A place to find Hope

Tag: Interviews

We All Face Grueling Times. Let God Help You

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I had another physical therapy appointment today. Very grueling. I keep at it because in the end I will have much more energy, and stamina.


I have shared with you that I am almost done with my second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I just have two more interviews to do and clean up the table of contents. I have a publisher who is waiting patiently. They are called, Book Baby. Funky name, but I am very impressed with them.

I will start keeping you posted as to its progress here. I may even have some excerpts. So be sure to come back often to keep caught up.

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So, have you had some real grueling moments lately? Did the world try to overcome you? I hear you! I have been there many times.

It is hard, at best, to face the world sometimes. So what are we to do?

  1. Be strong, fight back, persevere!
  2. Let God handle the hard stuff. He is there for you 24/7.
  3. Reach out to those you love and ask them to give you some support. I heard from a neighbor today that said she was helped, “Anbuntedly,” without even asking. Her family and friends came and helped her move into a new home since her husband died suddenly. Brought tears of joy to my eyes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Don’t Think Life is Without Hope. God is There

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It is a beautiful day outside. No clouds and a high of 65 coming.

With that happening I should be feeling good and happy and I am. Not that I’m feeling perfect. It is because God has given me another day.


Now that I have brightened your day, let me get some bed feelings out of my head.

President Biden has announced his new gun laws program. It will cut many patriots hearts out. He wants to get rid of many types of guns, and tighten the rules. We will see how the public accepts that.


This reminds me of something a friend told me. He mentioned that he felt that life was without hope.

I told him that God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorway to hope. I also told him to listen to God. If He talks to you there is have hope.


I am going to update you again about my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I cleaned up my veteran interviews and I am pretty excited of how they turned out. I have four WWII veteran interviews that are breathtaking. Every one of them were near death experiences.

I am adding a second appendix. It will list all the good military books that are out there. I have read many of them, and they are outstanding and truthful.

Keep coming back to get more updates.


Have your days turned dark on you? Do it seem that storms are coming? Fear not! Storms come but they go away. Remember, God is there for you during all your storms.

Never let the darkside overcome you. Seek the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Dark Days When We need to Lean on God

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Had a wonderful Easter

All my children were there. Lots of good food. Lots of laughter and story telling about each other. No masks, and lots of hugging.


We Must not Forget

those brothers and sisters in the military who had to spend Easter out in the cold, with not much good to eat. They are sacrificing their time to keep us free.


President Biden

is quickly turning both parties against him. His policies are causing havoc. He made the Major League Offices move the All Star Game away from Atlanta, because of the new legislation the state had put in place. It was strict rules on voting, and Biden didn’t like it.

He seems to be creating his own demise.


Here is an update for my new book coming out called, Signs of Hope for the Military; in and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Just a few more interviews to clear up.

I am going to add a second appendix. It will all the great military books there are.

Then it will be off the to publisher. I have one picked out and they will do a wonderful job.

I hope to have it out by Fall.


Did you have a great Easter? Maybe it was not so good. You couldn’t be with family. You didn’t have enough money to put a gathering together. There was sickness in your family.

All those darken our skies. They question comes up, “Why would God allow all this to happen to me? “

I do not look at it that way. God knows each of us. He will not cause calamity to come on us. It happens, and He is there to pull us through the storms.


Never listen to the voices that say, “God doesn’t care!”That is Satan talking. Leave the dark side where he lives, and embrace the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Senior Citizen Has Good Points and Bad Points

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It has been a rocky start to 2021 for me. I was helping my wife put some boxes up on a shelve in our storage closet. I slipped off of the ladder and feel onto the vacuum cleaner.

I thought I only had a smashed finger that will cause the nail to fall off eventually. However, I woke up the next morning with pain on my upper leg, and on the left side of my upper back. I took clothes off to checked.

I was shocked to see a huge eight inch by two inch bruise running done my leg, and then found a deep bruise on the left side of my upper back.

The pain followed closely behind. I had a very bad day. Not enough to go to the ER, and taking Tylenol seemed to keep me feeling OK.

I decided I am grounded from any type of ladder, and my wife agreed. I apparently hit her with my feet and gave her a big bruise on her arm, plus something big landed on her foot causing much pain. We both grounded ourselves. My son lives close and he can do those kind of chores for us.

It is a huge sign of old age. I can’t do many things I could ten years ago. It hurts me to tell my wife I can’t do something.


Have you been there? Is the daily chores seem to be getting harder to do? I use to think being called a senior citizen was a good thing. Not so sure now.

I have, since my fall, come up with some thoughts on how to slow down gracefully:

Only plan things that will not need physical help.

Try to help yourself, by exercising even if it only walking. I try to do that now at least twice a week.

Do not be ashamed to ask for help. I called my son and he said he will be there when ever I need him. He is such a caring person.

Do not climb ANYWHERE. Ladders can ruin your life.


I just started working on my third book called, Signs of Hope for Seniors: The Alligators that Chase us.

It will cover getting older with grace and dignity. The Alligators are:





Losing a loved one

And a few more I haven’t come up with yet.

I will let you know the progress I make with this.


My second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life, is ready to be published. I am close to choosing the right publisher.

I have worked on this book for over three years. There was much research, and many calls for interviews of soldiers.

I have found that many veterans are excited about this book and I need to get it going so they can have it.


How are you doing? We have a new beginning, and new hope in 2021. Forget the past and move on to new challenges.

God has planned a new path for you in 2021. Be open to His calling.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Let Others Define Your Faith

This is the second of a series of discussions on Faith. My last post mention the sadness of thinking there was no hereafter. They who have no faith feel that they die and then turn into dust.

For those of us who believe and have faith, there is a bright path we are walking on. We know where we are going. We know because we saw the last chapter of the book.

One mistake we all make is to try to keep calmness around us, because there are many who will persecute us for our beliefs. We fear we can’t come up with the right things to say when we are challenged.

Here are some thoughts on that.

  1. You never have to try to convince anyone about their own lives being wrong. They already know it, and will probably attack if you mention it.
  2. My thought is to just share why I believe without out judging the other person. I share what my life was before I believed and the after I believed.
  3. Let them ask you questions. Don’t worry about getting the answers wrong. They are now in a different level. They are inquisitive.
  4. Just show other about your faith by your everyday actions. I have had more people ask me why I am so optimistic all the time. Boom! I can open up my heart. Many times They say they want some of that.
  5. Don’t hide your faith, but you also don’t need to stand on a corner and shout, “You are going to Hell, if you don’t believe!”I have gone to big sporting events, and sure enough there are always one or two people outside who are screaming at you. To many they are driving people away not bringing them closer.

The bottom line is that you just need to be you, and show others your love and caring way. That is a living testimony.


You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!!


This is where I share some more about my upcoming book.

Today I am going to share how the book is laid out.

  1. The book starts out with me sharing my life while I was in the military.
  2. I share some funny and not so funny things that happened to me in basic training.
  3. I then share my advanced training school time.
  4. After that I was deployed to South Korea. Many stories. Some scary.
  5. Then I will share my time at Ft. Bragg. My scariest moment happened there.

This is the best part:

The rest of the will be actual interviews with veterans who have been in the trenches. I can guarantee you some of the stories will be very scary, sad, and tense. They will be some humor as well.

The appendix at the end will have several pages for jobs and careers for the military. Very extensive.


By subscribing, you will get all these posts sent directly to your in box. It will be a good way to keep up on how the book is going. Just lick on the subscribe icon at the top right of the page.

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