A place to find Hope

Tag: military (Page 3 of 4)

Be Strong During all the Turmoil We Must Endure right Now

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Another beautiful day outside. Going to have to go on a walk to build my strength back up.

Whenever I think of walking, I think of our brothers and sisters in the military, who don’t dare go on a walk. They are hunkered down for fear of being shot. Never forget them.


I can’t list all the things I think our country is doing wrong right now. The list would be long. I pray for our president, because to be honest with you, I do not think he is even in charge.

The far left is dragging him down like a huge magnate.


I read an article where a second Lieutenant, in uniform, was dragged out of his car and pepper sprayed. The video doesn’t show him doing anything wrong. He told the officers he was afraid to get out of the car. Their answer… “You should be!”

He has sued the police department and I hope he wins.


We still have more National Guardsmen in the nation’s capital than there are in Afghanistan. That is appalling. What are they afraid of?


While in the military I found that the more you accept orders the less strain you will be in.

Some of the guys I knew tried to “buck,” the system, and it didn’t work out well for them.

The discipline I learned for the military has helped me in my civilian life.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have added another person to interview. I spoke to him while at the Oregon Coast. He has some funny ,and yet sad sharing to do and I know it will help other veterans.

Everything else is in the final stages of preparation.


How are you doing today? Is the world spinning too fast?

You are not alone! There are many people struggling right now.

No job, lost relationship, death of a loved one, the pandemic.

It goes on and on. It is hard not to drown in the muck and mire.



Even though it sometimes feels like there is no hope, God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorways to hope.

To know God’s voice is calling you is hope.


Things can affect your life, but it can not define your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Think Life is Without Hope. God is There

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It is a beautiful day outside. No clouds and a high of 65 coming.

With that happening I should be feeling good and happy and I am. Not that I’m feeling perfect. It is because God has given me another day.


Now that I have brightened your day, let me get some bed feelings out of my head.

President Biden has announced his new gun laws program. It will cut many patriots hearts out. He wants to get rid of many types of guns, and tighten the rules. We will see how the public accepts that.


This reminds me of something a friend told me. He mentioned that he felt that life was without hope.

I told him that God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorway to hope. I also told him to listen to God. If He talks to you there is have hope.


I am going to update you again about my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I cleaned up my veteran interviews and I am pretty excited of how they turned out. I have four WWII veteran interviews that are breathtaking. Every one of them were near death experiences.

I am adding a second appendix. It will list all the good military books that are out there. I have read many of them, and they are outstanding and truthful.

Keep coming back to get more updates.


Have your days turned dark on you? Do it seem that storms are coming? Fear not! Storms come but they go away. Remember, God is there for you during all your storms.

Never let the darkside overcome you. Seek the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are Dark Days When We need to Lean on God

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Had a wonderful Easter

All my children were there. Lots of good food. Lots of laughter and story telling about each other. No masks, and lots of hugging.


We Must not Forget

those brothers and sisters in the military who had to spend Easter out in the cold, with not much good to eat. They are sacrificing their time to keep us free.


President Biden

is quickly turning both parties against him. His policies are causing havoc. He made the Major League Offices move the All Star Game away from Atlanta, because of the new legislation the state had put in place. It was strict rules on voting, and Biden didn’t like it.

He seems to be creating his own demise.


Here is an update for my new book coming out called, Signs of Hope for the Military; in and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Just a few more interviews to clear up.

I am going to add a second appendix. It will all the great military books there are.

Then it will be off the to publisher. I have one picked out and they will do a wonderful job.

I hope to have it out by Fall.


Did you have a great Easter? Maybe it was not so good. You couldn’t be with family. You didn’t have enough money to put a gathering together. There was sickness in your family.

All those darken our skies. They question comes up, “Why would God allow all this to happen to me? “

I do not look at it that way. God knows each of us. He will not cause calamity to come on us. It happens, and He is there to pull us through the storms.


Never listen to the voices that say, “God doesn’t care!”That is Satan talking. Leave the dark side where he lives, and embrace the light.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Stop the Rollercoaster Ride of Life. It May Throw you Off

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Another beautiful day outside. I hope to go for a walk this afternoon. I need to get the fresh air, and build up my legs.

I have been exercising more right now. I certainly need to get back my strength, after having a battle with Pneumonia.


It seems to me that this world is going in the wrong direction very fast. The gas prices are skyrocketing. The military may take a big hit to help pay for President Biden’s fantasies. It already has been mentioned.

He has started a avalanche I am not sure he can stop.


I was able to have breakfast with some good friends yesterday. They are the “Coffee group,” that used to meet everyday before the pandemic hit. It has cleared up a little, so now we meet once a week at a restaurant to catch up.

Lots of laughter, and talking going on.


It is so important to keep up with you friends and family. They are the saving link in your life. They can cheer you up and listen to your hurts and pain.

I try to connect with my children as much as I can. It makes them feel better and it brings a smile to my face.


How is your life going? Are you connecting with family and friends? Do you take time to “Check in, ” with them? I think it is vital that this happens. You will be glad you did it, and so will the people you connect with.

Our world seems to be spinning too fast for some of us. It is like a rollercoaster ride without any handrails. You hold on to something, and hope you aren’t thrown out.

Don’t let the world spin you out of control. Seek the light, and stay away from the darkness.

God will be with you during your troubling times. He never leaves your side.



You are never alone.

You are enever forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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It’s Time to Set Goals for 2021 Choose Wisely

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It is now 2021. 2020 is gone. It is in the past. Let’s move on. Enjoy the new beginning. Enjoy the new hope.


Today is a big day for football fans. You could watch bowl games all day. I have picked my favorite to win it all. Clemson has a tremendous quarterback, and they look pretty good.


What is your goals for the new year? I suggest you do not do resolutions. They are too easy to break. You goals should be realistic and reachable.


Here is my goals for 2021:

Finish my new book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have been spending over three years on this book. So much research and phone calling. I want this to be just what our military needs to win their inner battles.

If you want to know about the book, go to www.dougbolton.com. I have been sharing excerpts there.


The next goal is to be healthy. I have been having issues, and I am tired of being tired. Need to find the ways to be stronger, and healthier.


Then I want to be able to go where ever I want, when ever I want to. This pandemic has caused me to be on lock down since last March.


Of course, I want to be closer to God. He is my heavenly Father. I need to read the Bible more. Pray more, and do more to glorify His name.


I have many more goals in my head, but they can be added as I finish some of the others. Do not over load your goals.


How about you? Have you thought of the new year and what you have for goals? Make a list right now. Most important goals first. Put them up somewhere to remind you to be doing them.


God has plans for you. He will reveal those to you when He feels it is the right time. Listen to Him. Do not ignore His instructions. He wants the best for you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Worry and Doubt Can Drag you Down Like A Huge Magnate

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Self-doubt can pull anyone down like a huge magnate. If we have doubt, we already have two strikes against us.

We need to know that God has our back, as they say in the military. He will not allow anything to come after us that we can not handle.

It is amazing what we can do when we know God wants us to use the abilities He has given us.

Paul said, “Take every thought captive.” He went on to say, “Demolish doubt!”

He is saying, do not let doubt get in your way for anything. Confront them, and get them out of your way.

More and More I keep myself focused on what I need to do for the Kingdom of Christ instead of letting my doubts sidetrack me.

Don’t let others control your mind-only Christ has that privilege.


I have been racing around in circles the last few months.

Things are pretty confusing, with the election not figured out yet, and the pandemic roaring loudly.

I wonder who I should believe? I wonder what is store for my down the road? It can get overwhelming sometimes.

I have said this before, and will probably say many more times, GOD IS IN CHARGE!

I have to stop this fretting, and worrying.

In my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I had a chapter heading that said, Worry is the dark room where negatives are developed.

I have to be reminded of that often. I allow myself to sway away at times, and it is such a waste of time.


General Flynn just suggested to President Trump that he should suspend the constitution and declare Marshal Law. I think that isn’t very sensible. It can only lead to s Civil War in my opinion. We need to find other solutions to straighten the mess in our government.

One obvious suggestion is prayer.


I took part in a Zoom breakfast with eight of my Christian buddies.

We are all in our 70’s and 80’s, and can not go to restaurants.

The discussion was self-doubt, like I opened this post with. One of the guys put out a hypothetical thought. “Why do I pray when God already knows what I am going to ask for. Interesting!

God wants a conversation with us. We are His children. Wouldn’t you want your children to talk to you?

I talk to Him every day. Probably a boring prayer to some, but it is consistent. I pray for my health. I pray for my family. I pray for our nation. I pray for my friends. EVERY DAY!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong and Don’t Go Through Life Alone

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Have you ever felt alone? I mean like you ae stranded on an island by yourself?

I have some times that has happened to me:

  1. When I was eighteen, I enlisted into the military. I had never been out of my home state. In basic I had two buddies that I had enlisted with and they gave me comfort. But then we were trained and all three of us were deployed to Korea. Still OK until we got there and found out that we were being sent to three different bases. I then learned what loneliness was. It was just me and a whole company of guys I had never met before. Then the alone feeling was overpowering. This eighteen year kid was in a foreign land, and didn’t know anyone. I felt lost. I felt I wanted to be back home with my family.
  2. Much later in my life I felt alone again. It was overwhelming. I couldn’t even tell my wife why I felt alone. It kept growing on me until I was ready to give up. I was driving my Ford Explorer one day, and it all came up all at once. I began sobbing. I couldn’t see where I was going. I turned into a high school parking lot and drove way in the back of it where no one could see. I had actually considered checking of this hotel called earth. That is when I yelled, “God I can’t take this any more!” Then I felt different. I felt the fear got away. I felt fresh air. It seemed like coming out of a coma. It was like God was saying, “It’s about time you came back to me. Now let me carry you the rest of the way.”

There are other times I have felt alone, but each time now I remember one thing...I AM NOT ALONE! God is with me every step of the way. I could tell you what happened after each time I felt alone. I even wrote an award winning book about it called, Signs of Hope, Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World.

There are only one place to get the book if you want it. It is close to a second printing, and there are only about ten copies left. I have those ten copies, and you can only get one by going to www.dougbolton.com and click on books. This way you get an autographed copy directly from me.

I digress.


Being alone and isolated is our enemy.

We feel we can take on the world on our own. As a result, we distance ourselves from those who know us the best, We come incased in ourselves to push away others.

Remember this… Living the Christian life is not a “me,” thing, it is a “we” thing.

We need someone in our life to hold us accountable. We need a mentor to keep us on the right path.


In my case it is my own son Greg.

He has grown up to be a real Godly leader. I turn to him whenever I feel sad, depressed, or even alone. He is a no nonsense guy who tells it like it is, and that is exactly what I need.

We have to realize that we can not live for Christ if we are not connected. My son keeps me connected.


Before you chose your mentor You have to expect the following things to happen:

  1. Transparency: You must be willing to be see as you really are. Many of us of afraid to let anyone knw how we are deep down. We are afraid of rejection.
  2. Choice: You must be willing to change. No one can force you into anything.
  3. Confidentially: Everything you share never goes any further than the two of you.
  4. Commitment: Both of you must agree to a higher standard. The person across the table from you must have a deep desire to see you succeed.
  5. Confrontation: You can’t go easy on each other. Accountability requires confronting the reality of the truth. Face the truth and accept the challenge.
  6. Compass: This is is most important thought. The Word of God must serve as your compass to guide you the rest of your life.


“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” proverbs 27:17


So if you feel isolated, find someone to help you. You need them to have a sounding board for you. Be strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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Wild Fires Are Out of Control in Oregon

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It has been very scary here in Oregon right now. Wild fires are all around us. Several towns are completely gone along the Santiam river. The following towns have burnt down:

Detroit-huge tourist spot for boating and fishing. Also, Idhana, Lyons, Gates, Mill city, Mehama, and they have evacuated Silverton, which has over 20,000 people. That is east of us. Silverton is only 20 miles from us.

To the west of us on the Lincoln City is on fire on the Oregon coast. The Safeway store there is ablaze at the last report.

So we are surrounded at the moment. We are packed and ready to go when ordered.

All three of my children are in harm’s way.

That seems enough to handle, but we still have the Pandemic, and rioting in Portland.

That would seem enough to cry, “Enough,” Lord.


The bottom line is that God is in charge and I am not. I rest in his love and protection. We will get through this. We won’t be the same, but we will get through this.

My family is constantly texting back and forth to see how we are doing. It give us comfort to lean on each other.


How are you doing? Are things in your life on fire? Are the flames nipping at you heels? Too many burdens to handle? I certainly hear you right now. We all have to trust God to see us through the storms in our lives.

We have an awesome God. He knows each and every one of us. He loves each and every one of us. He is here to protect and give you hope. I am sure leaning on him right now. I am glad he has big shoulders to lean on. I am the one who needs to be strong for the whole family. I pray for strength from God.


We all need to pray not only for our safety, but for our country. President Trump is being attacked from all sides. The democrats are doing everything they can to make him look bad. Please do not believe the news you see. Do a fact check every time. Trump loves the military, and the deomcrats are trying to get you to believe that he does not.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never ever, give up!

You have to Go Through Basic Training to Survive in This World

I was in the Military. I am a Army veteran. I was deployed to South Korea. My heart goes out to all those who are serving now around the world.

Before you get trained in your MOS (job,) you need to go through basic training. This is eight week of torture and pain.

You have the crawling on the ground with live ammo go over your head. You have a gas chamber you have to go through without a mask. You throw grenades hoping you get it out of your hand. Then there is the shooting range. Don’t forget the many push-ups you do all day, because the drill sergeant loves you.

Now think of this as a Christian. You have to go through basic training once you accept christ into your heart.

Being a Christian is not for sissies.

God wants you to be part of His Army. He wants to train us in a certain way. The grace that saves us is the same grace that trains us.

When we have storms and trials, we should consider them as training.

Where do we get the training? The Bible. Even long time Christians need the Bible. We are never too old to need to learn more. The Bible bridges all racial, cultural, and social deviations. The Bible is for everyone, not just Christians.

Reading the Bible is not the goal. The goal is to grow spiritually while reading the Bible.

However, just reading the Bible is not enough.

  1. We go to church.
  2. We Read the Bible.
  3. We serve in the church.

What we really need to do is to be concerned about God’s glory.


How are you doing? Do you feel you still need a lot of training? Are there times when you slide just a little bit and not go to church one Sunday? That is where it starts. Never shrink backwards when it comes to God.

Always keep learning. Always keep training. The world is tough out there. Put on the armor of God, and be ready for what comes.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Looking Back at the Holidays

The holidays are past, but I have had time to reflect and thought I would share some thoughts.

We should have joy around the holidays, but some don’t think so. They have to face their relatives.

From that I learned that we need to have a family mentality.

We need need to be related by faith, family, caring. If we do that and more, we are a family that is glorious.

Yes, we have some relatives that we have differences with. When they come to visit it seems like they know what buttons to push to make us angry.

How do we deal with that?

Even if there is a problem with one of the relatives, we need to know that they have needs just like we do. We need to calmly sit with them and seek out the problems and try to find ways to help.

This should cause a miracle. They will be glad someone cares, and they will look at you in a whole new way.

I Have learned to pray for them.

I am so angry sometimes that this is very hard. If I can just spend 30 seconds praying for them that would be a good start. Then stretch it out to 35 seconds, and so on. I realized the more I prayed for them the less I was angry. It should be like daily exercise. The more you pray the stronger you become.

Try this out and let me know how it goes. Show me other ways I can reach out to those I sometimes find unpleasant.


There is much happening causing me to roll fast on finishing my second book, “Signs of Hope for the Military: In an Out of the trenches of Life.” All I have left are a few interviews with veterans who have been in the trenches. Their stories will warm your heart. They will cause you to cry, and wanting to help them.

You can go to http://www.dougbolton.com to see the progress.

You should always remember:

You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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