when he thought he had done enough. he started chipping off some of the top of the teeth. I winched, and he said, “Need more shots!”

He gave me another one and started to pull one of the teeth out. I had pain again, so he stopped and said, “Many people have this problem. We will need to use a general anesthetic. We will reschedule you for later today.

As you know the injections are the worst of the procedure. All lost!!

I came back at the appointed time and we started over. They put me in la la land and I slept well, (Because it was my normal nap time anyway. 🙂

I woke up and they said everything went well.

It was a real joy to use the general anesthetic. I suggest you all do that.

The great thing was that I have not pain whatsoever today I am feeling good, and ready to take on the world.


I must also suggest that I am sure God was there with me. He is everywhere right?

Knowing that He was there was very soothing to me, and helped the procedure to not overcome me.

Have you had times when you needed God to be there with you? Did your feel that He was?

Always know that He is. He is with you no matter where you are. (So be good for goodness sake.) 🙂



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever give up!


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Thank God For Today. You Never know if it’s your Last

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Another beautiful day here. Few clouds, and a high of 75. Nothing can go wrong right?

Well, we know that isn’t true. Things can go belly up pretty fast.


I remember horrific stories from the day the twin towers were destroyed. Many dead, and lots of saddened hearts.

However, did you hear some of the miracle happenings?

A woman stopped at a shoe story on her way to work, and was there long enough to miss the danger.

A man made a wrong turn and drove away from the disaster.

A mother had to stay home because her child was sick.

A man was in a car accident. No one hurt, but he is still alive today.


God was working for many people. These are just a few of the positive stories from that day.

Why did God pick these people to be saved? We may never know. However, everyone of them had their lives change.


It is hard to comprehend why some things happen. I have turned down the wrong street myself, only to read in the paper the next day about a deadly crash happening on the street I was to be on at the same time as I was going by.


Here’s what I think…

Thank God for every day He gives you. He still has plans for you.

Never be upset if you are late for anything. There may be a reason.

Love your family more each day they are with you.

Always know that God is near. He is with you wherever you go.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Have to Remember God is Near to Help us

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I am tired and weary today. The rigorous days I have faced are slowing me down. I had a doctor’s appointment today that was good news. Sure needed that.


We are close to our second week without knowing who our next president is going to be. There is growing evidence that something is not being done like it should be. My thoughts are that no matter who wins, it has to be fair and square. Not cheating. Time will tell.


I really enjoyed my online church service last Sunday. It stressed calmness, and turning all of our burdens over to God. I have to reminded often about this. I take on way too many burdens that God could be helping me with.

The service online went on to say: We are never alone. One of my closing thoughts on every post I send out to you. Must be true then don’t you think?

Some think Jesus was very alone on the cross. Jesus was fulling human and felt in the ways we do. However, He was not alone. God was there with Him. You have to know that God was in pain watching His only Son die.

My pastor also mentioned that God allowed all the turmoil we are going through right now, because He wanted to bring the world closer together. Makes sense to me.

It’s almost like we have all fallen asleep about God being there for us. We fear everything. We doubt everyone. We are angry way too much.

Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Be anxious about nothing.” That pretty much covers it in my world.

If you have fallen asleep like so many Christians seemed to have done, wake up, it is time to praise the Lord. Do not hold it in any longer!!


I hear you when you say, “I love the Lord, but I am overwhelmed with burdens.”

In this day and age, there seems to be way too many burdens each of us has to carry. Stop in your tracks right now and turn all of them over to God. Now, can’t you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. I do every time I give him my hurts, disappointments and fear.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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