A place to find Hope

Tag: Pastor (Page 1 of 2)

We Need to Remember, Getting Older Isn’t for Sissies.

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I have had Drs. appointments everyday this week. I have another one today. I need to remind you that getting old is not for sissies.


Thoughts to ponder:

  1. The gospel is not just for your pastor.
  2. It is not just for the evangelist.
  3. It is for every believer to share.


That is you and me. We are laymen, but we are also commissioned to share the gospel.


So much turmoil in our world today. Wars, and rumors of war. Inflation, southern border, corruption, gas prices, and much more. It is hard to be optimistic during these times.

So what can we do to overcome this?

  1. Be strong in your belief.
  2. Never let the darkside overcome you.
  3. Know that God is right there for you holding your hand.
  4. Reach out to others who may be suffering.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our sins Come From Our Own Heart

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The Pastor of my church talked to us about the end times, and what we need to do to feel comfort during that time.

He didn’t lay out a rosy picture for us. He said, “To bring people to the true love of God. They will have to face much conflict, pain and suffering.”

I found out later he was referring to the non Christians. That didn’t make feel too much better, because I have close friends who are not christians, and this will happen to them.

He shared with us how we give in to sin. It is within ourselves. It comes from our heart. We can block out everything around us that is wrong, but just one second of weakness and we are lost.



It is two days after Christmas and I am feeling the aftermath of eating the wrong things. We had two gatherings with great cooks at each one. It seemed like some kind of contest. Try my new dish! Is mine better that the others? So of course, I had to try all of them to find out.

I got home after these two events, and was feeling pretty tired and weak. It wasn’t from illness, it was from being a gluten.


It has been a loooong year! So much turmoil, and people getting sick all around us. The pandemic just doesn’t want to go away. I thank God that he has spared my family from all of this.


How did your year go? Full of pain and agony? I certainly hear you!

We all have to cling to God’s robe during these trying times. He is there for us 24/7. He will watch over you if you ask Him. Never give up when it is getting so tough.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The So Called Movements Are Corrupting the Minds of People

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I have been learning about what justice is through my church. It has been a theme for several weeks.

The Pastor’s definition was : Loving what is good and hating what is evil.

Makes sense to me.

One thing we need to remember is that God’s purpose for justice differs from OUR pursuit of justice.

His purpose for justice is purification and restoration. We get that in one place. It is on the cross.

When we try to take on the world alone without Jesus we tend to be corrupted. It can catch us when we are unaware. The Black lives matter movement, and the anti everything groups darken our view of what is right and wrong.

One thing we must never forget is that everyone needs compassion and forgiveness. Even the anti groups.

Never let the dark side sway you into thinking in negative ways.

Take courage; hold on, and be strong.


If you are getting caught up in the turmoil of the rioting, and people attacking the government, stop now and know that God is in charge. He knows what is going on, and He will correct everything when he is ready.

As for you and I. We need to pray for God’s guidence, and be open to His suggestions. Life would much more livable if we let God take charge of our lives.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Opinions, and the Turmoil is Dragging us Down

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Our pastor used the word, “Behold,” Yesterday. He explained that it meant to wake up and listen. This is important, and you better get this right.

We as parents use different words to try to get point across to our children. But, just for a second let’s see how it would work to use “Behold.”

Behold, your room is a mess. Clean it.

Behold your curfew is 10:30pm

Behold Get better grades.

I am not sure how well that would go, but it may be interesting.


The reason our pastor was talking about behold was because when we see the word behold, it means this is important and pay attention. I remember seeing that word at many places in the Bible, and it woke me up to knowing something was coming.

Isaiah 42: 1-9 uses it several times. The Prophet Isaiah was trying to wake the people up about the wrong doings they were doing. Idolatry, Sexual living, Coveting others wives.

He warned them that things will go wrong if they didn’t change.


In our day and age, we should be listening to Isaiah. We need to change. We need to stop listening to the crowd who wants rioting, cries of racism when there is none.

The only thing to listen to is the word of God. That never changes.

It’s not our feelings. It’s not popular opinion. It’s not what presidents or politicians say. God’s word is the only standard of truth. We cannot align with the rising opinions rather than the Bible, we won’t get justice.


Do you feel emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained, because of all the turmoil going on around you? You have carried this burden too long on your own. You should not bear it alone.

Turn to God. He has big shoulders to lean on. Pray for His love and protection. He will be there for you through the storms in your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Must Remain Strong in This Not so Friendly World

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What happened on Wednesday was horrific. I was ashamed I was an American when I sat and watched rioters break into our National Capital, and even to the house and senate floor.

I 100% condemn their efforts. Nothing was accomplished, and other countries were appalled at what was going on.

This type of terror has to stop and stop now.


It is hard for me to do the things I need to do to stay strong and healthy. I try to work out twice a week, but it is getting more difficult.

I did a doctor’s appointment, I also did some shopping today, and that got my step count up. Mostly though I am grounded, because of health issues.

I will have to come with some “In house,” exercises. Will share what I came up with in a future post.


I was able to watch my home church online last Sunday. I wrote down three notes that mean a lot to me.

Our relationship with God can thrive regardless of what is going on around us.

We should listen, trust and obey, as far as our walk with God.

The Pastor asked this question: Do you stand out as a righteous person?


Each of those statements hit me between the eyes. Not in pain, but reality. The first statement was so very reassuring. We all need to remember that God is with us through the good and bad of our lives.

The second statement woke me up big time. We should always listen, trust and obey God, because He knows what is best for us.

The last statement, I am still working on each day. We should all strive to be righteous people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Do We Really Need to Go to Church to be Christians?

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It’s Monday, and I am suppose to dread the thought of it, but I am retired and every day is like Saturday to me. I put in my time, and now I am enjoying every day.


Things are still in a turmoil in our country.

The rioting has spread. The pandemic is at a all time high, and we STILL do not know who our next president will be.

It is hard, at best, to be optimistic during this time. I am stubborn and will not let the dark side put out my light of hope, who is Jesus.

He is with each of us every day, 24/7. Never wavering. Never forsaking, never turning his back on us.

That gives me tremendous comfort. When I am down and depressed, He is there to take my hand and give me hope.


I was told by someone that they don’t go to church.

I asked why? They said they are a Christian, but don’t feel they need to meet every week with other Christians. They feel they can make it on their own.

Dr. Phil might ask, “How is that working for you?”

I can not separate myself from the church. Right now I can only be at church through an online set-up, But I am refreshed and ready to take on another week.

Just being there, hearing the songs, and listening to my pastor reassuring me, makes the whole world different to me.


Another thing I have been doing is talking to God every day.

I thank His Son for dying for me on the cross, and then I got through my list of family and friends I pray for. I even pray for our national and local governments.

I do this every day. I love my family and friends, and I love my country. I seek God’s wisdom to guide us all through the storms.

Things don’t seem to be going the way we would like it, but God is in charge and He never makes mistakes.


How are you doing?

Is there a lot of turmoil in your life as well? Do you wonder what is going to happen to you in the future?

There is millions of people with you in the same boat. Many are clinging on for dear life. Some are ready to give up. The suicide rate is sky rocketing during these times.


Don’t let the world dictate to you what you should fear. Jesus said, “Fear not.” He will be there for you during the good times and the bad times.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….Never, ever, give up!


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We Have to Remember God is Near to Help us

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I am tired and weary today. The rigorous days I have faced are slowing me down. I had a doctor’s appointment today that was good news. Sure needed that.


We are close to our second week without knowing who our next president is going to be. There is growing evidence that something is not being done like it should be. My thoughts are that no matter who wins, it has to be fair and square. Not cheating. Time will tell.


I really enjoyed my online church service last Sunday. It stressed calmness, and turning all of our burdens over to God. I have to reminded often about this. I take on way too many burdens that God could be helping me with.

The service online went on to say: We are never alone. One of my closing thoughts on every post I send out to you. Must be true then don’t you think?

Some think Jesus was very alone on the cross. Jesus was fulling human and felt in the ways we do. However, He was not alone. God was there with Him. You have to know that God was in pain watching His only Son die.

My pastor also mentioned that God allowed all the turmoil we are going through right now, because He wanted to bring the world closer together. Makes sense to me.

It’s almost like we have all fallen asleep about God being there for us. We fear everything. We doubt everyone. We are angry way too much.

Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Be anxious about nothing.” That pretty much covers it in my world.

If you have fallen asleep like so many Christians seemed to have done, wake up, it is time to praise the Lord. Do not hold it in any longer!!


I hear you when you say, “I love the Lord, but I am overwhelmed with burdens.”

In this day and age, there seems to be way too many burdens each of us has to carry. Stop in your tracks right now and turn all of them over to God. Now, can’t you feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders. I do every time I give him my hurts, disappointments and fear.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Stress is a Huge Part of Life These Days

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It has been very stressful the last six months. Where I live we add the wild fires to our stress. Hundreds of homes are gone. Millions of acres burnt. People have died.

We just got some news that arsonists started two of the deadly fires. Two people have been arrtested, and will face a long time in prison if anyone is killed.

The question is how will we be able to handle all of this. Besides the wild fires, there is the Pademic, rioting, looting, shootings, beatings, etc. Pretty overwhelming for a every day Joe like me.

I was watching my church online yesterday, and our Pastor spoke to this very concern.

When a virus hits that attacks the vulnerable, isolates individuals, and shuts down the economy and schools. We can say, the harder it gets the better I live. 

When protests stop being peaceful, when elections become polarizing, when families, friends, communities, and churches become divided. We say the harder it gets the better I live. 

When everything you own is burned to ash, when families flee for their lives, when the smoke makes the day night. We can say “the harder it gets the better I live. 


Let me explain what he means.

His theme was God knows what to give us.

He is saying that God knows what is going on. He knows the dangers we are all facing. He knows what to give each of us ACCORDING TO OUR NEEDS.

Every person has different fears. Each person faces storms every day.

God doesn’t want us to compromise so He knows what to give us to help us face those who try to sway us.

What the thoughts are from the pastor is, we should know that the harder it gets the better we live. We are sons and daughters of God. He will not gives us more than we can handle.

He may give some peace. He may give others courage. He may give some knowedge to help others.

When it comes to your daily life; choose your battles carefully. Choose your friends wisely. Choose your solutions intentionally. Do not waver God has given you a path to take. Stay the course.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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Finding Encouragement in Discouraging Times

We have had a rough road to ride on for the last several months. The COVID-19 virus is causing havoc on our country. It seems to be getting worse then getting better.

The rioting, burning of businesses, shootings, beatings, that are going on in our big cities is not only frightening, but very sad.

It seems the all these cities are run by democrats. Don’t know if that means something.


Encouragement for the discouraged.

The Pastor of my church had a message on this. The title was From Brokenness to Blessings.

He said he understands all of us who are fearful, and frustrated. We have battles every day, and to have this be on top of it all is hard, at best.

What are his answers?

  1. God guarantees victory. Pretty simplistic right? However, we often forget that. We forget that God is in charge and He won’t give us more that we can handle.
  2. The best is yet to come. Hard to see that right now, but I bet we look back at this a few years from now and feel we are so blessed at that moment.

Do not go into hiding.

We do not need to hide in our basements. We need to be out there helping those who are overcome with fear, and depression. This is the perfect time to show our love for them.

We have the love of God in our hearts. We need to let others know how that feels.


How do we hold on?

How are you doing? Are you having trouble getting up every morning because the world is crazy right now? Do you dread turning on the TV, because there is so much negativity? Are you struggling because the virus is closing down your work?

You certainly are not alone.

I feel your pain.

I am in total lock down. Haven’t been in retail store in four months. No restaurants. Only drive up, and take out. Can’t see my children. I text them and call them a lot.

Why am I in lock down? I am afraid I have three underlying problems with my health. If I was to get the virus, I am gone.

Am I crying and frustrated? At times I am close, but I am suppose to be the father figure, and show strength and perseverance.

Again, God is with you. Jesus is with you. They are just a prayer away.

Lean on them for your strength. They are you fortress. They are your protectors.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

So many Problems Attack us All At Once

I had a great message online from my church on Sunday. I also was on a phone conference with a dynamic young man who is on fire for the Lord.

From the phone call I wrote down two of the quotes from Taylor Wilkens, area leader for FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes.)

  1. Everything can be chaos around us, but God will help us through the storm.
  2. There are so many bad reports coming from TV and newspapers, when will the good reports start coming in?

He is spot on, and we need to realize that. We are never alone in this world. God is always there for us through the good times, and the bad times.

We are overwhelmed with negative TV, and news in general. When is the last time you saw a feel good story? We need to be strong and block out all of the negativity.


Referring to the protesters, My Pastor said, “Fireworks are exciting. The start is good, but then it is just a pull of smoke.” This reminds me of all the protesters who think what they are doing is right, but in the end they are causing more harm than good.

My Pastor also said, ” You have a house that you have built. You worry about room sizes, where to put the windows, the paintings, etc. Did you think about the foundation? Most people don’t.” Our foundation is the Bible. We get all our guidance from it. If we live by the Bible, our foundation will be strong.


We were told that in reality we are just apprentices for God. We are still learned and growing. You never out grow being an apprentice. I am up in years and I am still learning much.


There is an abundance of fear in our world. We can help others with fear. Reach out to those around you. See how they are doing. Help them if they are struggling. It may be right in your own neighborhood.


We read the story about Peter wanting to get out of the boat and walk to Jesus. We need to get out of our boat and help others. What fear is holding you back from getting out of your boat? Ask yourself, “Why can’t I get out of my boat? Remember, God is not done with you yet. He needs you out of your boat. If we walk with Christ and not towards Him in the water, we are at the safest place to be. I realize that stepping out of a boat right now with all the storms around us is hard, at best, but we Have Good on our side. We win!!

Sorry for the many different topics here, but they were building up in my head, and I was getting a headache. :0



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never every give up!

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