A place to find Hope

Tag: turmoil (Page 2 of 4)

Words From the Bible We May Not Know or Understand

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I thought I would change things up a little bit. Today we are going to learn the definitions of many words in the Bible we may not know or understand.

  1. Amen: “this is true.”
  2. Apostle: Accredited messenger who has been sent in service of another.
  3. Grace: Mercy; clemency; pardon.
  4. Disciples: Followers of Christ.
  5. Bible: The collection of sacred writings of the Christian religion. comprising the Old and New Testaments.
  6. Advent: An Arrival that has been awaited.
  7. Antediluvian: Relating to the period before the Biblical flood.
  8. Atonement: The act of making amends for sin or wrong doing.
  9. Baptism: A sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.
  10. Betrothed: Pledged to be married.
  11. Brethren: The lay members of a male religious order.
  12. Cherub: An angel portrayed as a winged child.
  13. Epiphany: An inspiration of divine manifestation.
  14. Exodus: A journey by a group to escape from a hostile environment.
  15. Fallible: Wanting in moral strength or will.
  16. Forbearance: a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges
  17. Idolatry: The worship of objects or images as Gods.
  18. Messiah: Any expected deliverer.
  19. Omnipresent: Existing everywhere at once.
  20. Prodigal: reckless and wasteful.
  21. Prophecy: A prediction uttered under divine inspiration.
  22. Scapegoat: Someone who is punished for the errors of others.
  23. Tribulation: A annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event.
  24. Wrath: Intense anger.


Now that you have a headache from learning so much, How are you doing? Do you live each day with prayers to God? Are you distracted by all the turmoil around you?

Stay strong in the knowledge that God is there for you. He will listen to those prayers I mentioned above. He will answer them in His own way.

Do not give into the darkside who wants you to turn away from God. The dark side is Satan. He would love to have you up on his trophy wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all..never, ever, give up!


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The War is Over, but the Suffering Will Last Forever

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I am still saddened by the results of the withdraw from Afghanistan. Needless death and destruction. People left stranded and fearing for their lives.

I was in contact with a SFC Army soldier in Afghanistan, and she was very frightened. She felt she would die soon. Thank God she made it out.

Yes the war is over, but the scars will last forever.


This is certainly not a very friendly world right now. There are sad things happening all over. The pandemic is back and worse than ever. It never left. The unrest amongst the people is very high. Our president doesn’t seem to know what planet he is on.

What does our future hold for us?


It will a rough and bumpy road we must travel, but we have need to remember that God is in charge. Yes, it is hard to believe that He would allow all of this turmoil in our lives, but He has a plan and we need to be silent and know He is God.


I am in the same boat as you are . I am fearful for the future, but I have to sit back and wait on the Lord. He will rescue me and give me peace. He is my fortress. He is my salvation. He is my redeemer. Without Him I am totally lost.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Top Five Ways to Survive in a Not so Friendly World

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I had my usual Physical therapy today. Went pretty smoothly. Getting stronger each visit.


The governor of my state of Oregon announced today that we are going back to mandating masks for indoor events. The new Delta virus is causing havoc everywhere. We are back to where we were over a year ago.

Here are some scary statistics. Two of the biggest cities in our nation have had a tremendous increase of deaths from the virus. In one of the cities 95% of the deaths were not vaccinated. In the other city it was 94%. Pretty clear facts that shows everyone needs to get their shots now.


I don’t know about you, but I am struggling with all the turmoil that is going on all around us. Fake news, rioting, racism, lying by politicians, bad decisions by congress, and a president that doesn’t even know how many people live in our country.

I sat down and tried to figure out how I could face all of this mess. Here is what I came up with:

  1. Time to wear blinders like horses do. Only look straight ahead to the future.
  2. Only believe facts. not fairy tales.
  3. Do not blame people around you for problems, look in the mirror.
  4. Reach out to help those who are confused and depressed.
  5. Rely on your family and friends to see you through the storms.


If you are overcome with all the turmoil. Make you own list of survival ideas. Live by them every day.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The So Called Movements Are Corrupting the Minds of People

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I have been learning about what justice is through my church. It has been a theme for several weeks.

The Pastor’s definition was : Loving what is good and hating what is evil.

Makes sense to me.

One thing we need to remember is that God’s purpose for justice differs from OUR pursuit of justice.

His purpose for justice is purification and restoration. We get that in one place. It is on the cross.

When we try to take on the world alone without Jesus we tend to be corrupted. It can catch us when we are unaware. The Black lives matter movement, and the anti everything groups darken our view of what is right and wrong.

One thing we must never forget is that everyone needs compassion and forgiveness. Even the anti groups.

Never let the dark side sway you into thinking in negative ways.

Take courage; hold on, and be strong.


If you are getting caught up in the turmoil of the rioting, and people attacking the government, stop now and know that God is in charge. He knows what is going on, and He will correct everything when he is ready.

As for you and I. We need to pray for God’s guidence, and be open to His suggestions. Life would much more livable if we let God take charge of our lives.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What Can We Do to Survive the World we Live in?

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“Another day, another dollar.” That was the saying when I was a kid. Many people only made a dollar a day. Now you can hardly survive when you are making $15.00 an hour. Times change and so does the cost of living.

I missed my post on Wednesday. My apologizes. Just a bad hair day for me. I actually am felling better today. A new med is helping me a great deal with my shortness of breath.

To be able to breath better has changed not only my health, but my mental state.


I have thought of many things that are important to me:

  1. Being with family.
  2. Having coffee with some buddies.
  3. Writing emails to those who need company.
  4. Fishing with my boys.
  5. Enjoying each day God has given me.
  6. Spending time with my bride.
  7. Sitting on my deck listening and seeing the birds.
  8. Going on walks.
  9. Reading.
  10. Reaching out to help others.

I bet you could have a list that is even longer than mine, and it will make more sense to you. Try it.


I keep seeing how our country is going quickly in the wrong direction. Inflation is out of control. Gas prices are soaring. The pandemic is coming back in full force. People are angry and pushing back.

I wonder what we can do to survive this bad trend:

  1. Remember, God is in charge.
  2. All things work for the good of those who believe in God.
  3. God will never give you something that is too hard to handle. It is not Him doing it if it happens.
  4. Never feel you are unworthy of love. That is one of the most disheartening things that happen to us.
  5. Take each day, one at a time.


How are you doing through the turmoil we are facing these days? Is it hard to get up in the morning to face the world?

God loves you! He made you in His own image. He wants the best for you. Lean on Him through prayer and He will guide you through the muck and mire of life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Are Caught up in the Rat Race of Sin

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Some thoughts I heard at church yesterday…

  1. The answer to sin, injustice, and rebellion, is to turn to God and His Word and trust.
  2. Long for the lord and His future reign. How blessed are those who long for Him.
  3. Pray for those who have fallen under the spell of the secular, social justice movement.
  4. Politics is about a core group of people who believes a community ought to be ordered for the common good. It is call misplaced trust.
  5. Justice comes to the very heart of how human beings made in the image of God are to treat one another. It is a bearing on how marriage is supposed to work, how the family is to be ordered, and where the state has authority from God to reward good and punish evil.


Interesting thoughts. It mainly is talking about the turmoil our country has gotten into. So many people believe what they are doing is right. The protesters, rioting, racism, sexual and mental abuse.

God has taught us to rebel against those kind of people in a loving way. We can’t fight fire with fire. We must pray or them and hope they will open their eyes to their folly.


Where is your mind today? Are you clinging to God’s robe of righteousness? Do you pray every day for guidence?

If you are struggling, open your heart to God and ask Him to give you His loving fortress. He will protect you and clam your storm.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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We Need God to Protect us During the Turmoil We Face.

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President Biden has decided to pull the troops out of Afghanistan on September 11th, 2021. That would be the 20th anniversary of the Twin Towers attack.

Now the people are in an uproar. They wanted the troops brought home, but now they fear the Taliban will take over the country quickly.


I am a spot in my life where I am not sure if we should send troops to every country that is having problems.

Biden is in a lose, lose situation, and I feel for him on this situation.


The Air Force just let in a white supremacist that a Google search could have caught, I wrote in an article on Tuesday. Airman 1st Class Shawn Michael McCaffrey has a long history with white supremacist groups, and he even ran a podcast where he and his racist, homophobic pals pilloried Jews, people of color, Muslims and many other groups, including the military. The Air Force is now investigating the case.



“I want to get back to doing normal things” was the main reason Army Staff Sgt. Anthony Johnson flipped from COVID-19 vaccine skeptic to vaccine recipient, writes Army reporter Haley Britzky. Like many other soldiers, seeing his commander take the shot helped Johnson change his mind. Learning more statistics about the vaccine, wanting to protect their loved ones and believing the Army wouldn’t provide a harmful vaccine to its troops also helped, Haley found out after chatting with soldiers.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military:In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

Going through the book one more time for typo’s, and then I will be contacting the publisher. Getting exciting for me and I hope you are getting excited as well.


How are you holding up in this world of turmoil? Is the world spinning too fast?

Yes, we often allow turmoil in our life. It is because we feel weak and cant fight back.

Always remember that God is on your side. With him there who can be against you. No one!

Be strong and cling to God’s robe. He knows who you are and He knows what He needs to do to protect you.

Never, ever give in to the dark side. Keep fighting back with God helping you.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Be Strong During all the Turmoil We Must Endure right Now

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Another beautiful day outside. Going to have to go on a walk to build my strength back up.

Whenever I think of walking, I think of our brothers and sisters in the military, who don’t dare go on a walk. They are hunkered down for fear of being shot. Never forget them.


I can’t list all the things I think our country is doing wrong right now. The list would be long. I pray for our president, because to be honest with you, I do not think he is even in charge.

The far left is dragging him down like a huge magnate.


I read an article where a second Lieutenant, in uniform, was dragged out of his car and pepper sprayed. The video doesn’t show him doing anything wrong. He told the officers he was afraid to get out of the car. Their answer… “You should be!”

He has sued the police department and I hope he wins.


We still have more National Guardsmen in the nation’s capital than there are in Afghanistan. That is appalling. What are they afraid of?


While in the military I found that the more you accept orders the less strain you will be in.

Some of the guys I knew tried to “buck,” the system, and it didn’t work out well for them.

The discipline I learned for the military has helped me in my civilian life.


Up date on my upcoming book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life.

I have added another person to interview. I spoke to him while at the Oregon Coast. He has some funny ,and yet sad sharing to do and I know it will help other veterans.

Everything else is in the final stages of preparation.


How are you doing today? Is the world spinning too fast?

You are not alone! There are many people struggling right now.

No job, lost relationship, death of a loved one, the pandemic.

It goes on and on. It is hard not to drown in the muck and mire.



Even though it sometimes feels like there is no hope, God uses some of our darkest moments as our doorways to hope.

To know God’s voice is calling you is hope.


Things can affect your life, but it can not define your life.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Need to Hold on Tight During Turmoils of Today

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It is pretty rough for me right now. I have serious shortness of breath problems. Can’t even walk across a room. Going to have a nuclear stress test on Thursday, and go over the results with my cardiologist the next day. Hopefully we will come up with something.


I have been blessed by being asked to be a host on our online church services. That means I watch the service at home, and react to questions followers there may have.

On my very first assignment a man asked for prayer. I connected with him. He didn’t respond to anything I said, but I prayed for him on the screen anyway. I will follow up to see if he responded later yesterday.

+He did not, but I know the seed is planted.


Things seem to be running fast in the wrong direction in our country and all over the world. The liberal wing is pressing hard to cause an upheaval in our nation. They want to change laws. They want to slow down the building of the wall at the border.

The list goes on and on. We just have to pray for guidance during these troubling times.


It is hard, at best, to cope with life, when we have the pandemic, and many other problems in our lives. I just cling to the robe of God, and pray for help.

We need to stop looking at things with our rose colored glasses. The real world can be dark and dreary. We can remain strong with the help of our Heavenly Father.


Have you been running from the dark side? Have you feared what is ahead for you? I certainly hear you. I have my days of doubt, and discouragement.

The ace up my sleeve is God. He is with me wherever I go. He guides me through the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Storms Come; Storms Go, But God Will Never Forsake You

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I am still struggling with various health issues. Today it is severe shortness of breath, and dizziness. I could blame the dizziness on when I look at my beautiful bride, but the shortness of breath has me concerned.

My blood pressure is great. My heart capacity is at 36 which isn’t too bad for my age.

Something is not right though. Hope to find out soon.


Our country is in turmoil. There is a 50/50 split in beliefs in the United States. Because of this nothing can get passed in Congress, and there are people suffering because of it.

We need to pray for our governments both national and local. Pray that they will make good decisions that will help the people, and not necessarily themselves.


It seems to me that we all face storms these days. The storms may be a serious surgery coming up. It could be that you are out of a job, and there are bills to pay. It could be a break up of a relationship you have.

We need to remember that all storms pass. Then we have the SON.

Jesus is our fortress during the terrible storms we face. He can calm them down so we can handle them better.

When ever I know a storm is coming I pray ahead of time for God’s love, compassion, and protection.

Never take on this world alone. I can’t imagine trying to face my storms without God in my life.


If you seem to have more than your share of pain and headaches from the daily trials of life. Turn them over to God. He has tremendous shoulders for you to lean on.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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