A place to find Hope

Tag: guidance

We Need to Hold on Tight During Turmoils of Today

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It is pretty rough for me right now. I have serious shortness of breath problems. Can’t even walk across a room. Going to have a nuclear stress test on Thursday, and go over the results with my cardiologist the next day. Hopefully we will come up with something.


I have been blessed by being asked to be a host on our online church services. That means I watch the service at home, and react to questions followers there may have.

On my very first assignment a man asked for prayer. I connected with him. He didn’t respond to anything I said, but I prayed for him on the screen anyway. I will follow up to see if he responded later yesterday.

+He did not, but I know the seed is planted.


Things seem to be running fast in the wrong direction in our country and all over the world. The liberal wing is pressing hard to cause an upheaval in our nation. They want to change laws. They want to slow down the building of the wall at the border.

The list goes on and on. We just have to pray for guidance during these troubling times.


It is hard, at best, to cope with life, when we have the pandemic, and many other problems in our lives. I just cling to the robe of God, and pray for help.

We need to stop looking at things with our rose colored glasses. The real world can be dark and dreary. We can remain strong with the help of our Heavenly Father.


Have you been running from the dark side? Have you feared what is ahead for you? I certainly hear you. I have my days of doubt, and discouragement.

The ace up my sleeve is God. He is with me wherever I go. He guides me through the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our Educational System is Brainwashing Our Children to the Dark Side


It has come to mind that our higher education schools have taken a huge turn to the dark side.

I read that a student received an “F”grade because he wrote a paper that disagreed with the professors thoughts on Christianity.

Another time a professor verbally attacked a student for verbally doing the same thing.

This is widespread. Most colleges and universities have leaned to the liberal, not religion school.

Students are brainwashed from the first day of class.


I graduated from Oregon State University way back in 1973. There weren’t too many professors who pushed their own philosophies. I do remember one who hinted at that and the whole class let him know they weren’t interested.

Today, not many students stand up for what they believe. They fear repercussions.


I tell any high school graduate getting ready to go to college, to do their own thinking. They don’t have to disagree with their professors, but they can walk the right path on their own.


I have been watching the news. (I know, bad idea!) I see more and more that the media is leaning towards completely change our country into a socialist country.

More often than not, they say it is what is best for our country. Free college. Continue abortion and even expand it. Close all pipelines. The new “Green Deal.”

It goes on and on. They even want to get rid of cows because they omit gas to pollute.


Back to basics my friends.

We need to read the Bible and adhere to it teachings. We can’t listen to man. Humans are corrupt, and are thinking about themselves and not others.

Everyday I pray that the national and local governments will make decisions that benefit the people and not themselves. Not happened yet.

We have to have good governments for our children, and their children. We need to turn this earth around and start going into the right direction.


How do we do this?

  1. It starts in your own home. Instill into your own children what you know is right, and then they will spread it to their own families. I have done this with my children, and I am so proud to say that all my children and their spouses are Christians, and so are all of their children.
  2. Lead by example. Try to teach, “Monkey see and monkey do,” attitude. When they watch you, are you giving off the right message?
  3. Try to have your family go to church every Sunday. I know that just going to church does not make you a Christian, but I have found that mixing with other Christians at least once a week, does wonders for me. I gain strength that lasts me for the week.


What path are you walking? Does it lead you to the light, or is it a dead end. Take an inventory of your life, and see if you need to do same changes. Pray to God for guidance.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Vaccines Are Being Given. Be Patient and Your Time Will Come

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Had a very interesting day and I was blessed much beyond what I deserve.

They are now doing vaccine shots for the COVID-19 virus. They had a list of who gets the shot and when. I was a ways down the list. My wife and I decided we would attempt to get one anyway. They have a huge vaccination center at our State Fairgrounds.

We went a different route to get there faster. That was a very wise choice. (God directed us) The lines of cars to get into the grounds was at least a mile long coming towards us, but our line was very short.

The light changed to green, but the the traffic from the other way attempted to keep turning in. My wife became a race track driver at that time and forced her way ahead of a car that had no business trying to cut us off. Of course that person gave a friendly salute with her hand. 🙂

The line from there was tremendous. About another mile long, but we were moving forward pretty fast.

W got to the correct parking lot, and saw people scurrying towards the building where the shots were being given out.

I knew a wouldn’t be able to move fast, so I used my walker to guide me. That turned out to be a blessing from God.

We got to the end of the line, and I sat down on my walker exhausted. We were very slowly moving up when a Private First Class National Guards man came up and told us to follow him. We went through a side door. He talked to the directing nurse and she waved us through.

The PFC took us to a side room that was set up for handicapped people. Only those who were struggling could go in that area.

We were in there 20 minutes, and was done. We had to wait one half hour in an area to make sure we didn’t have any reactions.

We got there at 8:00am and was done at 9:04am. We saw the same people who was in line when we came up to the building still waiting to get in.


So what does this mean:

If I hadn’t decided to use the walker I have still been there waiting my turn. I think God pocked me and said take the walker.

I decided? God, decided that I needed to wear a hat in case it was chilly. The hat I wore was a military hat for the Army.

The PFC was able to see the hat through all the people and came out to help me.

+ A side note is that the vaccine center closed two hours after we were done, because they switched to only giving care givers the shots. Another blessing from God.


God was completely in charge yesterday and I thank Him for His guidance and love.


We have no side effects from the shot. Another blessing from God.

How are you doing? Have the burdens of this world been weighting you down like a huge magnate? You certainly are not alone. There is wide spread chaos throughout the world. (The end times?)

Be strong. Face the storm, and cling to God’s promises. He loves you. He made you in His image, and God never makes mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Let God Show You the Path so You can Face the World

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Had an interesting day yesterday. I had cataract surgery on my right eye. It went very smoothly and my eye is getting better by the minute. I am able to do this post today.

I had to miss my Wednesday post because of several reasons. Sorry about that.


While I was waiting to go in for surgery, I had the usual worrying moments. That is when I always hit back saying, God is in charge!!

The surgery was done so well, and I have not pain today at all.

Why do we get worked up over things that don’t really happen. In my first book I have a chapter called, “Worry is the Dark Room Where Negatives Develop.” That is so true and we can really worry ourselves to death.

I have had too many times when I wasted my time worrying. I have found that 99% of what we worry about never happens. Just give the rest to God.


I agree that there are many things that people worry about today. The pandemic, rioting, wild fires, the election, etc.

Each one of those can cause people to overheat. They try to face each day, but it sometimes gets too overwhelming. Panic comes and there are many problems with people rebelling, and attacking anything that represents the government. Even policemen are attacked. Several have died during the rioting.

My feelings on this are not panic, but determination to keep calm and face each day with positive thoughts. My children really have noticed that.

They look up to me for guidance. I certainly not an expert, but I share that God is with us, and He will never give us more than we can handle.


I certainly have reasons to complain! I am on a complete lock down. I have health issues, that my doctor says makes me a prime target for the virus. I will not survive if I get it.

What do I do?? I cling to God’s promises, and keep going forward directly into the storm.


How are you doing? Is the current status of our country overwhelming you? Do you want to stay in bed and not face the day?

I hear you, but you have to have courage and take on the world with God on your side. He is with you 24/7. He will guide you down the right path to safety.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never ever give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.

Have You Ever Lost Something Precious to You?

Had a wonderful message this morning from my online church. The theme was not to forget those who are not saved.

Pastor Chris started out with a question. Have any of you lost something that was precious to you?

He shared a story about his three year old son who went missing while they were at a restaurant. The Pastor panicked when a waitress asked them if they were missing a child. They realized that they were. She said “There is a boy out in the drive through in front of the cars.”

Pastor Chris leaped over a barrier to the drive through and sure enough. There was his son, with not a care in the world, admiring the flowers along the drive through.

He ran to him grabbed him and held him his arms. He kissed him and was too relieved to be angry.

What if a driver was looking down when they pulled out and didn’t see the boy???

They saved their precious child.

I have had not one, but to things have I lost that are precious to me.

The first one was my four year old son. We were at Disney Land. We were walking through all the hundreds of people when my wife said “Where is KC?”

He was gone! I couldn’t see him in the mass of humanity. We panicked and rushed to the “lost child,” center. They put out a plea to our son that said, “KC, your parents are lost. Please come to the center.” They gave him very clear directions. Nothing! We felt the fear of losing our son.

I told my wife that I was going out to our car to get something. (Forgot what it was.)

KC was only about four years old at the time. I couldn’t imagine him finding us in that mass of humanity.

I got near the car and there was KC. He was sitting there and waiting for us! How my son found our car out of the thousands that were parked, I do not know to this day, but we had our precious one back. I picked him and told him how much I loved him. I too was too relieved to be angry.

The second precious thing that was lost was my wedding ring. It, of course, means a great deal to me.

I woke up one morning. Walked to the den where I always put my watch and ring, and the ring wasn’t there. I did the whole house search routine. Nothing.

I remember that I had stayed at a buddies house after a late football game. I called him and told him about my ring. He told me he would look in the room where I slept. Nothing.

I have been searching for that ring ever since. I have never found it. When I do though, there will be great rejoicing like when I found my son.

What the Pastor’s message told us about, was the parable about the one sheep that was missing out of the flock. The Shepard left all 99 sheep and hunted for that one sheep. When he found it he rejoiced. He even went back to his town and told everyone about his blessing.

Yes, we have to think…leave the 99 and try to find one?

What is taught here, is that we may have some lost sheep in our neighborhoods, at work, even at church. We need to reach out those few and try to save them.

Then we can rejoice, and be blessed, because that one person has become one of the flock.


If you are down and out. Reach out for help. Don’t wallow in your own self pity. None wants to come to your pity party. Seek help. Pray to God for His love, and His guidance. He will be there to see you through your storms.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Words of Wisdom From Friends

I watched a great message from my church online yesterday. It had some great wisdom from parables as it foundation. The first parable is from Matthew 4:26-29.

It speaks of a farmer who scatters his seed on the ground. It grows and he harvests it.

Another parable is later in Matthew 4. It is Matthew 4:30-32.

It talks about a tiny mustard seed growing to one being of the biggest trees around. Jesus is comparing The Kingdom of God to the seed.

When the seed is planted it starts growing, It keeps growing and growing until it is a magnificient tree. It gets so big that birds can make nests in it.

What these two parables infer is that we can plant seeds as well. If we do it in the right way, People will come to Christ as their savior. I often heard someone tell me, “You just planted a seed in that person.” I knew what they meant and I was glad.

As parents we need to plant seeds into our children, We need to let them know about God and His Son Jesus. As they grow up they will be like that mustard seed grown up into a beautiful person.


I was thinking about sports the other day. We really miss it right? I was online at a breakfast last Tuesday when one of the members related the Bible is for people who love sports. He said that we all have a great playbook in the Bible. Everything is laid out for us to follow and be a winner. I loved that.

Another person said, “If you are teaching, you are learning.” I can relate to thta as well since a taught school for 22 years. We never stop learning not matter what our age is.

Yet another said, We spend too much time deciding if we want to or have to. There are things in life that aren’t pretty or rewarding, but they need to get done.

My favorite thing I heard was just one sentence: “See, feel, trust.” We need to know that God is always there for us. We need to trust His guidance.


Your are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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