A place to find Hope

Tag: military (Page 1 of 4)

If You Need Help, Ask For it Now.

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Being a veteran I am overcome with shame to find out that 1.5 million veterans do not have enough food to eat. I know they were taught to be tough in the military, but they need to seek help anyway.


Have you had times when you needed something , but was too proud to ask for help?

There are many of you out there doing that. It is not shameful to seek help. Allow your friends and neighbors to help you.


God will also provide for you if you ask. He wants you to be strong and healthy. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Help is There for Those Veterans Who Are Suffering.

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I have been doing way too much ranting and I apologize for that. I am so frustrated with how our country is moving in the wrong direction.

I promise to share signs of hope today, which is the title of my blog.


I am writing a new book called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of life.

It is a book written just for my fellow veterans from the military. It reaches out to those who suffer from PTSD, TBI, depression, wounds, etc.

I have had many wonderful endorsements from leaders in the military. One I am especially proud of the following endorsement:


Doug is a veteran turned counselor, blogger, and prayer warrior.  His most recent book provides the ammunition that we need to turn the tide in the battle against PTSD and suicide.

Doug Bolton’s “Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life” is a powerful tool in the battle against PTSD. He provides the insights that we…. that you need to stem the tide of hopelessness that many of our veterans and first responders experience.

Doug is a counselor and author, but most importantly an “encourager” who knows the daily pain and discouragement that so many experience.  You can feel Doug walking beside you acknowledging the hurt and depression.  But at the same time that he validates what you are feeling, Doug provides down to earth guidance and encouragement to move you forward.

Most importantly, Doug “walks the talk.”  Whether through his blogs or his leadership in several veteran’s organizations, Doug is engaged in this battle daily.  He is a founding member of the board of directors of Victory for Veterans actively encouraging the Board and senior leaders to raise funds and provide the tools so desperately need in the battle against PTSD.

Jim Jaeger, Brig Gen, USAF ret.

Jim Jaeger is a retired USAF Brigadier General and was the founding President of Arete Incident Response.  He continues to fight cybercrime as Partner and Senior Cyber Strategist at Arete .


General Jaeger read the book and was very impressed.

I will be sharing more endorsements in future posts.


If you suffer with any afflictions like above. Know that God is there for you. He knows your hurts, your disappointments, or fears.

He will guide you down the right path, and hold you in His arms, with love.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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God Can Perform Miracles If You Ask Him

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My last post was my story about having a miracle happen. God is so good.

Well, I have a new affliction knocking at my door. I have tendinopathy in my left rotator cuff.

it is very painful at times, but I have learned not to move my left arm quickly. I do it in slow motion now.

Don’t think I will need surgery, because some therapists can fix it I am told.

I will keep you updated.


I have been following the war in Ukraine. Putin doesn’t call it a war, but it is. From what I have seen I believe Putin is losing badly.

He will be tried as a war criminal, I am sure. So many civilians Tortured, raped and killed. No reason for that. Bombing of apartment homes, killing many.

God knows what is happening there, and He will deal with Putin at the proper time.

Why has He allowed all of this to happen? It is because he allows us to choose what we want to do. He gives us choices, and then we answer to Him for what choices we made.

Pray for the Ukrainian people.


I am a member of a private group called RallyPoint. It is for qualified military people only.

What I have found is that many of the veterans on there are Christians. There many republicans too.

I enjoy sharing thoughts with them daily.


How are you doing? Are you battling afflictions like I am. Do you feel you have more than your share of pain?

Always remember God is with you 24/7. He know your pains, and knows your disappointments. Ask Him to help you through prayer.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Got My Shots for COVID, and Still Got it.

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I got COVID for the second time. I have had all my shots. I recall my first vaccination. It was about two years ago. When I got to the site for the shot, there was a tremendous line. I stood in the line waiting my turn.

The a National Guard soldier came up to me and told me to follow him. He took me to a spot where I was next in line. I was honored to be chosen to do that.

Probably because I had on my Army hat, and was using a cane.


Funny how people forget their duties. There is a tremendous need for civilians to enlist into the military. There are shortages in all branches. We all need to serve our country in some form, and I can tell you that the military changed my life in a most positive way. Think about stepping up.


Never forget hat God is with you 24/7. He will protect you from harm. All you have to do is ask.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Do You Hate to Wait. Waiting for the Red light to change, Waiting in lines.

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Are you like me in that you hate to wait? In the military I was told, “Hurry up and wait.” We hate waiting in lines. We hate waiting for the mail. We hate waiting for the red light to change.


What can we do to avoid waiting.

  1. Patience is always a good approach.
  2. Do not battle things you can not change.
  3. Pray for God’s protection.
  4. Help others who are struggling with waiting.


I have been feeling pretty good the last few days. My wife put me on a new schedule for my meds, and it is working. Much less pain.


Have you ever wondered, “Why me?” I certainly have. I seem to have more than my share of afflictions. I thought about this, and here is want I think:

  1. You are better off than some, because they have much worse afflictions.
  2. Feeling sorry for yourself Doesn’t stop the pain.
  3. I complained about having to use a walker, until I saw a man confined to a wheel chair.
  4. God has a purpose for us even in our pain.


Stay away from the negative, and grab the positive. It makes you life much more livable. Thank God for each day you get. Like I said, He has a plan for you.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


It Is a Blessing to Spend Time With Your Family.

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Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I am having a hard time with my right hip. I am told I will need surgery soon. If it takes the pain away. Let’s do it!


Went down to California to see my granddaughter’s College graduation. It was a very special time, as my wife, daughter-in-law. My daughter, son-in-law, And another granddaughter were there. We all stayed in the same condo.

Sure brought back memories of when I graduated from college. That was many moons ago.

I was able to be placed in the handicapped area near the football field. There were a whole row of us. Got to meet new friends that day. All very good people.

We left Portland, Oregon with 43 degree temperature, and got to the college with 86 degree weather. Huge difference. I decided I may want to live there.


I heard that there was an actor that said he loved to play soldiers in the military. He said it made him feel patriotic. There are thousand of soldiers who go to the front and get shot at with real bullets. Some never came home. Now that is patriotic.


My son, who is a retired Colonel from the Army, has been diagnosed with a brain disorder of some kind. They are still testing him to see what it may be.

Your prayers would be appreciated.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Spending Time With Family Should be a Priority in Lives.

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I had a wonderful weekend with my family. It was at the Oregon Coast. My fie Charlotte, my three children and their spouses, two grandchildren, and my children’s mother were there. Lots of talking and laughing. It was very refreshing, and needed.


Current news…

UFO’s are become a problem with our military airspace. Our pilots have almost crashed into them.


Russia has just one tank factory only making 20 tanks a month. They will run out soon.


Bryan Kohberger could face a firing squad if convicted for the four murders he is accused of.


Poll find Trump beating Biden, but Desantis and Haley losing.


Clash of the Kims as tyrant Jong-un’s wife and sister are having a power struggle with him.


Daily Thoughts…

  1. Russia is on the losing end of the war, and don’t get the idea of giving up. I predict and assassination of Putin.
  2. The weather in pretty unpredictable here in Oregon. Woke up this morning with three inches of snow on the ground. More snow coming.


Important thoughts…

  1. When you whine a lot, people stop listening.
  2. Reaching out to others helps them and you as well.
  3. We need to be more tolerant towards other peole.


Speaking about God…

  1. Had a Zoom meeting this morning and it was 8 Christian brothers. It was powerful and meaningful. We prayed for each other, and for many people we know.
  2. When we can’t wait for God’s answers, He may have you wait longer.
  3. Never feel God isn’t there for you. He is by your side 24/7.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face the Day During Your Storms.

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I had a wonderful time at my weekly coffee gathering today. There was a WWII Veteran there who is 98 years old. I had already interviewed him for my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

The interview is full of near death experiences, and the freeing of two concentration camps. One was full of Jews, and the other English soldiers.

It is a fantastic interview that is a must read when the book comes out.

I will keep you posted here as to the progress of the book. You can also go to www.dougbolton.com. That is now just a military site that has up to date military news, and side stories.


I have been having pity parties lately. My health is not all that good. I am struggling with weak legs, arthritis in my hip, and total lack of energy.

How do I face each day?

  1. I thank God for the day. He is the one that gives me my air in my lungs every day.
  2. I realize that getting old isn’t for sissies, and face my storms head on.
  3. I read the Bible. All the comfort I need is found there.
  4. I do not worry about tomorrow. Jesus says, tomorrow has enough worries on its own.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Thanks’ to All The Veterans Who Served Their Country.

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Today is Veteran’s Day. I am a veteran from waaaay back. I was in the service from 1959-1962. I am proud to say that I served, and I thank all of you who are serving, or have served. The sacrifice you did for your country is honorable.


It seems like many people do not appreciate the military and what it does for us. I hate to think what our country would be like if we didn’t have a military. Can you speak German, or Japanese?

The great generation fought hard for our freedoms, and they won. I had three uncles who fought in WWII, against both the Germans, and the Japanese. Two earned the Purple Heart.


It was hard for me to serve. I was a Christian and had feelings about being a conscientious objector. I was raised in a Quaker church that was against going to the military.

Because of me thinking my uncles were heroes, I overcame that feeling and enlisted anyway.


Be sure to thank everyone you know that is a veteran. It will make them feel proud that they served.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Never Let Age Stop You From Reaching Your Dreams

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Being an author has been a thrill for me. My first book received a national award from the Reader’s Favorite Awards.

I am now working on my second book called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the trenches of Life. It is almost finished and will come out by Christmas.


Sounds peachy keen right? Well, I have found that it is hard work and stressful. Not that I don’t enjoy writing. I love it, but there are other things I have to do like sell the book. I have been self publishing, which means it is all up to me to the marketing, promotions, signings, etc.

I am 83 years old and now am wondering if I have the stamina to go on with the big push for my second book.


Here is my feelings on that:

  1. Your never too old to start something.
  2. Use your age to be a expert on things people want to know about.
  3. Take time to do what ever project you are working on. Rushing has been bad news for me.
  4. Enjoy what you are doing. Don’t do it thinking you have to do it.


The most important thing to remember is that God is with you. He knows about your dreams. He knows what you are capable of. He will guide you down your path, or He will stop you if He thinks it is too much for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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