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Tag: parent

You Are Never Too Old to be a Parent. Be a Good Example

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I have seven grandchildren. They are all Christians. All my children and their spouses are Christians as well. Can I retire from the world and sit in my rocking chair?


You never stop being an example to others, no matter what your age may be. I am 81 years old, and feel I need to do much more than I did when I was a young dad. My family still looks to me for comfort and advice.

That is quite a responsibility.

As parent we need to nurture our children and raise them in the way God would want us to raise them. No, they don’t have to be perfect. You and I aren’t perfect. We just need to show them what is right and wrong, and keep reminding them of the important things in life.


I saw some frightening news the other day. It showed people beating up defenseless people just for the fun of it. It also showed cops being attacked until they were unconscious.

What is happening to our country? Why are we heading in this direction? It seems it is OK to strike anyone you want and then get away with it.

The world is changing, and I am afraid it is changing in a very wrong way.

What can we do to stop the raging river of hatred?

  1. It starts at home. Your/my job is to instill into our children that it is not OK to show racism to anyone.
  2. We have to be the great example for them, because Monkey see and Monkey do. Whatever you do they will do. You take drugs. They will take drugs. If you drink alcohol, they will drink alcohol.
  3. It is hard, at best, to be a parent, but this is what we have chosen to do and we need to do it well.


I was a teacher for 22 years. I loved my students, but some were a full load for me. It never failed…when I had parent conferences the parents of the trouble kids, were also trouble. They demand more. They expected special things for their children. They expect their child to excel in school.

I realize that most parents want these same goals, but the approach these parents used showed me why the children were they way they were.


How do you think you are doing as a parent? No matter what your age you are still a parent. Do your children respect you and love you, or do they try to avoid you?

Lean on God to find the right path to being a good parent. The perfect example of love is Jesus Christ. I pray every night for Him to guide me on how I could be more like Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Are Fathers Really Needed to be in Children’s Lives

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With Father’s Day just around the corner, I got to thinking how important a fathers are.

The questions are coming up more often about the need of fathers in a home. The leading newspapers in the world are questioning that. The New York Times, and many others challenge the need for fathers in the home.

I didn’t have a father in my life. He was in my home town and never saw me much.

What did I miss?

A boy needs his father to be an example for him. A boy needs a dad to tell him, “Way to go champ.” A boy needs his father to have someone to talk about boy things.

The majority of the hardened criminals in the penitentiaries didn’t have a father.


How about a little girl?

They need to know how to choose a man. Girls without a father in the home tend to more sexually active in an earlier age.

In both girls and boys need a sense of security and love.


So how do we help these children?

There are uncles, grandfathers, even friends, who need to step up to the plate and help these children.

In my teaching career the amount of broken homes kept growing every year, until over half of my students only had one parent.

So in reality, I became father to them. They would cling, and want to be near me during class time. I had to discourage this as much as I could, but I did a lot of hugging.


How is your home going?

Are you divorced? Are you the only parent in your home?

I really understand. I was divorced once myself. However, I did everything in my power to love my children, and spend as much time with them as I could.

I have remarried and my children love her very much. They call her their second mom.


Don’t let the past decide your future. Yes, you have so much work ahead of you, but you can do it!!

How? God is there to be your guiding light. Also, use Jesus as an example of how you should act and respond.

It won’t be easy, but who is more important in your life than your own children?



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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