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Finally found out what was happening with my hip. Ex-rays shows that I have arthritis. I trying to decide if that is a bad thing or a good thing. I was told I may need surgery for a bad hip.

I have meds to help with the pain, so I guess I will be Ok.


Where does it say we need to agree to all the mess we are going through? I am tired of the excuses our government is giving us for the high inflation, disaster at the southern border, high crimes rates, etc.

They are trying to tell me that it is OK to pay $50.00 to fill my car up with gas. It is not oK!


I have solutions to almost everything above, but I am sure it would fall on deaf ears.

So what do we do to survive in this not so friendly world?


  1. Take one day at a time. Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow it has enough worries on it own.”
  2. Read the Bible every day! It has all the comfort and truth you need.
  3. Face the storms of life head on. After all with God on your side, who can be against you?
  4. Help others who are struggling. It helps them and you too.
  5. Pray for God’s protection.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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