A place to find Hope

Tag: horrific

Wars Are Causing Much Pain for Our country.

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Current Events…

  1. Zelensky’s voice strains with emotion over “Russian beasts,” who beheaded Ukrainian pow.
  2. Ukraine Army eliminates 1,040 Russian soldiers over the last weekend.
  3. Woman performed a C-Section on herself. Both she and the child survived.



This just proves that Putin is doing war crimes. Ukraine continues to overpower Russia.

This woman is a very brave woman. Her baby is alive because of her quick thinking.


Our world seems to be heading towards destruction. Wars, Millions crossing our southern borders, high crime, and many other horrific events.

We need to turn to God, and ask for His intervention. Pray that He will protect those who can’t defend themselves.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Wars and Rumors of Wars Are Frightening, in the End, We Win.

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What a world we live in! Wars and rumors of wars. A pandemic taking many lives. A severely divided country, and much more. God has it all planned, and all the worrying we can muster will not change that.


I would rather take care of those around me. I have reached an age that is getting difficult, but I will not waver until my last breath!


The war in Ukraine is devastating, and horrific. However, what it has done is united many countries together. This is the most unity we have had in years and years.

This could be God’s plan for us. The Bible refers to the great enemy of Gog. Today that would be Russia. According to that same Bible they will be destroyed.

Worrying should not be in our lives. Things will be amazingly wonderful in the end. The shortest verse in the Bible is, FEAR NOT!

Cling to God’s promises and be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Must Remain Strong in This Not so Friendly World

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What happened on Wednesday was horrific. I was ashamed I was an American when I sat and watched rioters break into our National Capital, and even to the house and senate floor.

I 100% condemn their efforts. Nothing was accomplished, and other countries were appalled at what was going on.

This type of terror has to stop and stop now.


It is hard for me to do the things I need to do to stay strong and healthy. I try to work out twice a week, but it is getting more difficult.

I did a doctor’s appointment, I also did some shopping today, and that got my step count up. Mostly though I am grounded, because of health issues.

I will have to come with some “In house,” exercises. Will share what I came up with in a future post.


I was able to watch my home church online last Sunday. I wrote down three notes that mean a lot to me.

Our relationship with God can thrive regardless of what is going on around us.

We should listen, trust and obey, as far as our walk with God.

The Pastor asked this question: Do you stand out as a righteous person?


Each of those statements hit me between the eyes. Not in pain, but reality. The first statement was so very reassuring. We all need to remember that God is with us through the good and bad of our lives.

The second statement woke me up big time. We should always listen, trust and obey God, because He knows what is best for us.

The last statement, I am still working on each day. We should all strive to be righteous people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Servant to Others Can Change the World

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It is another day of sitting here in my PJ’s and typing. I guess that is one plus to being on lock down.

The vaccine is on its way. It will take a while to get down the list of people, but it is available now. Stand strong and this will all be over in the next few months.


I learned through prayer that during this horrific time, the best we can do is be servants. Too simple, and yet the outcome is huge, if we all took this approach, what a difference there would be in this world.

What does it mean to be a servant? It doesn’t mean you are a slave for someone. It means you are reaching out and helping those around you who are hurting.

An example of this is right in my neighborhood and just two houses down from me in our cul-de-sac.

The husband and wife there have both come down with the virus. It had gotten pretty serious for the wife. She was sent to the hospital with double , Severely dehydrated, and failing kidneys.

It didn’t look good for her at all. I shared her problem with a breakfast of Christian men. There were ten of us. We all prayed for the family yesterday morning. This morning we got an update and the wife did a complete reversal. The doctors were dumbfounded. They didn’t think she would even recover. She will be coming home once she is stabilized.

Prayer is powerful!!

The men at the breakfast didn’t know who the people were, they still prayed for them. They were acting as servants for this couple.


Where can you be a servant?

Reaching out to those around you is a great start. You neighbors may be hurting. Give them a call and see how they are doing. Some may be ill. Some may be depressed. Check with your family as well. You call may put a smile on their face and give them hope.

Go volunteer at your local food bank. There are huge lines all over this country. They will be so thankful that you have come, and will place you where they need you the most to help out.

Set up prayer groups, and find out where prayer is needed. There are hundreds of people suffering right now. Pray without ceasing. God will hear you!

Come up with your own ideas on how to serve. You will feel that you are doing God’s work, and you will be helping people that need help.


When I think of being a servant, I can not compare my self to Jesus Christ. He came onto this earth to be a servant. Everything He did was to serve others.

If we could just try to use Him as an example in everything we do, miracles would happen.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Remember, the Darkness Can Not Overcome the Light

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Darkness seems to be spreading through out our world. The pandemic has raised its ugly head even more.

We have enough on our plate to have to worry about getting the virus. It is Christmas time and people should be doing Christmas shopping and yet, they stay at home and do it online. It is another form of a lock down.

I have been on lock down since March. I have health issues and the virus would do me in if I got it.


So what do we do? Should we give in to the darkness?

Of course not!! There is always light, and darkness can not overcome it.

I am referring to the light of Jesus. He is always there showing us the way through the darkness. If you fear what is ahead, Jesus said, ” Fear not for I am with you.”


I have gone through some horrific times in my life, and every time I came out at the other end, because of the light ahead.

I also need to remember that if I reject the light, there is not alternative, but to face darkness.

Do not give in to the darkness. Look for the light.


Yes, we face many mountains in our lives. They seem too high and mighty. However, God is mightier than any mountain. He can move them for you.

Some people make mountains out of mole hills. They over react and start saying, “The sky is falling!” Never listen to them. You know God is there for you, and with him on your side who can be against you?


If you for some reason feel inferior to others. Stop! God created you in His own image. He made everyone equal. He doesn’t make anything that is bad. He doesn’t make mistakes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Are You Content at This Horrific Time?

How many of you feel content? Do you feel you have everything you need? Does the end of the money come before the end of the month?

I am guessing most of you would be saying NO!

Behind in car payments. Children sick. Parents in assisted living. Rioting throughout our country. The Pendemic taking many lives.

With all this going on we seem to be trained not to be satisfied.

When is more enough?

Let’s check with Jesus to see what He thinks. In one sentence He said: ” We need to be content.”

I could end this post right here, but I am sure you need some more answers.

We need to concentrate on loving what we have.

God gives us another thought: “We have all that we need.”

Bottom line is: We need to have a gratitude attitude.

I have been watching closely what is going on in the world. A pandemic, rioting, and chaos.

It is very easy to get very discouraged right now. What is going to happen? Will my family be safe? Should I stay hunkered down?

The answer to the last question for me is yes. I have to stay hunkered down. I have several underlying problems and I wouldn’t make it if I got the virus. However, my wife and I go on walks every day. In all problems there is a silver lining. We never had time to walk together before.

As for the rioting, looting, and arson. I am very upset, because the majority of the protesters are good people just wanting to use their free speech rights. However, There are some very serious anarchist, attacking the businesses, the police, and other protesters. That have no thought of mourning the death of anyone. They just want to disrupt. I am told they are paid to come in and cause havic.

We need to be strong and pray for God’s intervention here. He is in charge.

I know, It doesn’t seem right that He is allowing all this to happen. Why would He? It is because He gives man the freedom to choose. We are not robots. We do our own thinking and cause our own actions.

Stay the course, and stay close to God. We will overcome these storms together.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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