A place to find Hope

Tag: selfish

In Life, Are You a Blocker, or Builder?

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I was hornered to be able to play college football. I was the center for the team. I wasn’t all that big, but I did my job, and blocked to the best of my ability.

I remember my coach pushing us hard. He demanded perfection. It was good for us to have that, but even so, our team was 0-9 in games.


Sounds bad right? But in reality, I have never felt closer to a group of guys than I did then. We faced adversity evey game, but we showed up and played.


In real life, are you a blocker or builder?

In football blockers are important, but in life they are not wanted.

Here are some bad points to blockers in real life:

  1. Blockers keep others from reaching thier potential.
  2. Blockers cannot celebrate the success of others.
  3. Blockers look at life through the “me,” lens and not the, “we,” lens.
  4. Blockers criticize easily, and can’t praise.
  5. Blockers uses things to advance themslves, and not others.

We need to unblock others so they can reach their true potential. However, helping others only comes from humility. We need to serve others and not ourselves.

To become a builder, we have to get rid of our pride and selfishness. We should wnat to serve and not be served.


Look at the list of blockers up above again. Which ones do you struggle with the most?

Work on those and be a builder that all others respect, and look to for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Don’t Pretend to be Someone you Are Not

We can not do that. We need to be ourselves. God created each of us into a unique person. No one else is like you.

I actually fell into that trap during my teaching days. I went to graduation school to get a Masters in counseling because that seemed to be how you got promoted to principal quicker. I went for several summers. I neared the end where I just needed two classes to get my degree.

I stepped away from it at that point. I never went back to finish up.


I realized that I loved being in the classroom with my students. If I became a principal my time with students would mostly be with the ones that needed discipline.

I really didn’t want to be a principal, and I fell for the trap of joining the rat race to try to get ahead.

I can not be someone else. God wants me to be myself. He wants me to be guided by him, not doing things to better myself for selfish reasons.

How about you?

Do you push hard at your work to get ahead. Do you try to keep climbing that corporate ladder? Do you want that beautiful car your neighbor has, because you feel people will think you are important?

God loves you the way you are. He created you in His image and wants the best for you. Don’t try to impress anyone. Just listen to God and walk the path He has for you. This way you are glorifying Him and not yourself.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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