A place to find Hope

Tag: nurses

How Sad it Seems Our Country is Going the Wrong Direction.

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What a wild week last week. I had surgery done on Friday. It was to replace a battery in my defibrillator. Went well, but the recover is going slow. That is why I didn’t have a Friday post.

I had wonderful nurses taking care of me. There were three of them in my room at one time. They were very caring and attentive.

This is always important when you are about to go to the operating room.

The staff in the operating room were all men. They also were funny and attentive. This seems to be the routine to calm down a patient. Worked for me.


The vaccine shots are going well. There are many more people that are able to get the first shot. It is now down to 70+. My wife and I have both of our shots, and wondering what happens next. I am sure I am not able to hug yet. That is one of my trademarks.


The climate of our country is at an all time low. Lots of fighting verbally. I am saddened on how our country seems to be going in the wrong direction. There needs to be something happen to change the course.

I got an idea….how about God? Very creative don’t you think? God can calm the waters. He can move mountains. I think if everyone let Him be in charge there would be a tremendous change in the whole world.

No matter what we do, God is still in charge. He knows what we need and when we need it, so we just need to pray and be patient.


If you are struggling with what is happening in our world today. You certainly are not alone. Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!_


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You’re Probably Asking, When Will I Get the Vaccine?

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The wonderful news is that the COVID-19 vaccine is available. The bad news is when do each of us get our shot? There is a priority list and some have a long time to wait.

I completely understand taking care of the doctors and nurses, and even the police and firefighters. I also have no problem with the assisted living people getting their shots before me.

Then what? I am a health risk with underlining health issues. I hope it isn’t too long before my name comes up.


With the pandemic causing havoc at Christmas time, I am heart broken that I will not be able to see my children on that day. The best we can do is have a Zoom gathering, but that isn’t even close to being able to gather together. We do a lot of hugging, laughing, and opening of presents. That is all gone.


We need to be strong and hang tough. All storms end. This storm will end. We will mark 2020 off as the year of all years in our lifetime. We need to remember that God is with us. With him on our side who can be against us?


As I said before I am on lock down since March, because of my health issues. I haven’t been able to get out and even get my wife a present. The hurts deeply. I so want to let he know how much I love her, and ordering online is not my cup of tea. I will have to venture out and get creative.


The COVID-19 has struck close to us. In our cul-de-sac, a married couple came down with the virus. They only live two houses away from us. Even worse is that yesterday we found it has hit one of our family. My nephew has come down with it.


So what should we do to wait out this horrific storm?

Pray for God’s protection. Lean on Jesus to hold your hand and guide you. Be sure to continue your worship on Sundays by going online. I have a connection to my home church, and it is so reassuring to see the pastors sending out their messages of hope.

Never let the dark side overcome you! Go to the light of Jesus.

Reach out to others that you think may be suffering. You do not have to see them in person. Email them or call them.

Keep in touch with your family. Zoom has become a wonderful way to keep in touch with loved ones. Yes, it is not the same, but very important.


May God be with you! May He protect you, and give you peace.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Thoughts to Help You Survive

+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.

Sorry I missed posting yesterday. Too may errands to do.

I have really enjoyed putting thoughts down for you to ponder.

I am going share some more today:

  1. We need to find encouragement in discouraging times.
  2. We will be given new bodies when we get to Heaven.
  3. Jesus didn’t have a New Testament, He IS the new testament.
  4. Selfish sin makes justice impossible.
  5. Who can test my faith when there is an army of Angels on my side?
  6. We spend way too much of our lives glued to the TV screen.
  7. When is the last time we have reflected on what Jesus has done for us?
  8. God’s plan is much better than anything we can expect.
  9. Are we living for ourselves, or for God?
  10. Some are always fighting not having enough, discontentment, discouragement, and bitterness.
  11. We all face storms. It is what we do with them that defines our character.
  12. If we think God has turned away from us, we lose all hope.
  13. God doesn’t take us through the worst paths. He takes us through the best path possible for us.
  14. Shame has no place to hide, because you are forgiven.
  15. My fear doesn’t have a chance, because God is always near.
  16. God knows what you want before you ask for it.
  17. I think back to my days with boom boxes, 8 track tapes, and CD’s. I have to accept the new makes the old absolete.
  18. I often hear God telling me, ” Now I am speaking to you, because you were not listening to me before.”
  19. Backsliding: Not believing in that which you already know is true.
  20. Forget what others think your are!


I have been on complete lock down since early March.

That is seven months of self imprisioning. I only do dirve up for fast food, go to cardiac rehab, where there are several nurses, and a walk with my wife from time to time.

It is, of course, very hard on me. There only so many movies you can watch on TV. I am enjoying reading, and doing these blogs.


The wild fires in Oregon have devastated many towns near me here.

Three towns were completely wipped out. The people there have bonded, and are helping each other with clean-up and support.


It amazes me how people come together after they are faced with disaster.

It happens over and over again. This shows there is still love out there even though there is rioting everywhere.


How are you doing?

Do you have some not so fun days? Have you been overwhelmed? BE STRONG! God is there with you. He will not forsake you. He made you in His image, and that makes you His child.


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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