A place to find Hope

Tag: pride

Pride is a Master of Disguise. It’ll Pull You Down.

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Pride is a worthy opponent in our lives. It can control us. I have had problems with pride in my own past. I am certainly not proud of it.

Pride is a master of disguises. It can seem innocent, but it pulls you down like a huge magnate.

Here are some other thoughts about pride:

  1. We must humble ourselves and fight against the sin of pride.
  2. The essence of pride is a spirit of independence.
  3. We must depend on God to see us through our own pride.
  4. We can’t let Satan pull us into his schemes.
  5. We must trust that God will finish what He started in us.
  6. Social Media can sway our thoughts.
  7. It is easy to feel alone, but we are not alone.

To put this all in one perspective, we need to perfect our thoughts, confirm our thoughts, strengthen our thoughts, and establish our thoughts.

When we do all of that pride has no business in our lives.


Lyrics from a song on Sunday:

“With every breath I have, I will sing the goodness of God.”


Go about your day without using pride. Tell others they are good, and not think you are above them.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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In Life, Are You a Blocker, or Builder?

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I was hornered to be able to play college football. I was the center for the team. I wasn’t all that big, but I did my job, and blocked to the best of my ability.

I remember my coach pushing us hard. He demanded perfection. It was good for us to have that, but even so, our team was 0-9 in games.


Sounds bad right? But in reality, I have never felt closer to a group of guys than I did then. We faced adversity evey game, but we showed up and played.


In real life, are you a blocker or builder?

In football blockers are important, but in life they are not wanted.

Here are some bad points to blockers in real life:

  1. Blockers keep others from reaching thier potential.
  2. Blockers cannot celebrate the success of others.
  3. Blockers look at life through the “me,” lens and not the, “we,” lens.
  4. Blockers criticize easily, and can’t praise.
  5. Blockers uses things to advance themslves, and not others.

We need to unblock others so they can reach their true potential. However, helping others only comes from humility. We need to serve others and not ourselves.

To become a builder, we have to get rid of our pride and selfishness. We should wnat to serve and not be served.


Look at the list of blockers up above again. Which ones do you struggle with the most?

Work on those and be a builder that all others respect, and look to for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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There Are “Karens,” Out There Who are Racist

There is far too much anger floating around. I saw a Facebook page that shows a “Karen,” yelling racist words at two girls who were from Asia. The words were of course hurtful. The two girls took it, and kept walking.

I have no idea where they came up with the term “Karens,” I have friends who have that name. However, it is now a label, and you see far too much of them hurting people.

Makes me think of the Bible. In Luke: 25-37 we are told that Samaritans were hated by the Jews. People ignored them and were forbidden to associate with them.

Jesus told a parable about this.

A man was walking on a road back to his home. A thief attacked him and took all of his belongings. He left the person for dead on the road.

He laid there bleeding and dying. Along came a priest. When he saw the man he went to the other side of the road to pass him. Likewise a Levite also went to the other side of the road to avoid him. But a Samaritan came to where he was and had deep compassion. He fixed up his wounds and put him on his own animal. He took him to an Inn, and asked them to care for him. He said he would pay for anything they used to help him.

Jesus told his disciples to do like the Samaritan.

Which one are you of the three men do you fit into? Are you the Priest, Levite, or the Samaritan?

It is so easy to get angry. It happens to all of us. We probably wouldn’t attack someone and take all their belongings, but we do get overly angry at times.

I try to think about someone who may have made me angry. I have learned that love extends further than pride. We need to swallow our pride, and forgive people.

Who has the lord placed in your path to make you angry. Make a list right now. I have done that. It is sitting right next to me.

Thank of each one of them. What did they do to make you angry? Is it worth it to just go on like it didn’t happen?

I think not.

Love is not just love. It is love in action.

Using words like you are expendable, or you are worthless, should be in our vocabulary.

The sad part is that we seem to define ourselves by who we disagree with.

It is OK to disagree, but not to hate.



You are never alone.

You are never unloved.

You are never forsaken.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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