A place to find Hope

Tag: lyrics

A Short Post About Love, Because Love Conquers Everything.

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This post is about love. Love conquers all adversity.

Here are some thoughts on love from my Church service on Sunday:

  1. Lyrics from a song. “Your love is holding on and won’t let go.”
  2. The story about the good Samaritan: A man was attacked and beaten up badly on the road. The attackers left him for dead. A priest came by and saw the man. he went on the other side of the road and kept walking. A Levite came by and did the same thing. He kept going. Then a Samaritan came by and found pity for the man. He bandaged him up, and took him to an inn. He told the Inn keeper to take care of him and gave him money to do it. That is true love.
  3. When I am loving God with all my heart, I feel compassion for others.
  4. When I am loving God with all my heart, I care for the stranger, the outsider, even my enemy.
  5. Love your neighbor as yourself. Your neighbors can be anyone, anywhere, any time.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Three things to Do to Cope in This Not so Friendly World

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Another Monday! Like the lyrics says, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” It is raining and it is Monday. Any Questions?

Actually I am doing fine. There is nothing about Mondays that should be any different since I am retired. Every day is a Saturday for me.


Now we have to wait and see what the world has in store for us today. Should be very interesting with all the clamor going on around us. The pandemic, the unknown out come of the election in the United States, and of course, the ever popular rioting.


I have taken all of those on with incredible courage and valor. Let’s look at each one.

The pandemic is the hardest one for me.

I have been on lock down since March. I have some health issues that the virus would love to attack. But why should I pout and scream?

Jesus, was going through an awful lot more than I can even grasp in His life time. He never pouted or screamed. He kept loving the people no matter what.

The election outcome is not known yet.

“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.” Another lyrics that is a very sad song. This election years has been a nightmare from the beginning until now. Constant attacks on our president from the Democrats. Then the election it self seems tainted. What should we do?

Always remember, God is in Charge! He will allow the right person to be elected. It may not be who you or I really wanted, but God knows what is best for us.

The rioting has started up again.

In Portland, Oregon rioters attacked the homes of the council that voted to not defund the police. This is beyond wrong. They aren’t rioting because no justice, they are rioting to bring our country down. What should we do?

Stand very strong against violent rioting. God knows what is going on, and He has a plan. We just have to be patient, and let Him do the right thing.


Through all of this turmoil, how are you doing? Do you have problems coping?

Pray for God to guide you each and every day. Take His hand and hold on tight. He loves you, and will not have you face anything that you can not handle.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Thoughts for Survival inThis Not so Friendly World

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I really loved just putting positive thoughts on my last post. That’s what this site is all about.

With all the turmoil we have been going through for months, I saw some lyrics from a song that fits perfectly:

To God:

  1. Let the rain of your love soak our souls.
  2. Let it come as a flood.
  3. (for the West Coast people facing wild fires.) You bring beauty from the ashes.


Some of my own thoughts:

  1. 34% of all quotes from the founding fathers came from the Bible.
  2. Our #1 prioity is read the gospel of Jesus Christ, and not some politicians words.
  3. You have read in the Bible, “Give onto Ceasers what is Ceasers, and give onto to God what is God’s.” That means go ahead and pay your taxes to the government, but obey God. (Matthew 4:8-10)
  4. you ahve heard the new term of “Canceled culture.” That means to eliminate a culture that doesn’t agree with you. That is what is happening in the rioting. They are trying to destroy our way of life to fit theirs.
  5. Forgiveness:

A. Pray for those who pursecute you. Do not dwell on the incident.

B. Do not bring the rpoblem up again.

C. Do not talk to others about it.

D. Do not let it hinder the relationship.

Remember, Jesus always has and atitude of forgiveness.

If we don’t forgive others, we are turning our back on God’s forgiveness.

We aren’t sinless, but we can sin less.

Without god as your centerpiece, you will fail.

To fear the Lord is to take God seriously.

A Christian life is never boring.


To survive:

  1. Be on guard.
  2. Stand firm in the faith.
  3. Be courageous.
  4. Be strong.
  5. Do everything in love.

Much of what is written above will give you peace and hope. Reread each of the words and let them guide you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

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