A place to find Hope

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If you Are a Christian You Are An Alien on This Earth

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Next Sunday is Easter. I would like to share some thoughts about what it means.

  1. If you are a Christian you are an alien on this earth.
  2. Your wealth is not here.
  3. Your home is not here.
  4. Your happiness is not here.
  5. We are not part of this world.

A. As Christians we learn how to suffer.

B. We live by faith.

C. We are looking for another home.

D. We gracefully accept suffering.

E. We appreciate the blood of Jesus.


  1. It is not easy to understand what God is doing sometimes.
  2. You are not saved by your merits.
  3. God loves you because He made you and I in His image.
  4. We belong to God. Nothing else matters.


We need to read the “owners manual,” The Bible.


Look at Easter as the new beginning for your life. Like it was For Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong Through the Storms of Life

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It has been quite a ride for me the last eight months.

The pandemic has placed me in lock down. Only doctor’s appointments and family gatherings that everyone has to wear masks and keep the right distance. Haven’t hugged one of my children during this whole time.

This plus the election, (that ends tomorrow, thank God.) Don’t forget the rioting, wild fires, looting, shootings, etc. Pretty dismal path we have to walk.

How do I handle it? Well, it is hard, at best, for me to stay positive, but positive I am.


  1. All storms come to an end.
  2. God is in charge.
  3. He is only a prayer away.
  4. He will not allow us to have more than we can handle.
  5. He loves us. He made us in his image. He wouldn’t do that if He didn’t love us.

Those statements are my fortress against depression, and feeling lost.


So what is happening in your neighborhood?

Are you standing strong, or is the world loading you down with worry? I certainly hear you, but the most wonderful thing you and I can do for our families, is to be a strong leader and always show that we are positive.

If we show a poor me attitude, so will those around you.


Never let the dark side overcome you.

The dark side would love to drag you down into the muck and mire. Look for the light which is Jesus.

Yes, these are very troubling times. This, however, is when the tough get going. They face the storms head on. They lead others to freedom of fear.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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I Need to Check Out of This Evil Hotel Called Earth

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What a fun time we are having right now. The Pandemic is not letting up. The rioting is still going on. The wild fires are wilder than ever.

It is almost like we are on spin cycle in our own washing machines!! It is crazy, and we are holding on for dear life.

That reminds me of a story about my mother.

When she was a teenager she was out riding her horse. The horse stepped in a yellow jackets nest and the horse got stung several times. The horse started running and was out of control. My mother just held on for dear lfe. The horse was running back to the farm. When they got there he calmed down.

Is your life on spin cycle? Are you out of control like my mother’s horse was?

This is the time we have to listen to God. He says, “Be still and know I am God.”

A good example of relying on God happened in the wild fires near me in Oregon.

A man was trapped, and the fires were burning all around him. He got a plastic chair and sat it in a river he was near and waited it out. He was saved by praying and God gave Him the answer.

I am sure that many of you are screaming, “Stop and let me out of this house. “(earth)

It can be very frustrating.


With all of this going on we may be thinking, “Why am I here?”

Let me make this clear to you. God created you in His own image. Why would He do that? It is becasue He loves you and considers you His child. He has plans for you. He may have not showed you His plan yet, but be patient. God is on His own timing not yours.


Here is a little side note that I thought of yesterday while I was watching the online broadcast of my church.

I would love to have been at the tomb when Jesus came out! Wouldn’t that Have been a glorious moment?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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Let God be in Charge as You Walk the Rough Paths

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Just received some wonderful news. I was tested for the COVID-19 virus and it was negative. A huge relief. Thank you Lord!!!

When I had my test done, there was a big line of others needing the test. Not a good sign. I hope they all tested negative like I did.


I was very worried before the results came back. I am older than most and I have a couple underlining problems. If I do ever get the virus, I am toast.

I just started thinking about the results. I just saw them five minutes ago. Why was I so worried? When didn’t I trust the Lord. 99% of what we worry about never happens. We just need to give the rest to God.


Have you been faced with the unknown? Did you fret and worry? How many times did it really work out to be serious. Not very many times I am guessing. Please rely on God to help you with your fears.


I went for a walk the other day. The smoke in Oregon had cleared and I needed to get out my prison because of the virus.

As I was walking everything look so different. The flowers looked more beautiful. The trees looked more majestic. Even the people I met seemed very happy. Of course, this could very easily been because I had been locked up for so long. I don’t think so though. Looking at God’s creations excites me no matter when it is. It is all around you. Check it out on your next walk.


Never take anything for granted. Let God guide you through the tough paths you have to walk. Remember to let him be in charge.

He loves you. He made you in His own image, and he wouldn’t do that if He didn’t want you as His child.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Thoughts to Help You Survive

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Sorry I missed posting yesterday. Too may errands to do.

I have really enjoyed putting thoughts down for you to ponder.

I am going share some more today:

  1. We need to find encouragement in discouraging times.
  2. We will be given new bodies when we get to Heaven.
  3. Jesus didn’t have a New Testament, He IS the new testament.
  4. Selfish sin makes justice impossible.
  5. Who can test my faith when there is an army of Angels on my side?
  6. We spend way too much of our lives glued to the TV screen.
  7. When is the last time we have reflected on what Jesus has done for us?
  8. God’s plan is much better than anything we can expect.
  9. Are we living for ourselves, or for God?
  10. Some are always fighting not having enough, discontentment, discouragement, and bitterness.
  11. We all face storms. It is what we do with them that defines our character.
  12. If we think God has turned away from us, we lose all hope.
  13. God doesn’t take us through the worst paths. He takes us through the best path possible for us.
  14. Shame has no place to hide, because you are forgiven.
  15. My fear doesn’t have a chance, because God is always near.
  16. God knows what you want before you ask for it.
  17. I think back to my days with boom boxes, 8 track tapes, and CD’s. I have to accept the new makes the old absolete.
  18. I often hear God telling me, ” Now I am speaking to you, because you were not listening to me before.”
  19. Backsliding: Not believing in that which you already know is true.
  20. Forget what others think your are!


I have been on complete lock down since early March.

That is seven months of self imprisioning. I only do dirve up for fast food, go to cardiac rehab, where there are several nurses, and a walk with my wife from time to time.

It is, of course, very hard on me. There only so many movies you can watch on TV. I am enjoying reading, and doing these blogs.


The wild fires in Oregon have devastated many towns near me here.

Three towns were completely wipped out. The people there have bonded, and are helping each other with clean-up and support.


It amazes me how people come together after they are faced with disaster.

It happens over and over again. This shows there is still love out there even though there is rioting everywhere.


How are you doing?

Do you have some not so fun days? Have you been overwhelmed? BE STRONG! God is there with you. He will not forsake you. He made you in His image, and that makes you His child.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Don’t Pretend to be Someone you Are Not

We can not do that. We need to be ourselves. God created each of us into a unique person. No one else is like you.

I actually fell into that trap during my teaching days. I went to graduation school to get a Masters in counseling because that seemed to be how you got promoted to principal quicker. I went for several summers. I neared the end where I just needed two classes to get my degree.

I stepped away from it at that point. I never went back to finish up.


I realized that I loved being in the classroom with my students. If I became a principal my time with students would mostly be with the ones that needed discipline.

I really didn’t want to be a principal, and I fell for the trap of joining the rat race to try to get ahead.

I can not be someone else. God wants me to be myself. He wants me to be guided by him, not doing things to better myself for selfish reasons.

How about you?

Do you push hard at your work to get ahead. Do you try to keep climbing that corporate ladder? Do you want that beautiful car your neighbor has, because you feel people will think you are important?

God loves you the way you are. He created you in His image and wants the best for you. Don’t try to impress anyone. Just listen to God and walk the path He has for you. This way you are glorifying Him and not yourself.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Your’e A Speck in Life, But God Loves You

The Universe is Huge and You Are Part of it

This may confuse you and make you wonder. We are just a speck, of a speck, of a speck, and even smaller.

The truth is, that as you look up into the skies you see literally billions of stars. Each star is created by God.

Let’s check on our own little planet.

I live in Oregon, and as I go on walks, I can see snow capped mountains, mainly Mount Hood. It is very beautiful to see. God created it. I drive to the Oregon coast and see a vast ocean. God created it.

Also think on this:

God created our earth, but did it with very sharp precision.Think of the placement of our planet. If we were a little closer to the sun we would all burn to death. If the earth was a little farther away from the sun we would freeze. God put it in the perfect spot for us to exist.

He created much more.

He created all the animals; all the plants, and all the people like you and me. He even gave you your first breath.

You are the pinnacle of his creations. Yes, you are a tiny speck compared to all the wonders He created and yet you are the joy of His life. There was no one like you before you were born, and there will be no one like you after you are gone.

Even your DNA is your own.

You have your own DNA and fingerprints. To top all of that, He has plans for each and every one of us. Yes, the universe is huge but we still don’t grasp that.

We all still sin.

Knowing all of this, we tend to still wander. We know there is a God, but we sway and falter, because Go gave us the freedom to choose.

God still loves you.

We must remember that God loves us very much. He created each of us in His own image. When you are facing fear, depression, and trials know that God controls everything. He is there for you.

He is the creator and there is nothing else else we should be worshiping.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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