A place to find Hope

Tag: health issues (Page 1 of 2)

Our Country is Divided, Need to Find Ways to Unite

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Things are getting dicey in our country. There is an even divide in our country of far left liberals, and far right conservatives. This is causing strive to our country. Some say there may even be a civil war.

It is sad to see so many people angry and steadfast in their political beliefs. We must understand that we are ONE country and should do everything to unify.

Suggestions??? Comments below.


I have been having health issues lately. I mean I have been seeing doctors almost every day. Not fun, but I am strong in believing God will take care of me. He knows my aliments, He knows my needs. He loves me, and will be there for me.


How about you? Are you battling ailments daily? Do you wonder if God cares? Of course He does. he made you in His own image. The cows aren’t in His image. The birds are not in his image. Only you are.

Be faithful and He will protect you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Adversity Should Be Used to Grow in Our Own Life

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Well, I told you on Monday that I was in the hospital for black stools. I have been home for one week and a new ailment has come knocking at my door. It is bad stomach cramps, plus constipation. There is much pain in several parts of my body because of it.

It seems similar enough that I may have some more difficulties with Polyps. I see my Gastro doctor on July 1st, He may know what to do right away. (I hope)


Sorry I am sharing such unpleasant things right now, but that is what is in my world right now.


How are you doing? Do you have health issues? Does it seem hard to face life, because you are suffering so much?

I hear you. It isn’t fun to go through this.

There’s things to remember through all of our adversity:

  1. All things come to an end eventually. Be strong.
  2. All pain should be used to help others. Go to someone who is suffering and help them.
  3. I always think of the pain Jesus went through for us on the cross, and realize my pain is pretty small.


God didn’t promise us a rose garden, but He has many other promises we can cling to. Persevere and He will reward you.

Never let the dark side pull you down. Stand tall and know that God is in Charge.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Signs of Hope is Needed for Life, Military, and Seniors.

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I am very tired today so my spellcheck better work. 🙂

I am getting to the age where every new day is a blessing. I am almost through with my second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

It is a book for the veterans who are struggling with life. It covers PTSD, TBI, Depression, anxiety, etc. It also shares live for me while I was in the military. Some funny and not so funny stories there.

Go to…www.dougbolton.com to find out more about the book.


My next book will be called, Signs of Hope for Seniors: The Alligators that Chase us. I am an expert on that since I am 82 years old and counting.

It will talk about aging, of course, but also about loneliness, health issues, depression, lack of memory, being sent to assisted living, and many more of the usual suspects for seniors.


Also…stay tuned here for excerpts from my first book, which won and national award, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

It is perfect timing for the way that our world is today. It speaks about being strong when the storms of life try to overcome us. It shares ways to stand up to the rush of daily problems.

I will share my first excerpt in my next post on Monday. So keep coming back to check them out. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on “Subscribe.” When you do all future posts will come directly to your inbox.


How is it going for you today? Too overwhelming? Too much sorrow and not much joy?


God is in charge !!! He knows what your hurts are. He know what causes you pain. He knows every single hair on your head. Turn to Him during your storms of life. Pray for His protection. Ask Him to hold your hand and guide you down the right paths.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being Ill Can Pull You Down Like a Huge Magnet

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I had an interesting night last night. Many of you may have already done this. I went to a sleep center to spend the night. They are testing to see if I get enough oxygen when I am breathing.

I got there at 8:00pm. The tech lady, told me it would be a short wait because there were other patients waiting. Well, two hours later I get my turn to prepare.

They put every type of wire they could invent on your body. On your head, stomach, and legs. Glad I could not see myself in a mirror. 🙂

I woke up this morning at 6:00am and they sent me home. I won’t know the results until I meet with the doctor.


It is let off steam time for me. Our president said yesterday in a quote. “I refuse to meet the deadline of May 1st to pull out all of troops from Afghanistan.” He doesn’t seem to care about our troops.

President Trump had all of that arranged and now it has disappeared.


Do you often feel overwhelmed when health issues come knocking at your door. I know I do. I have heart problems; hearing loss; bad back, and several other ailments.

It seems that at least once every week, I have a doctor’s appointment. The week of April 4th-10th I have a huge 5 appointments.


If you have similar problems, I certainly hear you. I know it isn’t easy to have so many thorns in your side. It not only is painful, but stressful.

So, how can we overcome all the negative part of life, like health.:

  1. God didn’t promises us a rose garden, and of course there are those pesky torns.
  2. God never has us face more than we can handle. Lean on Him for your strength.
  3. I use my ailments to be a witness to others. I share with them that I do not care to have the ailments, but God has chosen me to calm other people because if it.

Never let ailments, or attacks from the dark side overcome you. With God on your side who can be against you? NO ONE!

Be strong and face the storms head on. By doing this you are a very positive example to those around you who are suffering as well.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Storms Come; Storms Go, But God Will Never Forsake You

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I am still struggling with various health issues. Today it is severe shortness of breath, and dizziness. I could blame the dizziness on when I look at my beautiful bride, but the shortness of breath has me concerned.

My blood pressure is great. My heart capacity is at 36 which isn’t too bad for my age.

Something is not right though. Hope to find out soon.


Our country is in turmoil. There is a 50/50 split in beliefs in the United States. Because of this nothing can get passed in Congress, and there are people suffering because of it.

We need to pray for our governments both national and local. Pray that they will make good decisions that will help the people, and not necessarily themselves.


It seems to me that we all face storms these days. The storms may be a serious surgery coming up. It could be that you are out of a job, and there are bills to pay. It could be a break up of a relationship you have.

We need to remember that all storms pass. Then we have the SON.

Jesus is our fortress during the terrible storms we face. He can calm them down so we can handle them better.

When ever I know a storm is coming I pray ahead of time for God’s love, compassion, and protection.

Never take on this world alone. I can’t imagine trying to face my storms without God in my life.


If you seem to have more than your share of pain and headaches from the daily trials of life. Turn them over to God. He has tremendous shoulders for you to lean on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Perseverance, Love, and Hope, Are Three Very Powerful Words

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Well it has been a week today since my surgery for replacing the generator on my defibrillator. Things seem to finally getting better. The pain is still there, but not as intense as in the past. I see my cardiologist later today. She will check the surgery area, and recommend some things to make my life more comfortable and easy.


I have been following the path of “perseverance,” on Mars. Absolutely amazing. There are many interesting things to see that I hope NASA explores.

I truly think that NASA will find ways for people to actually live there. Not for me though. I love my spot where I am at. 🙂

The name of the rover is my number one most favorite long word. Perseverance is my middle name. I have been many health issues through the years and I am still fighting. Two of them were near death experience.

A doctor was amazed how well I made it through a very serious quadruple bypass surgery. I also had an infection in my spine that was spreading rapidly, but due to excellent work by another doctor, I survived.

She said I really know how to persevere. Hench, my new nickname.


I have two short words that are tied for my favorite words, Hope, and Love. The two best four letter words on the planet.

Hope is the theme of this site. I have been doing this blog since 2009. I have made the blog the place to come to for finding hope and my other favorite word, love.

Jesus said love conquers all. I believe that is true. If the whole world believed that what a different world we would be in.

Have you been using these three words in your daily life? Do you persevere through the storms you face? Are love and hope you number one priority?

If that doesn’t seem possible right now, pray for guidance on how to achieve each of them. God is there and He listens.

Never give in to the dark side of life. Push hard towards the light. There is the right path to do that. With God’s help you will find it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Cling to God’s Promises During Troubling Times

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I told you in my last post that I had surgery on my pacemaker/defibrillator. Things have not gone well since. It was five days ago, and I am still in a lot of pain. It is supposed to be a procedure only and home the same day.

I did that, but the pain will not subside.

Started taking the actual pain killers yesterday and that has helped.

I am probably not supposed to doing this post, but I am determined.


I cling to God’s promises during troubling times like these. We need to know that God is always there. The God of the mountain that Moses went up to see is also the God that is in the valley where I live.

I can’t imagine anyone trying to take on this world without God. It is a very tough world to be in as it is. Having God there helps me be strong.

He shows me the paths to take to avoid danger, and won’t let me face more than I can handle.


Are you struggling with health issues right now? Does it seem like God has left you?

Be strong, and know He is with you for your every breath. I keep thinking, “Where would I be if not for God?”

That God is your God too. He loves you. He wants to protect you. He made you in His image. If He has gone that far for you, who can be against you. NO ONE!!


Sorry this is so short today. Can’t concentrate very much. God be with you!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Tired of The Storms Coming Your Way? Ask God For Help

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It will be a very busy month for me. Because of health issues, I have six doctor’s appointments this month. All dealing with the heart.

The main is a procedure to replace my defibrillator. They will be putting a new generator in. It shocked me when they said that. I asked, “You are putting a generator in my chest?” The girl laughed and said, “No. That is just what they call batteries now for your situation.”

OK…I can “live,” with that.


In my last post I told you that I will be getting my second COVID shot on Thursday. We plan to be there early, because they have run out a few times. My appointment is at 10:45am so that should be Ok.

So I wondered…What then, do I still need to wear a mask? Am I immuned to the virus?

The right answer is to keep wearing the mask until this all clears up. Don’t want to take any chances.


Things are getting dicey in Washington D.C. There are congressmen carrying guns onto the floor of the House. Even people are wanting the Republicans to be eliminated. Yes, I mean gone. The bitterness and fighting, is causing havoc in our country.


So what can we do about all this?

I say this every time…PRAY! Every day I pray for our country. Not praying for one thing or another, but for the nation as a whole.

Try to keep calm and not get caught up in the frenzy. You have enough problems with the pandemic to have to worry about other things.

Lean on God. He has big shoulders. He will not allow anything to happen to you that you cannot handle.

Reach out to your family and friends and give them comfort. It helps them, and you will feel good yourself.


This old guy is getting weary of the storms I keep facing. They come in droves. Like I said I have six doctor’s appointments just this month. Each of them is to help me be healthier, so I shouldn’t complain.

How about you? Is it getting a little overwhelming right now. Is the world pulling you down like a huge magnate?

Stand strong and face the storms. Know that God is there with you holding your hand. He will protect you. He made you in His own image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. He has a plan for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Say Good Bye 2020 and Hello to 2021 That Will Give Us Hope

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Now that the vaccine is out, and many are getting the shots, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

When each of us actually get the shot is another story. According to my situation with several health issues, I just may be near the top. We will see.


We have had a horrendous 2020!

There were the wild fires. There is still the pandemic. Rioting is still going on in some places. Crime is sky rocketing. Other than that we had a great year! 🙁

It will be my pleasure to say good-bye to 2020 in two days. 2021 can only be up. It is a new beginning. It gives us new hope.


I forgot that we still aren’t completely sure who our next president will be. There are law suits pending at the Supreme Court. What is right will prevail. I am also so glad that the actual campaign is over. Such hatred, lies and rioting, came passing our way.


Here is what I think each of us should do in the new year. These are not New Year’s resolutions. They are just suggestions:

  1. Forget the past it is already gone.
  2. Look forward to the new beginning.
  3. Plan to have a great year.
  4. Put away your hatred, and bitterness.
  5. Go on a better direction if you feel lost.
  6. Pray!
  7. Know God is with you for your every breath.
  8. PRAY!!


I have recovered from the holidays. Just New Years Eve to go, and my life with be on cruise control. (At least that sounds good.)

How about you? Have you been pulled down like a huge magnate? Has each hour seemed like a month? Is the path that you are on getting too rough?

Lean on God. He has huge shoulders, and loves you very much. You aren’t just anybody. You are God’s child. He made you in His own image. You are important, because God doesn’t make mistakes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Remember, the Darkness Can Not Overcome the Light

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Darkness seems to be spreading through out our world. The pandemic has raised its ugly head even more.

We have enough on our plate to have to worry about getting the virus. It is Christmas time and people should be doing Christmas shopping and yet, they stay at home and do it online. It is another form of a lock down.

I have been on lock down since March. I have health issues and the virus would do me in if I got it.


So what do we do? Should we give in to the darkness?

Of course not!! There is always light, and darkness can not overcome it.

I am referring to the light of Jesus. He is always there showing us the way through the darkness. If you fear what is ahead, Jesus said, ” Fear not for I am with you.”


I have gone through some horrific times in my life, and every time I came out at the other end, because of the light ahead.

I also need to remember that if I reject the light, there is not alternative, but to face darkness.

Do not give in to the darkness. Look for the light.


Yes, we face many mountains in our lives. They seem too high and mighty. However, God is mightier than any mountain. He can move them for you.

Some people make mountains out of mole hills. They over react and start saying, “The sky is falling!” Never listen to them. You know God is there for you, and with him on your side who can be against you?


If you for some reason feel inferior to others. Stop! God created you in His own image. He made everyone equal. He doesn’t make anything that is bad. He doesn’t make mistakes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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