A place to find Hope

Tag: struggle

In Life, Are You a Blocker, or Builder?

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I was hornered to be able to play college football. I was the center for the team. I wasn’t all that big, but I did my job, and blocked to the best of my ability.

I remember my coach pushing us hard. He demanded perfection. It was good for us to have that, but even so, our team was 0-9 in games.


Sounds bad right? But in reality, I have never felt closer to a group of guys than I did then. We faced adversity evey game, but we showed up and played.


In real life, are you a blocker or builder?

In football blockers are important, but in life they are not wanted.

Here are some bad points to blockers in real life:

  1. Blockers keep others from reaching thier potential.
  2. Blockers cannot celebrate the success of others.
  3. Blockers look at life through the “me,” lens and not the, “we,” lens.
  4. Blockers criticize easily, and can’t praise.
  5. Blockers uses things to advance themslves, and not others.

We need to unblock others so they can reach their true potential. However, helping others only comes from humility. We need to serve others and not ourselves.

To become a builder, we have to get rid of our pride and selfishness. We should wnat to serve and not be served.


Look at the list of blockers up above again. Which ones do you struggle with the most?

Work on those and be a builder that all others respect, and look to for help.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Exercise Can Change Life in a Very Positive Way

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I am going to rant a little today. I have seen some shocking things happening from our National Leadership.

I read an article that stated that a marine was going to handed over to a foreign country so they can try him for attempting to help a citizen defect to the U. S.

This is a death sentence!

I think this Marine should be considered a hero not a criminal. Our president, once again, is turning his back n the military. Write your congressman to stop this death sentence.


Sorry for the rant, but I am a veteran, and this Marine is my brother in arms.


I have been going to physical therapy for a while now to help me with my balance. The young lady that is helping me is doing wonders for me. I am already feeling better, and gaing my balance back.

This is happening to prepare me for a trip to Hawaii the end of August and the first week of September. So excited to be going there. I love Hawaii.


Have you had times that you wish you could be doing better with your health?Have you lost a few steps here and there?

You certainly are not alone. Many people seem to slow down as they get older.

So what can we do the fight back.

  1. Exercise…I diffidently diced that when I started therapy. The change is awesome for me.. Much stronger and more agile.
  2. Park far away from wherever you stop to shop or visit. You will be surprised how just that one little adjustment will give you more strength.
  3. Don’t take the elevator. Walk those stairs.
  4. Ride bikes, or go on walks. Lots to see as you are doing this.


Trust me I am not your health expert. Just some thoughts on getting back the body you want.


How are you days going? Are they long and tedious? Do you struggle to make it through them?

Time to lean on God. He has big shoulders, and loves you.

Allow God to do a change in your life for the better. He can do that in a moment.

Drop those burdens for relief from God.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.

There Needs to be a Change in what we Think About

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I am very tired of reporting post after post, about rioting, looting, the Pandemic, shootings, wild fires, etc. It is hard, at best, to dicuss them.

What I want to do today is just give each of us hope and contentment. So if all of this is going on, how am I going to be able to do that??


I have a huge amount of notes from church and books I have read. I am going to share some of them and let you decipher what they mean to you:

  1. If you still struggle with sin after you are saved, you are still saved. No one can take that away from you.
  2. C.S. Lewis once said, “We have to be against the world FOR the world.”
  3. We must rejoice no matter what we face.
  4. God rules! He is control of your destiny.
  5. Pray for the well being of those who have no thought of following the Lord.
  6. We are wine to God, and God breaking new ground in us. He is making new wine.
  7. Am I really comitted to God? Am I a true light that shines so others can see it?
  8. Our fear doesn’t stand a chance when we stand in God’s love.
  9. Wise in your own eyes, is worse than a fool. (proverbs)
  10. You come to a crossroad, one way is wisdom and the other is folly, which way would you choose?
  11. Like a river wash me over, and fill me to overflow with your love.
  12. Do not judge others. That is God’s job to do.
  13. During this awful time, think of those who have what they need.
  14. Break the walls around your heart.
  15. Jesus said, “Fear not!
  16. I will trust only you God.
  17. Am I just living, or am I living well?
  18. Am I trusting the Lord to lead me, or am I wanting to do it my way?
  19. Are you desparete to read Gods word? If not, why Not?
  20. Anger comes from envy.
  21. If I fall I am going to need all of you around me.
  22. In this world, some are rich, some are poor, some struggle with health, others are healthy. Some are sad, some are happy.
  23. We need to come together as one to reach out to others.
  24. If one of us suffers, we all suffer. If one is honored, we are all glad.
  25. The weight is not on you to prove you are worthy.


I hope these notes and thoughts helped you in some way. Think about each statement and how it pertains to you.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

It is Pretty Depressing to be in This World Right now

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It has been hard times here in Salem, Oregon. I live very close to Portland, Oregon, and it is breaking my heart to see all the violence and looting going on there. Another person has been shot and killed.

We are living in very different times. In Portland, there was a time when they closed the streets to go to church. Now they close the streets to rioting.


We need to look beyond the struggle. We need to seek what ahead of us.

I was fearing for our country, and yet my fear doesn’t stand a chance when I stand with God’s love. It seems we are all broken at this point. We need healing.

Every night before I go to sleep I pray the following prayers:

I pray for the leaders of our country.

I pray for the local leaders of Oregon.

I pray for my children and their spouses.

I pray for my grandchildren.

I pray for my wife.

I pray for all my relatives.

I fall asleep in the hope of the Lord.

We need to have important people in our lives to also give us hope. This is needed in case we fall. We are better together. We can not take on this world on our own.

There are some who are happy, some are sad. Some are healthy, and some are ill. There are many who are poor and others who are rich. This is the main reason we need to come together as one. Reaching out to each other. Giving support to those who need it.

Does it seem too hard in our world today? We need to get back to when it wasn’t hard.

Do I love the rioters? Am I really concerned about their well being? If I truly follow Jesus, I do love them and are concerned for them. If we don’t have God as our center piece we will fail.

We need to find encouragement in discouraging times. It is hard, I know. We need to seek it, and we can find it in the Bible. It has a complete guide for encouragement.

I thought about all of this and it honestly sounded pretty depressing. Again I remembered that God doesn’t purposely take us down the worst path, He takes us through the best path possible for us.

He knows there are good things coming. He knows that we will be freed from our burdens. We can’t think that God has turned away from us, we will lose all hope. He is there with you each and every day.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!

Do You Hate Being Told What to do?

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We struggle with criticism. It is hard to be told what to do.

Proverbs says, “Timely advice is like gold and apples in a silver basket.” Another verse from Proverbs says, “The ones who listen to advice is like a gold earring. “

Why is it so hard to accept criticism? I know that we all hope we never receive criticism. It hurts, and make us feel unworthy.

At this time we need to realize that others opinions does not define us.

Now that I have said all of that, let me say that most criticism is good for us. The wise listen to others. We need to receive and assess.

So, why am I harping on criticism and being told what to do.?

If I am truly listening and assessing, it helps me growing. I filter out the negative and thrive on the good ideas.

Proverbs once again tells us, “Iron sharpens iron.” Meaning that to have someone criticise me, means I am getting sharper at what I need to do in life.

Words have power. They can help you, or they can hurt you.

Through all of this we often get down and depressed. It is can be easy to be broken and hurting. We need healing. That’s where God comes in. He is always there to soften the blows of criticism, and anger. He will be there to hold your hand, and help you to face the storm.

Have you been criticised? Were you felt knocked down and find it hard to get back up? I certainly have been there. When it happens to me is when I need to closest to God. I need to lean on Him for His love and compassion. My fear of criticism doesn’t stand a chance when I stand in God’s love.


I have been battling lately because of the Pandemic. I have been on lock down, because I have several underlying problems. Thankfully I am able to get out and walk, but that is about it. I never thought that going on walks would be so precious to me.

My wife and I often just get in the car and drive to nowhere in particular. We have seen some places we have never been before right in our city. It has been a fresh air feeling.

There are other things that can drag you down. The rioting, shootings, looting, etc. It is very hard for me to watch the news anymore. Most of it is very negative. I have to find other things to do. I came up with a novel idea. READ THE BIBLE! (creative right?)

I make 10:00am my reading time. There are times when I learn something new every time I read. I have the Bible through several times, and yet each time I read again, I find something that I learned that was new.

Stay strong!



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit for the site, please let them know about it. Your comments will not be seen by other people, just me, and I will connect with you to see if you are OK to share it.

Do What God Wants You to Do, Not What You Want to Do.

Not long ago I saw a fly trying to get out by banging on a window with its head. It was getting nowhere. He never gave up. He kept pounding that window over and over again.

I finally opened the window to let him out to the fresh air. Guess what? He still stayed in his spot and kept hitting the window.

Many of us are like that. We struggle on our own and try to face life without God. We need to end that! We need to stop trying do do what we want to do for our lives, and do what God wants for our lives.

We go around like using a GPS in our car. If we make a wrong turn it says recalculate.

Well, you have your own personal GPS. You may think it is guiding you in the right direction, then you hit the wall. That is when God says, “recalculate!”

Let ME guide you!


What are you favorite foods? I love pumpkin pie. I also love peanut butter. Both of these sweeten my tooth and soothes me.

Here are some better sweeteners:

  1. Wisdom sweetens your soul.
  2. Optimism (gluten free by the way) also sweetens your soul.

These sweeteners are non fattening, and good for you.


Some thoughts about God:

  1. God will never abandon you.
  2. God’s power is much greater than any evil.
  3. God fits into your plan.
  4. God’s Son died to provide eternal life.
  5. God has promised to help you when you are in need.


Take an inventory of your life. Are things going in the right direction for you? If not, what is causing you to not be going in the right direction?

God allows U-turns. Now is the time to turn around.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!

A Special Veterans Day Tribute.

It is such a good feeling to be back with you. I have been down for almost a year do to technical difficulties. 

I lost over 108,000 follower over night. I am starting over. You can let the hackers know they didn’t win by subscribing. You can do this by clicking on the icon at the top of this page that says, “Subscribe.” You will then get a post in your inbox everything there is a post. 


As a treat I have invited a young man to post. I was down for the veterans day celebrations, so this is a day late, but the thoughts are spot on. Please read Taylor Wilkins From Fellowship of Christian Athletes, aho is having a marvelous impact in the high schools of Salem Oregon.

“When God’s people lead, hope is the outcome.”

“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.”
II Timothy 2:1-4

Yesterday was Veterans Day, a day to honor people of courage, love, and sacrifice. I grew up in a community where veterans day was a really big deal. The community, and especially my high school celebrated Veterans Day at a level I don’t think most ever experience. In fact, my high school put on a veterans day assembly that lasted the entire school day, and brought in veterans from around the united states. We had veterans representing both World Wars, Tuskegee airman, Jewish Holocaust survivors, and many more. One year our school was featured on national news to showcase the veterans day assembly. It was an incredible honor to have all those amazing people share their lives with us for the day!

I believe we have many things to learn from our war heroes, and I think 2 Timothy 2 does a great job identifying some excellent qualities in soldiers.

Here are 4 Leadership qualities that Christians can learn from soldiers:

1) Soldiers are Strong– That might sound overly simplistic, but I believe it’s at the core of every great leader. If you are going to begin your journey as a Christian leader you have to be strong! Faith is the ability to see hope in the midst of life’s trials— weakness in faith blinds you from seeing hope. What I love about this quality is everyone can grow in Spiritual strength, just like we can all grow in physical strength. Getting stronger might be uncomfortable, but we need to consistently exercise our faith if we want to see growth!

2) Soldiers are Listeners— Whether it’s boot camp or the commanding officer leading his troops into battle, soldiers have to be acute listeners, eager to learn, and committed to following through! Believers who haven’t learned how to listen will struggle to find personal breakthrough, and will fail to see the fruitfulness God designed them for. God is always speaking, but if we don’t learn to listen we will miss out on His encouragement, and the hope-filled adventures God wants to take us on!

3)Soldiers are Faithful— Soldiers are trained to respond to obstacles and a variety of challenges by putting others first. Whether sacrificing for their Country, fellow soldiers or family, soldier’s embrace a mindset that always puts others first. Jesus demonstrated perfect faithfulness in his journey to the cross. Jesus sweet great drops of blood before heading to the cross because the weight of His calling was so heavy, yet He didn’t waiver, but fixed his face like flint toward the cross! Even though his road wasn’t easy he remained faithful to the call on His life. As a believer, you were created for the same kind of faithfulness Jesus demonstrated. Don’t get down on yourself if you feel like you have fallen short, God is still working in you and through you. Closeness with Jesus will always draw faithfulness out of your life!

4) Soldiers Endure Hardship— Soldiers must count the cost of serving their country. Before soldiers train for war, they must be willing to lay down your life. If a soldier can’t do that, he won’t be ready for action when he’s called to the front lines. Christian leaders are called to count the cost. Faith in Jesus comes with many blessings and promises for abundance, but it also comes with the promise of persecution. Jesus said, “if they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” Enduring hardship is one of the most attractive qualities in Christian Leaders because it draws out confidence in other believers.

When we grow closer to God we will see these qualities exponentially increase in our lives. I believe we will see more Christians standing at the front lines of leadership within politics, business, education, psychology and every type of profession.

Soldiers live their lives on a mission and with purpose. As God’s Children I believe we need to do the same. When God gives us clarity in those areas I believe we and the world around us will be flooded with hope!

“You are loved more than you know, and God’s plan for you is bigger than your biggest dream!”

Taylor Wilkins

“In all your getting, get understanding”

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