A place to find Hope

Tag: patient

How Sad it Seems Our Country is Going the Wrong Direction.

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What a wild week last week. I had surgery done on Friday. It was to replace a battery in my defibrillator. Went well, but the recover is going slow. That is why I didn’t have a Friday post.

I had wonderful nurses taking care of me. There were three of them in my room at one time. They were very caring and attentive.

This is always important when you are about to go to the operating room.

The staff in the operating room were all men. They also were funny and attentive. This seems to be the routine to calm down a patient. Worked for me.


The vaccine shots are going well. There are many more people that are able to get the first shot. It is now down to 70+. My wife and I have both of our shots, and wondering what happens next. I am sure I am not able to hug yet. That is one of my trademarks.


The climate of our country is at an all time low. Lots of fighting verbally. I am saddened on how our country seems to be going in the wrong direction. There needs to be something happen to change the course.

I got an idea….how about God? Very creative don’t you think? God can calm the waters. He can move mountains. I think if everyone let Him be in charge there would be a tremendous change in the whole world.

No matter what we do, God is still in charge. He knows what we need and when we need it, so we just need to pray and be patient.


If you are struggling with what is happening in our world today. You certainly are not alone. Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!_


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Does God Really Keep All of His Promises to us?

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I am reading about all the suspended accounts on Twitter and Facebook. It is really sounding like “Big brother,” is saying only write what I like.

The people are furious and moving on to other social networks. I do not blame them for one second. This is sounding more like a few controlling many.

I am on Facebook and Twitter. I haven’t said anything “awful” enough to be banned yet. I try to be positive as much as I can, but there are times when a person posts something that I can’t let slide.


Have you had broken promises invade your heart? Those you expected to happen and then they didn’t? We have all had that embrace us and knock us down.

I got to thinking about that. I has someone ask me, “Does God really keep His promises. So I did some digging in the Bible and one glaring example happened to be Abraham.

First let me give some back history on Abraham. He wasn’t a follower of God. As a matter of fact his whole family worshipped other gods. He was a pagan. We see this happen through out the Bible where God selects someone who wasn’t always a wonderful person:




OK…I digress.


Abraham wasn’t a bright star on God’s list at the time, but God chose Him to populate the world.

Then you see that God made Abraham wait, and wait, and wait, Before he could have his first son born from his wife. She was 90 when Isaac was born!!!

Abraham kept challenging God to follow through with his promises. God kept telling him it isn’t time yet.

Even after Isaac was born God tested Abraham by telling him to sacrifice Isaac. God of course stopped Abraham by provided a lamb for the sacrifice.

God kept telling Abraham he would keep His promises. He was just doing His promises on His time and not Abraham’s time.


Do you wonder if God will keep His promises to you? Of course He will. It is just like Abraham. It will be on God’s timing not yours.

I trust God to guide me through this not so friendly world. He knows what is best for me. He cares for me and will do what I need. We just have to be patient.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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Three things to Do to Cope in This Not so Friendly World

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Another Monday! Like the lyrics says, “Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.” It is raining and it is Monday. Any Questions?

Actually I am doing fine. There is nothing about Mondays that should be any different since I am retired. Every day is a Saturday for me.


Now we have to wait and see what the world has in store for us today. Should be very interesting with all the clamor going on around us. The pandemic, the unknown out come of the election in the United States, and of course, the ever popular rioting.


I have taken all of those on with incredible courage and valor. Let’s look at each one.

The pandemic is the hardest one for me.

I have been on lock down since March. I have some health issues that the virus would love to attack. But why should I pout and scream?

Jesus, was going through an awful lot more than I can even grasp in His life time. He never pouted or screamed. He kept loving the people no matter what.

The election outcome is not known yet.

“When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.” Another lyrics that is a very sad song. This election years has been a nightmare from the beginning until now. Constant attacks on our president from the Democrats. Then the election it self seems tainted. What should we do?

Always remember, God is in Charge! He will allow the right person to be elected. It may not be who you or I really wanted, but God knows what is best for us.

The rioting has started up again.

In Portland, Oregon rioters attacked the homes of the council that voted to not defund the police. This is beyond wrong. They aren’t rioting because no justice, they are rioting to bring our country down. What should we do?

Stand very strong against violent rioting. God knows what is going on, and He has a plan. We just have to be patient, and let Him do the right thing.


Through all of this turmoil, how are you doing? Do you have problems coping?

Pray for God to guide you each and every day. Take His hand and hold on tight. He loves you, and will not have you face anything that you can not handle.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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