A place to find Hope

Tag: southern border (Page 1 of 2)

We Need to Remember, Getting Older Isn’t for Sissies.

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I have had Drs. appointments everyday this week. I have another one today. I need to remind you that getting old is not for sissies.


Thoughts to ponder:

  1. The gospel is not just for your pastor.
  2. It is not just for the evangelist.
  3. It is for every believer to share.


That is you and me. We are laymen, but we are also commissioned to share the gospel.


So much turmoil in our world today. Wars, and rumors of war. Inflation, southern border, corruption, gas prices, and much more. It is hard to be optimistic during these times.

So what can we do to overcome this?

  1. Be strong in your belief.
  2. Never let the darkside overcome you.
  3. Know that God is right there for you holding your hand.
  4. Reach out to others who may be suffering.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Should Feel Blessed Living in the Country We Do.

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I’m sitting here typing my blog while watching a movie. I’m in the den. I have to be here, because I can’t sit in the desk chair. It makes my right hip explode.

It is harder to try to type n the den, because where I have to place the computer.


I reminded myself, that the title of this site is “Signs of Hope.” I need to do just that! Share signs of hope.


  1. The signs of hope from God, shows us His creative side. The flowers, spring rain, beautiful trees. flowing rivers, Majestic mountains, and much more.
  2. God creates miracles such as, a neighbor of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and given only months to live. She is still alive today and cancer free.
  3. Every time a new born comes into our world, we know God created him/her.
  4. Going on a walk with my granddaughter she notice and ant crossing the sidewalk. She got excited and said, “Look at that wonderful creature of God.”


I could go on, but signs of hope are everywhere if we just look around us


It seems to me that people forget the importance of their heritage, and privileges.

Our country has been around for over 200 years, We became an independent nation, in 1776.

We walk around complaining of high inflation, high gas prices, our southern border, and much more.

We forget how blessed we are to be where we are.

  1. We have free speech.
  2. We can so no, and not be threatened.
  3. Go to great schools for free.
  4. Travel to anywhere in the United States without barriers.


Stop and think how lucky you are. You could be in Ukraine dodging missiles. You could be captured in Russia and held for ransom. Iran would take care of you in a horrible way.

Feel blessed, and find your own signs of hope.


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Wars Are Causing Much Pain for Our country.

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Current Events…

  1. Zelensky’s voice strains with emotion over “Russian beasts,” who beheaded Ukrainian pow.
  2. Ukraine Army eliminates 1,040 Russian soldiers over the last weekend.
  3. Woman performed a C-Section on herself. Both she and the child survived.



This just proves that Putin is doing war crimes. Ukraine continues to overpower Russia.

This woman is a very brave woman. Her baby is alive because of her quick thinking.


Our world seems to be heading towards destruction. Wars, Millions crossing our southern borders, high crime, and many other horrific events.

We need to turn to God, and ask for His intervention. Pray that He will protect those who can’t defend themselves.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Our Country’s Going the Wrong Direction. Need a U-turn.

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Current news…

  1. President Biden gave a report on the shooting down of several UFO’s. I was more confused after he got done.
  2. Russia thinks they are winning the war, but far from it. They have lost over 140,000 soldiers, (So far)
  3. The Southern Border has become a disaster area. Thousand of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day. Four border guards have committed suicide.

Daily rants…

1.Why does it take so long to shoot down a Chinese balloon. The balloon went all the way across our country and close to many military bases. What is wrong with this picture?

2. President Biden is trying to tell us that inflation is slowing down. Check your grocery bill. Eggs are up 74%. Many other items are as well.

3. There is just way too much crime in our country. The DA’s are getting very leinute with the criminals. They get arrested and are out the same day.

Important thoughts…

  1. A loser sees a problem for every answer.
  2. A winner sees a green by every sand trap.
  3. A loser see two or three sand traps near every green.
  4. The winner always has a program.
  5. A loser always has an excuse.

Be a winner.

Speaking about God…

  1. God has no future. He is always there.
  2. God has no potential. He is almighty.
  3. God has no surprises. He knows everything.
  4. You are here , because God willed it.
  5. God alone is the creator.
  6. He alone is worthy of our praise. You are made in the image of God.


I hope this new format meets your approval. Let me know in the comment section below. Suggest other ideas you would like to see.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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4 Ways to Face Days in a Not so Friendly World.

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There have been many things that are happening that are pulling us all down like a huge magnate. Inflation, war in Ukraine, high crime rates, our southern border, gas prices. All this seems to be on the shoulders of our current president.


In reality it is something that probably would have happened no matter who the president is. Of course some of the things can be avoided, and I wish the president could see that.


Still struggling with arthritis in my right hip. I am taking Tylenol Arthritis pills t but there is still some pain there. I will see a specialist, soon to see if there is something they can do that isn’t surgery. I am told that I am too old for any kind of surgery.


How is your day going. Do you often wish you could just stay in bed all day? I certainly have been there.

Life is not a beautiful rose garden. There are too many thorns that can hurt us.

Lost relationships, overpowering bills to pay, lost job, depression. What can we do to overcome all of this:

  1. One day at a time.
  2. Face the storms, and you will become stronger.
  3. Never, ever, give up!
  4. Pray to God for His help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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5 Ways to Survive in This Not So Friendly World

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Finally found out what was happening with my hip. Ex-rays shows that I have arthritis. I trying to decide if that is a bad thing or a good thing. I was told I may need surgery for a bad hip.

I have meds to help with the pain, so I guess I will be Ok.


Where does it say we need to agree to all the mess we are going through? I am tired of the excuses our government is giving us for the high inflation, disaster at the southern border, high crimes rates, etc.

They are trying to tell me that it is OK to pay $50.00 to fill my car up with gas. It is not oK!


I have solutions to almost everything above, but I am sure it would fall on deaf ears.

So what do we do to survive in this not so friendly world?


  1. Take one day at a time. Jesus said, “Do not worry about tomorrow it has enough worries on it own.”
  2. Read the Bible every day! It has all the comfort and truth you need.
  3. Face the storms of life head on. After all with God on your side, who can be against you?
  4. Help others who are struggling. It helps them and you too.
  5. Pray for God’s protection.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Beware, The World is Quickly Going to the Darkside.

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I will putting on a rant and some anger today. I am getting very sick of the way our country is going.


Just yesterday, and teacher at a private school went public and proudly said he is sharing sex toys, and ideas on how to do some sexual things to his high school students. He thought he was great for doing it. REALLY??? I would be furious if was a parent of one of those students. Introducing to anything like this is up to the parents, not some creep in the schools.


President Biden tapped a fund that was to be used for something important to bale out unions, It was over 3 billion dollars. I was a union man, but this is going way too far.


President Biden was in Arizona recently, and was 100 miles from the southern border. He did not go to see what was happening there. He said there was more important things to do. I can not believe that!!!


The new Twitter owner, Musk has come out with shocking proof that Twitter was purposely eliminating all tweets that gave negatives views of any democratic people running for office. It did many other things to disrupt the election of 2018. It also hide all reverences to Hunter Biden’s laptop. That is criminal.


Ok…I am done with the ranting. I am sorry for this, but it has been building up in me for years.


We need to think of positive ways to make it through our days. It is hard, at best, to do os. here are some of my thoughts on that:

  1. Forget the past, live the present, and look forward to the future.
  2. Do not believe much that you see on the national TV networks.
  3. Stop watching news that sounds very fishy.
  4. Concentrate on pleasing God, and not people.
  5. Love your family and keep close to them.


Never let the darkside pull you down like a huge magnate. Keep thinking positively. Rely on God to guide you through the muck and mire of this earth.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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One Step Forward, and Two Steps Backwards is Hard

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What a day so far! Had to get my car fixed so I was playing phone tag on the phone to get the appointment. Made an appointment at our favorite restaurant for May 7th. Our 34th wedding anniversary. Hunted for almost an hour to find the owners manual for our dryer. So I am very late in starting today.


Have you had hectic days where it seems like you are taking one step forward and two steps backwards? I have been there with you!

What I learned from this:

  1. Make a list in the morning as to what needs to be done and what order it needs to be done.
  2. Only work on the list. No side exits.
  3. Be patient!
  4. Distractions are a given, but try to avoid them.
  5. Have a beer when you accomplished your list for the day. 🙂


Speaking of distractions. We have so many in our lives right now.

  1. The war in Ukraine.
  2. The pandemic.
  3. Inflation.
  4. High gas prices.
  5. The southern border.

There are many more distractions you and I face each day.


We need to lean on God to help us be calm and in charge. Knowing His promises always calms my spirit. If you are a Christian you are not part of this world and will be with God someday. That is an overwhelming sigh of relief right there. Really…we are only on this earth for a New York minute, and then spend the rest of eternity in heaven.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Time to Mix Up a Cake of Comfort and Peace for survival

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Another day of turmoil in our world. The war in Ukraine, the pandemic, inflation, the southern border, etc.

It is hard to be positive in this day and age.


My recipe for happiness….

  1. Add in horse blinders for your eyes.
  2. Mix in ear plugs for your ears.
  3. Throw away the TV.
  4. Add sweetness.
  5. Top it off with love for others.

Mix all this together and you will survive.


Times certainly could be better, but we will overcome all of this with the love of God. He will comfort us, and love us. He made you in his own image, and that shows you are a son/daughter of God. Do not take that lightly. Turn to Him with prayers. Let him know you worries and fears. He hears you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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A Pregnant Woman and Her Unborn Son Was Killed in a Bombing in Ukraine

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The events in Ukraine are very frightening. Today I heard that a pregnant mother and her unborn child died, because Russia bombed the maternity hospital.

That is a war crime!!

Putin is a mad man who is very desperate. He has to win now because of the embarrassment of not winning his war yet. Desperate people do desperate things. We need to keep the Ukraine people in our prayers every day.


Mean while back in our own country, things at not well at all. Millions are crossing the southern border. The Dictators of four different countries to pushing hard, because they don’t think our leaders will do anything. Inflation is eating up all of our money, and at the gas pump we can hardly afford to drive.

What is wrong with this picture??


We as Christians, must unite in prayer. Pray without ceasing. I always say that God is in charge, because that is true. We need to send pleas to Him for protection of our nation, and the whole world.


On Wednesday, I will start sharing more excerpts from my published book, Signs of Hope; Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. It is a very timely book that addresses our world as we know it today. It won a national award from the Reader’s Choice Awards.


Stand strong, and never let Satan overcome you. He would love to hang you on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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