A place to find Hope

Tag: overcome (Page 2 of 3)

Life Can be Very Straining, But God is There

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It has been an interesting week for me. I go to physical therapy twice a week, and today my therapist did a mid term test on me. It was excruciating. She had me get up and sit back down as many times as I could in a minute. No help from your hands. I was worn out at the end, but she told I blew away my first test. YES!

Then she had me try to stoop down and pick up things on the floor. This is one of my tough problems. I was able to pick up what she had on the floor for me.

Then she took me outside and had me walk back and forth in a given area, and go back and forth as many times as I could in two minutes. I greatly improved in that as well.

Then she had me do a gruelling two minutes test on a stationary bicycle with the tension very high. I suffered through this test and she called it a day. She said she was very pleased with my progress.


Have you been through grueling tests in life? Were they almost unbearable? Look at it this way. God is testing you. It may not be your midterms, but he is testing to see if your are faithful. He is testing to see if you are strong spiritually. He wants the best for you, and He feels He needs to prepare you for what live has for you.

Don’t get angry when things are hard. Just work hard to overcome them with God’s help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Death Has Ways of Pulling us Down Like huge Magnate

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I was posting on my other blog this morning at www.dougbolton.com, and I realized that I have lost close friends not only in the military, but in life as well.

The two in the military were in peacetime. My best buddy, who had signed up with me to go into the military, died of some kind of crude while in Korea.

The second buddy died right in my own platoon, also in Korea, He suffocated in a honey bucket. A honey bucket is where to locals put their human waste for fertilizer.

These two deaths were extremely hard on me.


When I got out. I went back to college to be a teacher. I got a job in Albany, Oregon.

I lost three students during my career there.

The first one was a car accident. The boy had taken his mom’s car without permission and went on a joy ride. He was only 14 and had no license. As he was driving, he hit same loose gravel and went off the road. He was killed instantly.

The second student died right in front of me in the school. He had a massive brain injury. The last thing he said was, “I can’t see.”

The last one was suicide. He was a troubled kid, who kept getting into fights. I am guessing he didn’t like where he was in life, and ended it all.

So, I lost five people who I cared very much for. This doesn’t even include my own family members who have passed away.


Have you been there? Have you lost friends and family?

You certainly are not alone. Many of us have had to face that.

How do I keep going after all the death I have seen?

  1. I thank God for each and every day I have on this earth.
  2. I love all of my family to the max.
  3. I keep in touch with old friends to see how they are doing. It cheers them up and I cheers me up as well.
  4. I pray for God’s protection which gives me peace and comfort.


Never let the dark side overcome you into thinking the world is lost. Be strong and know God is with you. He can overcome any fears you may have. He will give you peace and comfort through the toughest of storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.


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The Far Left Democrats Are Attacking the Churches of America

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The faster I go the further behind I get.

Sound familiar? Have you tried hard to keep up with the rat race, and you seem to be falling behind?

You certainly are not alone.

Millions of people try to keep up.

The rat races should only be for rats. You and I do not need to try to be on top, and running ahead. It is too stressful and often we fail.

Here is my two cents worth…

  1. You never may reach the top of the mountain. However, there are wonderful places to stop along the way.
  2. So you win the race race. Then what??
  3. You can highly successful and still not be in the rat race.
  4. Rats never know where they are going. They just walk in circles, and get in trouble a lot.

Don’t be part of the rat race.


I saw that the churches are being attacked by the far left. They are trying to restrict many of the programs churches have.

Do not let them do this. Write your congressman and woman. Tell them to not restrict your freedoms in this way.


Everyday I pray for our country, our governments, both national and local. I pray that when they make decisions that it helps the people and not necessarily themselves.

I voted for a different person for president, but I still pray for our current president every day as well.


How are you doing? Need some prayer as well? I understand. I pray every day for you. Never let bad things overcome you. Be strong and let God guide you.



You never are alone.

You never are forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Losing Loved Ones Can be Very Hard to Overcome

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Things are looking better for me right now. The pneumonia has gone away and I am getting my strength back.


I am very concerned on how our country is being lead. President Biden fell on his way into a plane this last week. It wasn’t a slip It was a complete fall. I pray for him daily. I am pretty sure he will not complete his term as president, and Vice president Kamala Harris will become the president.

Some of the presidents new policies are costing the people deeply. His closing of the pipelines has gas prices skyrocketing. Many people are out of work because of the closings.


A dear friend of mine died suddenly a couple days ago. Totally unexpected. His wife is grieving, and we are too.

Have you ever lost a loved one? It seems to put a halt on many things for the family involved.

An empty chair; no one to talk to, or hug. This takes a long time to get over. I know I have lost a loved one.

What can we do to overcome this sudden storm?

  1. Know that your loved one is no longer in pain and is resting.
  2. Be thankful for the years they were with you.
  3. Don’t try to erase the memories. They are vital to help heal.
  4. Lean on other family. This is the time they want to help you the most.
  5. Connect with close friends. They can be your lifeline.


Through all the storms we face, God is with us. He knows what we are going through. He knows your pain. He knows because He sent His only son to die for us.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How do We Handle Someone Who Hates Us and is Very Hurtful?

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I am feeling much better today. The side effects of the COVID-19 shot are gone. So many people still haven’t even received their first shot. They need to increase the amount of the shots, and move quickly.


I had a “run in,” with a Facebook guy today. He was very bitter with life, so I took it on myself to try to cheer him up. He wasn’t very receptive.

He was despondent over the fact that I had the nerve to post these words,

” Have you been in an outhouse all of your life? Want to live in a penthouse? Let God be the throne of your life. He will raise you up out of the muck and mire and build a mansion for you.”

His reply,

I’ve heard that many times before. But I always end up in another outhouse. Can you please get god to explain why he’s not giving me what you keep promising?’

My reply,

“The mansion is in Heaven. Our time on earth for a short time. Enjoy it.”

His reply,

*Very graphic from here on. He became very bitter and attacked me verbally.

“Well, that doesn’t do me any good until I’m &%*#@! dead.

My reply,

“Sorry you feel that way. Hope everything works well for you.”

His reply,

“You are not sorry! You are just another con artist with nothing realistic to say. Everyone should just cry now and do some more dope. Get yourself an emotion meter and stick it up your &%$#! Then wait for God to unplug you.”

His last reply,

“Listen dummy when I say goodbye it doesn’t require any response.

My heart cried out to him. He is in a very dark place, and has allowed this world to overcome him. The only way to free himself from his world is to turn to Jesus.


This type of person is all too common in our world today. They flounder around; not knowing where they are going, and are lost and struggling.

There needs to be people near him to love him and let him know there is hope. He thinks there is no where to go, and yet it is staring him in the face.

Does God love someone like this? Of course He does. He loves everyone. God doesn’t go checking how good or bad you are, God still loves you.

This man who attacked me, needs to find hope and love, I am asking for you to pray for him. I will not give you his name even though I know it. Pray and God will know who you mean.


How are you doing? Are you drowning in the muck and mire and, can’t see a way out?

God picked me up from the muck and mire, and got me on the right path. He can do that for you too.

Do not let the dark side overcome you like it has for this Facebook person. Seek the light of Jesus. He will guide you on your path.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Battling Illnesses Can be Very Hard to Handle

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I am not usually negative about anything, but lately I have seen some alarming things happening with our government.

President Biden, has signed a massive amount of executive orders. I think some of them a very wrong.

He stopped building the border wall, which means thousands of people who are up to no good can still cross.

He ended the construction of a huge pipeline that caused over 11,000 people to be suddenly employed. I thought the democrats were union supports.


I am OK now since I was allowed to let off some steam. 🙂

I have not been feeling all that good the last week. Had blood tests that do not look to good. Got a doctor’s appointment coming up.


Have you battled with problems with your health? You can tell I understand. It is hard, at best, to face illnesses. They seem to come knocking at our door like a long lost relative and don’t want to leave.

What can we do to overcome those type of troubling times:

God is always with you. He knows your hurts and will hold your hand.

95% of what we worry about never happens. I my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World, I had a chapter title that said, “Worry is the Dark Room Where Negatives Develop.

It stresses us to rely on God, and let him have to other 05% of our worries. He has big shoulders.

Be strong and face the storms head on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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99% of What We Worry About Never happens

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President Biden has been in office less than a week, and he has signed many executive orders. Executive orders do not need the approval of congress.

Much of what he has signed has wiped out many of the accomplishments of Donald trump. We will see how the people react to that.


My doctor sent me to do blood testing. I got to the lab and the lab technician proceeded to draw blood. She drew and drew!! I looked on the counter where she was placing the vials of blood. There were eight vials filled.

I jokingly asked, “Am I going to need a transfusion.” The person didn’t like my remark, and said there is only eight ounces SO FAR! That’s right, she wasn’t finished yet. She pulled out two more vials that were huge. About the size of a small baby bottle. She filled both of those up.

I got up very slowly knowing I was going to be dizzy, and I was right.

I was able to make it home, and the results are already back. They have me very concerned. Eight of the results were abnormal. I see my doctor again in a month, or sooner if he looks at my tests early.


Have you had this happen to you? Have you had a sudden surprise come upon you? The pandemic has you locked up in your home. The bills are piling up because you can’t work.

We all face unexpected happenings in our lives. It is how we handle them that defines our character.


I have learned that 99% of what we worry about never happens. We worry way too much. We just need to rely on God for the other one percent.

I realize that it is not easy to accept this, but God is in charge.


Never let the dark side overcome you. Go to the light of Jesus.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong and Ask God to Lighten Your Burdens

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I have been struggling with things that are happening around me. The Pandemic, wild fires, rioting, election coming up, etc.

A bit overwhelming to say the least.

Why am I struggling?

  1. I am on lock down with the pandemic because of health problems.
  2. The wild fires got way too close, and several towns near me were completely destroyed.
  3. The rioting is still bad in Portland, Oregon. They tore down two statues, and broke many business windows. The statues they tore down didn’t make any sense. One was Teddy Roosevelt, and the other was Abraham Lincoln. This is not rioting because of Black Lives matter. It is just straight Anarchy.
  4. The election for president is near, and the attacks from both sides are getting to me. All the negativity is sad.


How can I overcome all this turmoil?

I have to always know that God is in charge! He controls what happens. He has a plan through all this mess. We don’t understand, but He knows what is best.

I need to be strong for my family. I am getting up in years. (I’m old!) I need to continue to lead and share positive vibes to my family and friends. They need it just like I do. I find when I am positive around family it rubs off on me and makes me stronger.


How about you? Does it seems like the whole world is on your shoulders? Do you wish you could spend all day in bed to avoid things?

You certainly are not alone. People are frustrated and depressed. You may not have the same issues I have, but you may have much more.

Be strong! Don’t let the dark side overcome you! Head to the light! God is by your side 24/7. He will hear your pleas. Lean on him with all you burdens and He will lighten the load.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Bad Things Happen When you Least expect it.

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Had a very intersting weekend. Went and stayed in Portland for my niece’s wedding. Yes, that is the Portland that has had 101 straight days of rioting. Well, we hit it lucky. The smoke from the wild fires in Oregon was so thick, the rioters were too much of cowards to come out and play. Of course they were back in full force today.

Ted Wheeler, (Weak Man) told the Portland Police they couldn’t use tear gas anymore because it was too harmful. So the Federal Agents protecting the Federal buildings used it instead. I love it!!

I know this all sounds harsh, but people have died; businesses have been destroyed, and many police were hurt.


Let’s move on to happier moments.

Like I said, we were there for my niece’s wedding. It was a very beautiful wedding held in a very small church that is a histroical meusum. It had the old wooden pews with carvings on them. The walls were wooden, The platform was very small, but fit for this small wedding.

My grand Nephew carried the rings. He released the tension a little by dropping the rings not once but twice. His mom just laughed and kept doing her vows.

My wife lost one of her diamond ear rings, so there was some panic for a while. As I was out to the car checking there, I asked the lord to guide us to the ring.

When I got back one of the attendies found it outside in the rain. My wife was overwhelmed with joy. Thank you Lord.


Then we went to the reception

It was held at the top steak place in town called, The Morton’s. There was much relaxing, and laughing during this time. People who didn’t know each other mingled, and we all were one by the time it was over.

There were some interesting things that happened during the gathering. I was the center of two of them. About half way through the toasting I knocked over my champaigne glass, and it went all over my shirt and suit pants. That was extremenly imbrassing, but my wife was very kind and consoled me.

Then a few mintues later, I knocked over my water glass. It spilled all over where the wine had spilled. I joked, ” I did that on purpose to wash out the chanpaigne!” I was very silent much of the rest of the time, because I felt so badly about what I had done.


We eat the wedding cake, said our goodbyes and headed back to the hotel.

I was beyond exhausted at that time, and got ready for bed immediatley. My wife was busy getting cloths back to her sister we had stored for them.

Finally got into bed and concked out fast. Half way through the night I fell out of bed and hit my head on the end table by the bad. Got a bump on my head, but I am OK now, because I am back in my lovely home resting up.


Have you been through sudden stress like I went through heavy stress three times in one day?

Have you wondered why me? I did. I kept asking the Lord to help me through everything, and he did. Everytime I had a crises someone came to me to give me encouragement. When I fell out of my bed, Charlotte was right there helping me.


We all face stress.

There will be stormy days where it seems nothing is going right. You may even feel like you should have stayed in bed on those days.

God is always there for you.

He never leaves you. He is just a prayer away. Don’t be discouraged. God will not let you go through anything He feels you can not handle.


Be strong. Do not let the dark side overcome you. Seek the light at all times.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

The Best Four Letter Word in the World is Hope

Times are not friendly on our planet. There are riots, pandemics, shootings, and violence.

Some people do not know what hope is. They hide in their basements and try to not face the world.

You often see the picture of an animal sticking his head in the sand out of fear. That is what we are facing.

What things do we need to do to overcome all of this?


  1. God never wavers. He is always by your side.
  2. Jesus went all the way for you and I to have eternal life.
  3. 99% of what we worry about never happens.
  4. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  5. Block out all the negative stuff in your brain and replace it with positive stuff.
  6. Walls form. Work your way around them, through them, or under them.


In the title I mentioned that hope is the best four letter word in the world. Well, the worst word in the world is hopelessness. Just the opposite of hope.

Hope is an anchor for our lives. This anchor solidifies like a boat in the wind. our hopes are in the promises of God.

Hope is my favorite word. I have two books with the word hope in them. The first one is Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. This book won a national award from the Readers Favorite Awards. You can order a copy from this site.

My second book that is almost finished is called, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. This book is reaching out to veterans and current service members who may be struggling with PTSD, TBI, depression, anxiety, etc.

Why am I writing this book? I am heart broken that 22 veterans or service members, are taking their own lives every day. Yes, I said every day. I am hoping this book will help bring that number down to zero.

Cling to hope. Hope gives you a chance to face life as we know it today.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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