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I have been through a rollercoaster ride.
Yesterday, I went to have oral surgery on my teeth. They wanted to take two teeth out that were infected.
I got there and they started the painkiller injections. The doctor stopped when he thought he had done enough. he started chipping off some of the top of the teeth. I winched, and he said, “Need more shots!”
He gave me another one and started to pull one of the teeth out. I had pain again, so he stopped and said, “Many people have this problem. We will need to use a general anesthetic. We will reschedule you for later today.
As you know the injections are the worst of the procedure. All lost!!
I came back at the appointed time and we started over. They put me in la la land and I slept well, (Because it was my normal nap time anyway.
I woke up and they said everything went well.
It was a real joy to use the general anesthetic. I suggest you all do that.
The great thing was that I have not pain whatsoever today I am feeling good, and ready to take on the world.
I must also suggest that I am sure God was there with me. He is everywhere right?
Knowing that He was there was very soothing to me, and helped the procedure to not overcome me.
Have you had times when you needed God to be there with you? Did your feel that He was?
Always know that He is. He is with you no matter where you are. (So be good for goodness sake.)
You are never alone.
You are never forsaken.
You are never unloved.
And above all…never, ever give up!
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