A place to find Hope

Tag: unloved (Page 5 of 38)

Even in the worst of times, there is Still hope in God.

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Going to the Oregon Coast today. I always enjoy going there my wife, even through it is for an appointment.

I will have to reflect while we are on our way. My wife is driving so I can day dream all I want

Lots to think about:

  1. Future surgery.
  2. Pain.
  3. My family.
  4. Where my country is going.
  5. Thankful to God for this day.


A cry of despair over misfortune and suffering—something we all experience from time to time—is a valid form of prayer. We should never back away from pleading to God. He is there for us 24/7.

God can always be trusted. He never wavers, or decides you are not important.

Even in the worst of times, there was still hope to be found in God.


As we trot, crawl, climb, over the worries of life, we need to be Strong and persistence.

Never give up! God is there for you. Lean on Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Do You Hate to Wait. Waiting for the Red light to change, Waiting in lines.

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Are you like me in that you hate to wait? In the military I was told, “Hurry up and wait.” We hate waiting in lines. We hate waiting for the mail. We hate waiting for the red light to change.


What can we do to avoid waiting.

  1. Patience is always a good approach.
  2. Do not battle things you can not change.
  3. Pray for God’s protection.
  4. Help others who are struggling with waiting.


I have been feeling pretty good the last few days. My wife put me on a new schedule for my meds, and it is working. Much less pain.


Have you ever wondered, “Why me?” I certainly have. I seem to have more than my share of afflictions. I thought about this, and here is want I think:

  1. You are better off than some, because they have much worse afflictions.
  2. Feeling sorry for yourself Doesn’t stop the pain.
  3. I complained about having to use a walker, until I saw a man confined to a wheel chair.
  4. God has a purpose for us even in our pain.


Stay away from the negative, and grab the positive. It makes you life much more livable. Thank God for each day you get. Like I said, He has a plan for you.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Stay Strong and Rely on God Who Loves You

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Let me get my whining over first.

I’m in great pain My right hip is getting worse by the day. the pain level is 8-10. meds are doing little. One pain killer is helping a little, but not enough.

I have an appointment with a pain management clinic, but that isn’t until end of June.

I am trying to schedule surgery. It is in motion, but it is three months away.


What have your days been like? Frustrating, disappointments, physical pain, not enough money? Many of you have been there I’m sure. What can we do to fight back all this garbage?

It is difficult, at best, to survive in this not so friendly world.


Here is what I have been doing to fight back:

  1. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is powerful
  2. Face the day with courage and persistence.
  3. Never give up.
  4. My formula?


Never forget where abundant love is available for you. That would be our God. He knows your hurts. He knows your pain. He wants the best for you. Pray like He is right next to. Cry out to Him. He will hear your prayer and soothe your pain, hurts, and will give you love.



You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


A Short Post About Love, Because Love Conquers Everything.

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This post is about love. Love conquers all adversity.

Here are some thoughts on love from my Church service on Sunday:

  1. Lyrics from a song. “Your love is holding on and won’t let go.”
  2. The story about the good Samaritan: A man was attacked and beaten up badly on the road. The attackers left him for dead. A priest came by and saw the man. he went on the other side of the road and kept walking. A Levite came by and did the same thing. He kept going. Then a Samaritan came by and found pity for the man. He bandaged him up, and took him to an inn. He told the Inn keeper to take care of him and gave him money to do it. That is true love.
  3. When I am loving God with all my heart, I feel compassion for others.
  4. When I am loving God with all my heart, I care for the stranger, the outsider, even my enemy.
  5. Love your neighbor as yourself. Your neighbors can be anyone, anywhere, any time.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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How Can We Face the World The Way it is?

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I am back at my desk trying to do my post today. I have to stop and walk around about every twenty minutes. (Good way to get those steps!)


Here are some current events that I found interesting:

  1. House GOP accuses President Biden of influence puddling.
  2. Russia forced into humiliating retreat ay Bakhmut.
  3. Guerilla arsonists just set fire to Russia’s supersonic bomber.



  1. The republicans are going all out to find wrong doing from Joe Biden.
  2. This is wide spread in Ukraine right now. The Russian fighters are wanting to quit. They also have little ammunition, or body armor.
  3. I’d say the writing is on the wall for Putin. Everything around him is falling apart.


How can we face the world in the way it is going now? So much turmoil and strife.
One thing we always have to cling to is that God is in charge. He sees what is going on. No He is not happy, but He allows us to make choices. In the end you and I win.


Never let the darkside overcome you. Throw our the negative thoughts in your mind and fill it with positive thoughts.

Is that simple? It could be if your allow it. That is what I do every day.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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We Should Feel Blessed Living in the Country We Do.

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I’m sitting here typing my blog while watching a movie. I’m in the den. I have to be here, because I can’t sit in the desk chair. It makes my right hip explode.

It is harder to try to type n the den, because where I have to place the computer.


I reminded myself, that the title of this site is “Signs of Hope.” I need to do just that! Share signs of hope.


  1. The signs of hope from God, shows us His creative side. The flowers, spring rain, beautiful trees. flowing rivers, Majestic mountains, and much more.
  2. God creates miracles such as, a neighbor of mine was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and given only months to live. She is still alive today and cancer free.
  3. Every time a new born comes into our world, we know God created him/her.
  4. Going on a walk with my granddaughter she notice and ant crossing the sidewalk. She got excited and said, “Look at that wonderful creature of God.”


I could go on, but signs of hope are everywhere if we just look around us


It seems to me that people forget the importance of their heritage, and privileges.

Our country has been around for over 200 years, We became an independent nation, in 1776.

We walk around complaining of high inflation, high gas prices, our southern border, and much more.

We forget how blessed we are to be where we are.

  1. We have free speech.
  2. We can so no, and not be threatened.
  3. Go to great schools for free.
  4. Travel to anywhere in the United States without barriers.


Stop and think how lucky you are. You could be in Ukraine dodging missiles. You could be captured in Russia and held for ransom. Iran would take care of you in a horrible way.

Feel blessed, and find your own signs of hope.


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It Is a Blessing to Spend Time With Your Family.

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Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I am having a hard time with my right hip. I am told I will need surgery soon. If it takes the pain away. Let’s do it!


Went down to California to see my granddaughter’s College graduation. It was a very special time, as my wife, daughter-in-law. My daughter, son-in-law, And another granddaughter were there. We all stayed in the same condo.

Sure brought back memories of when I graduated from college. That was many moons ago.

I was able to be placed in the handicapped area near the football field. There were a whole row of us. Got to meet new friends that day. All very good people.

We left Portland, Oregon with 43 degree temperature, and got to the college with 86 degree weather. Huge difference. I decided I may want to live there.


I heard that there was an actor that said he loved to play soldiers in the military. He said it made him feel patriotic. There are thousand of soldiers who go to the front and get shot at with real bullets. Some never came home. Now that is patriotic.


My son, who is a retired Colonel from the Army, has been diagnosed with a brain disorder of some kind. They are still testing him to see what it may be.

Your prayers would be appreciated.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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What is Really True? How Can we Prove Something is True?

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What is really true? How can we prove something is true?

People for centuries tried to convince others that Jesus never existed.How could someone do what others claimed he could do?

True faith is that we believe in something we can not see.

Some people think that true faith can not happen without facts.

  1. In Israel there have been archeological diggings that brought the truth to us. They found what they think the cave where Jesus was buried.
  2. They found proof that Pontius Pilate was real by finding papers, and pieces of things that his name all over it.

True facts takes us beyond mere facts to trust.


The Bible is the book with all the truth. There is proof that all of the disciples existed. They wrote what they saw, and all of the books of the disciples say the same things, but in different ways of saying it.


I believe that God sent His only son down to earth to die for us. If we believe this we have eternal life.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Wars Are Causing Much Pain for Our country.

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Current Events…

  1. Zelensky’s voice strains with emotion over “Russian beasts,” who beheaded Ukrainian pow.
  2. Ukraine Army eliminates 1,040 Russian soldiers over the last weekend.
  3. Woman performed a C-Section on herself. Both she and the child survived.



This just proves that Putin is doing war crimes. Ukraine continues to overpower Russia.

This woman is a very brave woman. Her baby is alive because of her quick thinking.


Our world seems to be heading towards destruction. Wars, Millions crossing our southern borders, high crime, and many other horrific events.

We need to turn to God, and ask for His intervention. Pray that He will protect those who can’t defend themselves.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


Pain Came Knocking at my Door, and Never Left.

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I finally got to see an orthopedic doctor, for my painful hip. I wasn’t surprised by his diagnoses. He said I will need hip surgery in the next three months. My thinking was, “What are you doing today?” It takes months to schedule surgery. I will be getting a steroid shot to ease the pain, but again there are long lines waiting for their shots, so i’ll have yo wait until April 27th to get mine. That is eternity. I have been given pain pills, and they are helping a little, but not very much.


Are you facing serious problems with your health? Do you need some quick help? I’m there with you.

There is not much I can do to help you as a human, but God is there 24/7. Reach out to him and ask for healing. Be patient with Him. His timing is always perfect.

Never give in to the darkside. Seek the light and it will give you hope.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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