A place to find Hope

Tag: struggling (Page 1 of 4)

Our World is a Not a Friendly Place to be.

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It is hard to be positive in our world today. Two wars going on, high inflation. high gas prices, southern border, crime rate, and many more reasons to be depressed.


There needs to be a way to think positive. Here are my thoughts:

  1. Wars end.
  2. The storms go away.
  3. Seek out God in prayer. There is a new tomorrow.
  4. Reach out to others to help them cope. It makes them, and you, smile.
  5. Read the Bible. It is full of hope.
  6. Go on a walk to clear out you bad thinking.
  7. Know that God is there with you every day.
  8. Call someone and cheer them up.
  9. Love your family.
  10. Seek out God in Prayer.


Be strong and face the wind. Show others how to make it through the day. If you are struggling yourself, pray for strength from God.


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We seem to be Facing daily Afflictions. We Often Ask God, “Why me?’

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Still struggling with pain. It is hard to face the day when you know pain is around. My right hip is not responding to meds. I have been referred to a PT specialist, and I hope he can do something for me.


How can we overcome the afflictions of life? We often ask God, “Why me?” It is not easy to explain, but I have thoughts on how I handle it:

  1. Take every day one day at a time. I know this is an old thought, but it works for me.
  2. Never let the darkside try to blame it on God. God loves us, and knows what we are going through.
  3. Read the Bible! It is full of love, and compassion.
  4. Help others that are the same boat with you. You helping others soothes the soul and brings a smile to others faces.


Stay strong and rely on the Lord to protect you. He is just a prayer away.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Do You Hate to Wait. Waiting for the Red light to change, Waiting in lines.

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Are you like me in that you hate to wait? In the military I was told, “Hurry up and wait.” We hate waiting in lines. We hate waiting for the mail. We hate waiting for the red light to change.


What can we do to avoid waiting.

  1. Patience is always a good approach.
  2. Do not battle things you can not change.
  3. Pray for God’s protection.
  4. Help others who are struggling with waiting.


I have been feeling pretty good the last few days. My wife put me on a new schedule for my meds, and it is working. Much less pain.


Have you ever wondered, “Why me?” I certainly have. I seem to have more than my share of afflictions. I thought about this, and here is want I think:

  1. You are better off than some, because they have much worse afflictions.
  2. Feeling sorry for yourself Doesn’t stop the pain.
  3. I complained about having to use a walker, until I saw a man confined to a wheel chair.
  4. God has a purpose for us even in our pain.


Stay away from the negative, and grab the positive. It makes you life much more livable. Thank God for each day you get. Like I said, He has a plan for you.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Enjoy the New Year With New Hope and Courage

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It has been awhile since I posted. been struggling with the flu, hip pain and weakness. I am trying to get back to the routine of talking with you.


It can be very disheartening to have so many trials in ones life. It seems to be a regular thing for some of us. I am an optimist, so I have some thoughts on the grim outlook of life:

  1. Storms come, but storms go.
  2. Never give up.
  3. Always fight back against the darkside.
  4. The past is gone, live for today, because tomorrow is another day.
  5. Reach out to others who are struggling. It helps them AND you.


The new year is upon us. We need to look forward to a bright year full of hope. It only can happen when you believe that. Start out the new year with hope and courage.

Also know that God is with you. He knows your hurts. He knows your needs. pray to Him for your protection and love.





You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Take Care of Yourself During the Tremendously Heat

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I am slowly getting my strength back from a bout with COVID. It has been a battle, but the last of the symptoms seem to be going away.


The temperature has been sky rocketing the last few days. It was 101 yesterday, and it will be 99 today. Not a good day to run a race. At the moment our AC is working great and that is a relief.


What has your days been like? Are you also sweltering in the heat? Most of the country is.

I wonder what we can do during this time of overwhelming heat.

  1. Drink lots of liquid. This is a very high time for getting dehydrated.
  2. Wear loose and light clothing. Let the air penetrate your clothing.
  3. Stay inside as much as possible. If you have to go somewhere, make sure there is air-conditioning where you are going.


I have also been struggling weakness in my legs. I have to use a walker now to get around. It isn’t fun, but I like the security I have when I try to walk. Do you also have some things you are struggling with? Do you need help? You certainly not alone.


If you need help ask for it. Do not hide your discomfort. People would love to help you that love you.

Remember that God is with you 24/7. He loves you and made you in His own image. He would do that for no reason. He wants what is best for you. Pray for His protection and love and He will deliver it to you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Reach Out to your Neighbors, They Can be good Support

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Had a nice lunch with my neighbor across the street yesterday. He is new to the neighborhood, and I wanted to get to know him. I found out he was a Christian, and an author like me. We shared stories about our families, and I felt like I had found a new close friend.


Do you know all your neighbors? Have to tried to get to know them? Yes, you have your own families to seek to see a lot, but what about your neighbors?

Here is what I have found that works in reaching out to neighbors:

  1. Take a real effort to get to know all your neighbors.
  2. Call them just to say hello.
  3. Email them often.
  4. And my favorite…meet them at the community mail box.

I can see the mail box out my window, and when I see someone getting their mail I haven’t talked to in a while I go out to talk to them. Easy Peasy. I hear back from some of them stating it is good to talk to me, and they look forward to getting their mail, because of it.


Start your own crusade to reach out to your neighbors. You will put a smile on their face, and you will feel good about it as well.


Are you struggling through your days? Do you feel you would want to stay in bed all day instead of getting up? Well, I have been there with you.

I look forward each day to be talking to God, and thanking Him for the new day He has given me. It gives me strength, and calmness.

Don’t let this unfriendly world pull you down like a huge magnet. Look to the light of Jesus, and walk away from the darkness.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars, and Rumors of Wars Can be Very Frightening.

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It was a wild week last week. The war in Ukraine started and the whole world is saddened. Putin has become the latest dictator to bite off more than he can chew. There also rumors of other wars through out the world.


We all dread the thought of war. There are no winners in a war. I spent time in Korea back in 1960 as a soldier. That was not long after the cease fire. I survived, but I feel for our current military, because of the powder keg ready to explode in many places all around the world.

How do we face this threat every day? What can we do to help?

  1. Pray!!! Pray for God’s wisdom, in all of these scary spots.
  2. Support our troops all that you can.
  3. If you have a member in the family in the military, let us know so we can pray specificity for that person.
  4. If you are a U.S. citizen, thank God for that, and be praising Him.
  5. Send emails to soldiers to show your support for them.


At yesterday’s church service the topic was about being disabled for 38 years of your life and then having Jesus come by and heal you. Can you imagine have 38 years of pain, and suddenly it is all gone?

God can do that in our lives today. Miracles happen everyday. Never give up. If your are struggling, pray without ceasing. God is there to listen.

Always depend on God for all your needs. He loves you. He made you in His own Image.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Remember Days of Gas for 25 Cents? Inflation Took Care of That

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Another day, another dollar. That is a phrase I heard lot as a kid. In the 1940’s things were scarce including money. One dollar was a lot back then.

Now days, if you don’t thousands of dollars a month, you are in poverty. It is called inflation.

I remember gas being 25 cents a gallon. .05 cents for a package of gum, and $2.99 for a carton of cigarettes.

We survived by having uncles that had farms and they shared the crops with us. I ate every kind of dish that you can make potatoes out of. Tomatoes were plentiful, so we canned them. Peaches the same way. We all went together to have Beef packaged for all of us.

I made money for school clothes by working on my uncle’s farm every summer.


Of course it isn’t close to being that hard these days.

I want you to know I had a very happy childhood. I knew what family was. We would all gather together often. That meant a lot to me. The lov overflowed during those times.


Did you have a good or bad childhood? Was it hard for you? I hope way back then you realized you were loved deeply by God. He was with you during all of your storms. He was just a prayer away.

That is what got me through some tough years in my early life. I accepted to Lord when I was fifteen years old through the Young Life meetings.

I faced the world in a whole different way after that time. I was at peace with my living conditions.


Today is the first day of the rest of your life. If you have felt abandoned, and are struggling. Struggle no more. Pray to God, and also ask Jesus into you heart. Those two things will see you through many storms of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Depression Can Lead to a Very Dreadful Life

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Some people seem to take God for granted. They go through life blindly thinking they can take on the world alone. Dr. Phil would say, “How is that working for you?”

I was like that once. I didn’t even go to church. There were sports on Sundays I didn’t want to miss.

I got a wake up call from God in 2001. It was March 31st to be exact. I was sitting in my Ford Explorer in a high school parking lot, ready to end my life. I had been struggling with depression, and it was overcoming me.

I finally cried out, God! I can’t take this anymore! There was a sudden calmness around me. I relaxed and ponder what had just happened.

It was like God was saying, “It’s about time you came back to me. Now let me lead you the rest of the way.”

My life changed that day. That day was the first day of the rest of my life.


I have learned a lot since then.

  1. God is the Father of the fatherless. I was without a father because of divorce. I felt alone and my self image was shot.
  2. God is the defender of widows. There is nothing worse than to lose a loved one. God is there to comfort you during those times.
  3. God senses the loneliness in families. Seems odd to think you are lonely in your own home, but it can happen and is devastating.


Another thing I learned is that a is my job is to be a leader in my home. Not a dictator that rules the nest with anger. Satan would love for men to claim authority over their family. This only leads to turmoil and sadness.


Take an inventory of your choices in life. Do you need an overhaul? Is happiness a word you do not understand?

Turn to God. He loves you. He made you in His own image. That means you are His child.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Just Because We’re Getting Older, Doesn’t Make Us Weaker

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I had a bad/good time going to see the Singing Christmas Tree in Tigard. It is a incredible show that has you feeling the Christmas spirit.

However, I have slowed down considerably the last couple of years. I had to have a cane to walk. Of course our seats were at the very top. I struggled big time going up those steps to my seat. People were looking at me with sympathy. Several wanted to help me, but I turned them down.

Of course I had to go to the bathroom twice during the performance! My nephew graciously helped me both times.

Like I said, the performance was incredible, with professional sounding singers. My favorite part was when the children’s choir sang. Their little angelical voices warmed my heart.


Are you having similar problems? Do you struggle to go grocery shopping? Do you need someone else to get things for you?

You certainly are not alone. The number of 65 and older group in our world has grown a great deal. Many more people are getting past their prime.

Here is the most important thing for you to remember:

Having to need help does not make you any less of a person than anyone else.

You breathe the same air. You put your clothes on the same way. You have a lot to contribute to society.

Never let anyone degrade you for your slowness and incapacities. They will be there themselves some day.

God loves you the way your are. Know that you will have a new body when you get to heaven. There will be no pain, and no death.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are enver unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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