A place to find Hope

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Time to Make That Important List of What You are Thankful For

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Well, it is the day after Thanksgiving and I had a very unusual day yesterday. No family. No food cooked. Just my wife and I home alone,

Now that sounds pretty sad, but good things happened. My wife’s sister brought the turkey meal with all the fixings plus two desserts. That was the day before Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving. My son and his family brought another full turkey meal and two desserts.

We ate very well for being alone.

We were alone, because we are on lock down, thanks to the virus. I have several health issues that the virus would love to attack.

Later in the day our whole family did connect by Zoom. It certainly wasn’t the same as hugging or sitting together in one room, but we made it fun, and I was really refreshed because of it.


Too many homes are going through what we are here. Isolated parents, husbands, wives, children, etc.

I forced myself to sit down this morning and come up with the things I am thankful for. It was hard at first, because I wasn’t in a cherry mood.

Here are some from my list:

  1. I am thankful we have Thanksgiving. Many countries don’t have it.
  2. I am thankful for my family. ALL OF THEM!
  3. I am thankful that God has given me another day.
  4. I am thankful I am somewhat able to do pretty much anything.
  5. I am thankful that I made it through several major surgeries.
  6. I am thankful for my friends. They are a pillar of my strength.
  7. I am thankful that Jesus paid the ultimate price for me so I can have eternal life.
  8. I am thankful that many storms may come, but they end.
  9. I am thankful that I live in a country that is free.
  10. I am thankful that God gave me the skills to write,

I could go on. This also isn’t necessarily my top ten list.

After I wrote many things I am thankful for, my outlook on life totally changed. I am one very blessed man.

Very strongly suggest you make your list, and don’t stop at ten. Then keep it somewhere that you can look at it from time to time.


This going to be a pretty short post today. Sorry about that, but I have my son coming shortly and I want to be available for him 100%.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Three things to Do to Cope in This Not so Friendly World

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Another Monday! Like the lyrics says, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” It is raining and it is Monday. Any Questions?

Actually I am doing fine. There is nothing about Mondays that should be any different since I am retired. Every day is a Saturday for me.


Now we have to wait and see what the world has in store for us today. Should be very interesting with all the clamor going on around us. The pandemic, the unknown out come of the election in the United States, and of course, the ever popular rioting.


I have taken all of those on with incredible courage and valor. Let’s look at each one.

The pandemic is the hardest one for me.

I have been on lock down since March. I have some health issues that the virus would love to attack. But why should I pout and scream?

Jesus, was going through an awful lot more than I can even grasp in His life time. He never pouted or screamed. He kept loving the people no matter what.

The election outcome is not known yet.

“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.” Another lyrics that is a very sad song. This election years has been a nightmare from the beginning until now. Constant attacks on our president from the Democrats. Then the election it self seems tainted. What should we do?

Always remember, God is in Charge! He will allow the right person to be elected. It may not be who you or I really wanted, but God knows what is best for us.

The rioting has started up again.

In Portland, Oregon rioters attacked the homes of the council that voted to not defund the police. This is beyond wrong. They aren’t rioting because no justice, they are rioting to bring our country down. What should we do?

Stand very strong against violent rioting. God knows what is going on, and He has a plan. We just have to be patient, and let Him do the right thing.


Through all of this turmoil, how are you doing? Do you have problems coping?

Pray for God to guide you each and every day. Take His hand and hold on tight. He loves you, and will not have you face anything that you can not handle.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Stop the World Let me Off I’m tired of Going round and round.

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What a ride we have been having lately. The pandemic is having its way, rioting still continues, and the election is still up in the air as to who really won the presidency fair and square.


The election is a mess. I was watching the news tonight and they claim to have hundreds of affidavits signed saying there was much wrong doing going on during counting. There were those who even tapped a guy that was taking ballots out of an envelope and everyone that was for Trump he tore in half and threw it in the garbage. He laughed when he did it.

So much of this kind of thing is going on in several crucial states. There has to be a reckoning to straighten all this mess out. We want who is suppose to be the president, not by cheating.


The pandemic is just growing by each day. When will it end? When we be back to “normal?”

The county where I live in Oregon is getting especially getting hit hard. We had 75 new cases just today. I am on complete lock down, because of my health issues.


The rioting’s are spreading. In Portland, Oregon near me, it is starting up again with even more force. The city council voted to not to defund the police, and the rioters went crazy. They even attacked the homes of the city council.


What are we to do? How can we help stop this madness?

The word is prayer, and lots of it. I pray every single day for our government both national and local to come to their senses and end all of this turmoil. It shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

We need to become Christian soldiers. We need to stand strong and support the right causes. We need to say NO to evil and be alert to the works of Satan. He is having a field day right now. Turn your back on him and tell him to hit the road. We have God on our side so we win in the end. Just stay strong.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Are the walls closing in on you?

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I am having a bad hair day. Not feeling well. Got ache and pains, plus lack of energy. However, here I am.

I have these days from time to time. It is called old age!

It seems like the walls are closing in on me.

I am not afraid because I can see the light in the darkness, and I am walking towards it.


I am locked up in my own home because of health issues.

How about you? Are you in lock down like me? Do you need to try to fill your day in with things you wouldn’t normally do? You certainly are not alone.

Here is what I try to do to help pass the time each day:

  1. I try to go on walks, but the weather is changing and it rains often.
  2. I am blessed to be able to do two blogs. That takes about three hours. It is very rewarding.
  3. My wife and I go driving to no where. We just go and decide where we are going as we drive. We see lots of places near us that we have never seen before.
  4. To get groceries we order online and then have the grocery store put our groceries in our car.
  5. I love to read, so my kindle is running all the time. Great way to escape.
  6. We connect with our family often by using Zoom. We just did that yesterday. It was very uplifting for all of us.
  7. I pray every day. It is so refreshing to be able to talk to God every day.

You need to make your list of what to do to pass time. Idleness are the tools of the Devil is what it says in the Bible.

Do not let the dark side overcome you. God is by your side 24/7. He will not let face more than you can handle.

I am convinced all these storms will pass in our lives. The pandemic, rioting, wild fires, etc. They will be gone, but our heavenly Father will still be there by our side.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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