A place to find Hope

Tag: unloved (Page 8 of 38)

Enjoy the New Year With New Hope and Courage

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It has been awhile since I posted. been struggling with the flu, hip pain and weakness. I am trying to get back to the routine of talking with you.


It can be very disheartening to have so many trials in ones life. It seems to be a regular thing for some of us. I am an optimist, so I have some thoughts on the grim outlook of life:

  1. Storms come, but storms go.
  2. Never give up.
  3. Always fight back against the darkside.
  4. The past is gone, live for today, because tomorrow is another day.
  5. Reach out to others who are struggling. It helps them AND you.


The new year is upon us. We need to look forward to a bright year full of hope. It only can happen when you believe that. Start out the new year with hope and courage.

Also know that God is with you. He knows your hurts. He knows your needs. pray to Him for your protection and love.





You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Look Through the Gloom and Doom, Have a Merry Christmas.

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It has been seven days since I last posted. I came down with the flu last Friday, and have been fighting to get back to normal since. I am feeling much better today, but still very weak.


We all face trials and setbacks. Things happen that we cannot control. It seems like a “poor me,” attitude should be appropriate.

However, I have decided that there is the good side of everything:

  1. During my flu time, I was able to get lot of rest that I didn’t have time for before. It actually made me stronger.
  2. Back in 2004 I was told I needed open heart surgery or die. I was not sure if I could do that. The doctor convinced me that only had days left if I didn’t do the surgery. I had the surgery, and that was 18 years ago and I am still standing.
  3. I later got a spinal infection in my spin. It was spreading fast. After a misdiagnosis, a doctor saw what was happening and treated me differently than what they suggested. It was the right choice. It took me several months, but I slowly got back to “normal,” again
  4. I have had severe problems with strength in my legs. I couldn’t stand up very long. I was staggering around. I needed a cane, and maybe even a walker. I have started physical therapy, and I am confident that I will be strong again.


Have you faced walls and dead ends? Are you being picked on? You certainly are not alone. Try finding the bright side of everything. It really helps you to face the dark days.

Never let dark clouds block your view of the wonderful world. Face the storms with confidence that God is there with you, guiding you.


Have a very merry Christmas, and remember what Christmas really is-The birth of Christ.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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People Aren’t Happy The Direction That Our Country is Going

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I know that this site is called, Signs of Hope, but I am going to rant for a little bit:

  1. President Biden say that inflation is going down. Well it is still 40% higher than normal.
  2. President Biden is allowing thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants to cross our southern border.
  3. Food prices has skyrocketed.
  4. Heating bills are out of control.
  5. Biden will not let us do our own oil drilling, so the gas prices are incredible.


I have other rants, but I think that is enough for now.

Millions of people are fighting depression, anxiety, and have a pessimistic look on life. That is not good for our country.

What can we do to survive this delima?

  1. Take it one day at a time, and be strong.
  2. Be careful of what you buy.
  3. Hunker down for the next two years.
  4. Storms come, but they go away.
  5. Never let the darkside dictate to you what your life is like.
  6. Above all…never, ever give up!


We also need to remember that God is with us 24/7. He knows our problems, and will protect us during the storms of life.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Murphy’s Law, What Could go Wrong, Probably will.

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Murphy’s law is always in affect. If you think something is going to go wrong, it probably will.

I have had it happen to me before. I won’t elaborate, But I am sure you have too.

  1. The money runs out before the bills do.
  2. Your car broke down.
  3. You had a broken relationship.
  4. You fell and injured yourself.
  5. Your child said, “I hate you.”
  6. Your boss is always on your case.


These things have a tendency to pull you down like a huge magnate. It pulls at your heart, and it pulls at your positive thinking.

So what can we do to overcome this?

  1. Tomorrow is another day.
  2. The storms come , but they go away.
  3. Always think positive to push the negative thoughts out of your head.
  4. The dawn brings a new day with great adventures.
  5. I always go on a walk when I am down. I feel refreshed, and have a good outlook when I am done.
  6. The worst day fishing is better than the best day working.

Stand strong and face each day with courage and determination.

Always remember that God is with your 24/7. He will guide your day.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Pride is a Master of Disguise. It’ll Pull You Down.

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Pride is a worthy opponent in our lives. It can control us. I have had problems with pride in my own past. I am certainly not proud of it.

Pride is a master of disguises. It can seem innocent, but it pulls you down like a huge magnate.

Here are some other thoughts about pride:

  1. We must humble ourselves and fight against the sin of pride.
  2. The essence of pride is a spirit of independence.
  3. We must depend on God to see us through our own pride.
  4. We can’t let Satan pull us into his schemes.
  5. We must trust that God will finish what He started in us.
  6. Social Media can sway our thoughts.
  7. It is easy to feel alone, but we are not alone.

To put this all in one perspective, we need to perfect our thoughts, confirm our thoughts, strengthen our thoughts, and establish our thoughts.

When we do all of that pride has no business in our lives.


Lyrics from a song on Sunday:

“With every breath I have, I will sing the goodness of God.”


Go about your day without using pride. Tell others they are good, and not think you are above them.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Beware, The World is Quickly Going to the Darkside.

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I will putting on a rant and some anger today. I am getting very sick of the way our country is going.


Just yesterday, and teacher at a private school went public and proudly said he is sharing sex toys, and ideas on how to do some sexual things to his high school students. He thought he was great for doing it. REALLY??? I would be furious if was a parent of one of those students. Introducing to anything like this is up to the parents, not some creep in the schools.


President Biden tapped a fund that was to be used for something important to bale out unions, It was over 3 billion dollars. I was a union man, but this is going way too far.


President Biden was in Arizona recently, and was 100 miles from the southern border. He did not go to see what was happening there. He said there was more important things to do. I can not believe that!!!


The new Twitter owner, Musk has come out with shocking proof that Twitter was purposely eliminating all tweets that gave negatives views of any democratic people running for office. It did many other things to disrupt the election of 2018. It also hide all reverences to Hunter Biden’s laptop. That is criminal.


Ok…I am done with the ranting. I am sorry for this, but it has been building up in me for years.


We need to think of positive ways to make it through our days. It is hard, at best, to do os. here are some of my thoughts on that:

  1. Forget the past, live the present, and look forward to the future.
  2. Do not believe much that you see on the national TV networks.
  3. Stop watching news that sounds very fishy.
  4. Concentrate on pleasing God, and not people.
  5. Love your family and keep close to them.


Never let the darkside pull you down like a huge magnate. Keep thinking positively. Rely on God to guide you through the muck and mire of this earth.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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The Date December 7th, 1941 Changed life for Americans.

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On December 7th, 1941 The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and killed several thousands of Americans. I was only two years old at the time, so I didn’t really know what was going on.

Three of my uncles, fought in WWII and two of them received Purple Hearts. Their heroics helped stop the war and our freedom.

I enlisted in 1959 in the Army. I did it to honor my uncles who fought ahead of me. Each of them was a hero to me.

I am proud to have served my country, and I would do it again if I could.


It is getting close to the most important holiday of the year. It is Christmas. The word Christmas means the mass for Christ. During this hectic time many people have completely forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. Christ seems to have disappeared out of their lives during this holiday.

Jesus was born on Christmas day. he became the savior for the world. He paid the supreme price by dying for each of us on the cross. That means you too. Jesus doesn’t hand pick His favorites. He loves ALL of us no matter what our beliefs are.

All we have to do is invite Him into out hearts and we are Christians. You become His child.


I mentioned before that this time of year is very hectic. Do not let the stress of the holiday pull you down like a huge magnate. Keep being positive, and share your joy with others, who are suffering.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Life is Full of Bumps and Suffering For Us.

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Not a Very uplifting title today, but unfortunately it is true. We face storms every day. I have some thoughts that we as Christians need to be aware of:

  1. Be prepared to suffer.
  2. Rejoice in suffering. You are sharing with jesus.
  3. The Bible says suffering is a gift.
  4. Suffering for Jesus brings future glory.
  5. Let suffering purify your heart.
  6. Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your relief.
  7. You are never alone in your suffering.
  8. Entrust yourself to God.


The reason I am approaching this post with these thoughts is that there is a growing dislike for the church. I have had people tell me that it is wrong that the church doesn’t pay taxes. I have had others think that Christians are “stuckup,” and look down on others. Of course none of this is true, and we need to be strong in these attacks. We don’t need to get angry, but be firm in our beliefs.


How are you doing. Are you strong in your belief? Is it hard to continue your faith? Remember, Jesus paid the supreme sacrifice. He went through more torture we can imagine, and He died for us. The little harassments that we get is nothing compared to what He did for us.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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December Has The Shortest Light of the Year, But then it’s January.

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Still struggling. the physical therapy I did on Wednesday threw me for a loop. Very sore muscles the next day. Yesterday, I tried to walk on a tread mill, and I could do 10 minutes. I was very disappointed, but then I realized that I did 10 minutes, which is better than zero.


You have to think of things in a positive was.

  1. Instead of we lost, what did you learn from the experience?
  2. It is better to have loved and lost than to never have been loved at all.
  3. December 21st will be the shortest, darkest, light of the year, but on the 22nd it starts getting lighter longer.
  4. If you ever fail, wake up and try again.


I am sure you can add to the list. Do that today.


Have you had some dark days like it during December? Fear not! There is hope at the end of the tunnel. Just keep going, and things will change. Storms come, but they go away.

By the way…God is with you every step you take. He will guide through the rough paths you have to walk. He will never cause you to face something you can’t handle.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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As We Get Older We Fight Muscle Problems and Over Weight

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I had my first physical therapy appointment today. Oh doggie was it rough. Kate my therapist pushed me hard. My muscles are aching right now. I need the therapy big time. My legs have gotten soft, and it is causing me balance problems and fatigue.

I will keep going and hope that I get stronger as the times goes by.


Have you had some times where you feel weak, and it is hard to move? I certainly hear you. This is a problem us and older folks face. The muscles start to weaken if we don’t’ keep exercising them.

Never feel you are falling apart. We just need to do something about our bodies.

  1. Go for walks as often as you can. Start out with a short walk, and don’t push it. Then stretch it out a little, Eventually you will be able to walk around a track several times.
  2. Cutting out of bad foods will help tremendously. I was eating some pretty bad stuff, and my weight sky rocketed. I go to cardiac rehab twice a week and walk on the tread mill. That will not only build up my strength, but it uses up many calories.
  3. Don’t sit at your computer all day. Get up at least once every half hour to stretch your muscles.

I bet you can think of many other things to do. List them now.


One of the things that happens to us when we get down on ourselves is depression. It come with the territory when we feel weak, fat, and unhealthy. The ting we always want to remember is that God is with us 24/7. He can brighten you day if you just take time to talk to Him. He loves to talk to you.


Never let the darkside drag you down like a huge magnate. Fight back with God’s help.



You are never alone,

You are never forsaken,

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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