A place to find Hope

Tag: Jesus Christ

Many Women and Children Are Dying in Israel.

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The war in Israel is getting more furious everyday. The death toll of Americans killed there is now 29.

Many women and children, have been killed. Israel is striking back with force.

The Hamas are true terrorist. The have no hesitation of killing babies, and then cutting their heads off in front of their parents. Then they kill the parents. Very barbaric.


Start thinking of the “End times.” Prophecy talks about what is going on right now. “There will wars and rumors of wars.” It shares many other prophecies in the book of Revelations. Take time to read it. Think of our world today as you read it.


This may surprise you, but I am not afraid of the end times. Why? Because I am a son of God who loves me, and I will be spared, or sent to heaven if I die. It is a win, win.


Are you sure you are going to go to heaven? If not, pray to God right now for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Then you are home free.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Who is Your One For You to Reach Out to?

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In the Bible it tells us about the importance of one. Jesus had two parables to describe this:

  1. There was a shepherd tending his flock. He counted them and there was suppose to be 100. He found one was missing. He left the 99 to search for that one lost sheep. When he found the sheep, he rejoiced because he saved that one sheep from the wolves, and other animals.
  2. There was a woman who lost one of her coins. She left to rest of the money to search for that one coin. When she found it she rejoiced and let everyone know she had found it.


What I have learned from this is that I need to seek the ones who are lost and tell them at the good word of God. While we are doing this we are to seek the one-Jesus Christ.


I heard the lyrics from a song that said, “I’ll never know how much it cost to see my sin on that cross.” Very profound and direct.


So, who can you reach out to? Who is that one? It could be that neighbor who feels lost and depressed. It could be the man seeking money at the corner. It could be a member of your own family.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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You Are Never Too Old to be a Parent. Be a Good Example

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I have seven grandchildren. They are all Christians. All my children and their spouses are Christians as well. Can I retire from the world and sit in my rocking chair?


You never stop being an example to others, no matter what your age may be. I am 81 years old, and feel I need to do much more than I did when I was a young dad. My family still looks to me for comfort and advice.

That is quite a responsibility.

As parent we need to nurture our children and raise them in the way God would want us to raise them. No, they don’t have to be perfect. You and I aren’t perfect. We just need to show them what is right and wrong, and keep reminding them of the important things in life.


I saw some frightening news the other day. It showed people beating up defenseless people just for the fun of it. It also showed cops being attacked until they were unconscious.

What is happening to our country? Why are we heading in this direction? It seems it is OK to strike anyone you want and then get away with it.

The world is changing, and I am afraid it is changing in a very wrong way.

What can we do to stop the raging river of hatred?

  1. It starts at home. Your/my job is to instill into our children that it is not OK to show racism to anyone.
  2. We have to be the great example for them, because Monkey see and Monkey do. Whatever you do they will do. You take drugs. They will take drugs. If you drink alcohol, they will drink alcohol.
  3. It is hard, at best, to be a parent, but this is what we have chosen to do and we need to do it well.


I was a teacher for 22 years. I loved my students, but some were a full load for me. It never failed…when I had parent conferences the parents of the trouble kids, were also trouble. They demand more. They expected special things for their children. They expect their child to excel in school.

I realize that most parents want these same goals, but the approach these parents used showed me why the children were they way they were.


How do you think you are doing as a parent? No matter what your age you are still a parent. Do your children respect you and love you, or do they try to avoid you?

Lean on God to find the right path to being a good parent. The perfect example of love is Jesus Christ. I pray every night for Him to guide me on how I could be more like Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Easy to be Saved, But Can we be Sanctified?

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I was at a Christian Men’s Zoom call on Tuesday. It was very inspiring for me. Many things that were said gave me comfort and hope.

We can easily be saved, by the blood of Jesus, but can we be sanctified? That seemed to be the thoughts of all eight of us.

The dictionary says…….


  1. To make holy; set apart as holy; consecrate.
  2. To be purified and free from sin.

That seems to be a problem with many of those who can’t asked to be saved. They don’t think that can be purified from sin for what they have done in the past.

God wants you to come as you are, but god doesn’t want you to stay that way. In other words, what ever you have done does not close the door on you.

Remember the other two men who were crucified with Jesus. Both of them deserved what they were getting. However, one of them asked Jesus to save him. Jesus did and said, “Today you will be with me in paradise.”

A criminal was saved and sanctified all in one day.

One of the Zoom guys mentioned that people need to come and see; go and be. Meaning we need to accept Christ into our heart, and then tell others.

As a Christian we should never think we are retired.

  1. We still a lot to learn from God.
  2. We are still a parent to our children, and we need to always lead by example.


Are you thinking you are retired from the world? Do you feel you are done nurturing your children, family, and friends. God says otherwise. Never think you can sit back and let others save the world. God still has many plans for you no matter what your age is.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Must Always Remember What the Christmas Season is For

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Just two more days until Christmas. Are you ready? Did you buy all the presents you wanted?

If you did, time to stop and think about the season is really about. It is nice to get presents, but that isn’t what Christmas is about. It is nice to see loved ones, but that isn’t what Christmas is about. It is nice to donate to our favorite nonprofits this time of year, but that isn’t what Christmas is all about.


Christmas is about a little baby being born, that changed the world. It is about Jesus Christ laying in a manger is smiling at the wise men. He is our biggest gift ever.


Back to my poor me stories. Today one of my grandsons stopped by so we could give him his present. We all had our masks on, and talked for a few minutes and then he was gone. I hadn’t seen him in months! I will so miss all my family not being here in person, but we are doing a Zoom gathering tomorrow night. Just not the same though. I am a hugger. How can you how hug someone on a screen?


The vaccine is finally flowing. I know it will take a while to get to me, but I saw on the news that people with my health risks will next after the first responders. That will be great.

One thing that caused my blood to rise greatly was the fact that our governor had the prisoners in the prisons of our state to get their shots before even the assisted living people. The inmates complained that they can not social distance, so the governor felt pity for them. I am a very compassionate man, but this is a real stretch.


We must ALWAYS remember that God is with us. He is with you when you are sad, and He is with you when you are happy. Let Him guide you through this awful storm we are all facing. He wants to best for His children.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Being a Servant to Others Can Change the World

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It is another day of sitting here in my PJ’s and typing. I guess that is one plus to being on lock down.

The vaccine is on its way. It will take a while to get down the list of people, but it is available now. Stand strong and this will all be over in the next few months.


I learned through prayer that during this horrific time, the best we can do is be servants. Too simple, and yet the outcome is huge, if we all took this approach, what a difference there would be in this world.

What does it mean to be a servant? It doesn’t mean you are a slave for someone. It means you are reaching out and helping those around you who are hurting.

An example of this is right in my neighborhood and just two houses down from me in our cul-de-sac.

The husband and wife there have both come down with the virus. It had gotten pretty serious for the wife. She was sent to the hospital with double , Severely dehydrated, and failing kidneys.

It didn’t look good for her at all. I shared her problem with a breakfast of Christian men. There were ten of us. We all prayed for the family yesterday morning. This morning we got an update and the wife did a complete reversal. The doctors were dumbfounded. They didn’t think she would even recover. She will be coming home once she is stabilized.

Prayer is powerful!!

The men at the breakfast didn’t know who the people were, they still prayed for them. They were acting as servants for this couple.


Where can you be a servant?

Reaching out to those around you is a great start. You neighbors may be hurting. Give them a call and see how they are doing. Some may be ill. Some may be depressed. Check with your family as well. You call may put a smile on their face and give them hope.

Go volunteer at your local food bank. There are huge lines all over this country. They will be so thankful that you have come, and will place you where they need you the most to help out.

Set up prayer groups, and find out where prayer is needed. There are hundreds of people suffering right now. Pray without ceasing. God will hear you!

Come up with your own ideas on how to serve. You will feel that you are doing God’s work, and you will be helping people that need help.


When I think of being a servant, I can not compare my self to Jesus Christ. He came onto this earth to be a servant. Everything He did was to serve others.

If we could just try to use Him as an example in everything we do, miracles would happen.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Through Afflictions, We Know That God Will Do Something Better

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The dictionary says:

Affliction: A state of pain, distress, grief, or misery.

That is a sorry state of affairs. Who would want to be afflicted?

Some examples of affliction:

  1. A single mom with one child has to work had to provide for her son, and also pay the bills.
  2. A young college student is taking 18 units of credits. He has a job to help pay for his tuition. Then he goes home on the weekends to care for his ailing mother.

Those afflictions are hard to bear, but in each case the person is doing it out of love.

Do you have overwhelming burdens?

Is life not good to you?

Here is a recipe for a cure for all of this:

  1. Be joyful.
  2. Be prayfull.
  3. Be grateful.

You are saying WHAT? You want me to do all that during my afflictions?

Yes, and I am saying for you to do those three things without ceasing. During these times we need to have a running conversation with God.

He is our fortress, our protector, and He is our loving Father.

He knows what each of us is going through. God is not ignoring us. He is taking the same steps we do, and is walking beside us each step of the way.

I have had my share of physical afflictions, and some wonder how I can be upbeat through all of my pain. It is simple for me, but hard to understand. The more afflictions I have the more help I can give others who are going through the same things.

When I think about my afflictions, I think of Paul who had many more afflictions then anyone can emagine.

He was shipwrecked, bitten by a snake, beaten, thrown in prison, and people wanted to kill him.

His thoughts on that were that he too could use those moments to reach out more to others.

Another person who had way more afflictions than we can grasp was Jesus Christ. He was shunned by his own people. They cursed at him, spit upon him, beat Him, put thorns on His head. They even crucified Him.

He had many afflictions, but He knew that God had something better through all of His torture.

How about you? Do you feel overburdened? Are you thinking the world is out to get you?

You are not alone. Many people are feeling the same way with all the turmoil that is around us. There are the Pandemic, rioting, shootings, killings, threats from our enemies.

We are under daily afflictions.

Stay strong! Be grateful for what God has in mind for you. Pray without ceasing, and, yes even be joyful.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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