A place to find Hope

Tag: unloved (Page 9 of 38)

Aging Ain’t For Sissies, But There are many Blessings.

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This old warrior,(Ex military)is feeling his age. It is getting harder to walk. Need a cane now, and considering a walker. Don’t feel sorry for me. I love life, and cherish every minute of it.

I always think of my family when I feel sorry for myself. They are my fortress and my tower of strength. They are the most caring, loving, people I know.


I mentioned that I was in the military above. I served from 1959-1962. That was many years ago, but I still have memories of the good, and the bad days.

I am telling you today about my second book, Signs of Hope for the Military: In and Out of the Trenches of Life. It reaches out to those veterans who may be suffering from PTSD, war wounds, or depression. I share stories about my life while in, and share thoughts on how to survive in this not so friendly world.

I hope you will check it out. Especially if you are a veteran, or know somebody that is.

Go to www.dougbolton.com to check it out.


How are you doing today? Getting ready for a cane or walker? I hear you. We need to know that it isn’t the end of the world when that happens. Here are some thoughts on that:

  1. Storms come, but they end.
  2. Be thankful for each day.
  3. Love your family every minute.
  4. Lean on some body close, when you need help.
  5. Getting older isn’t for sissies.

That last one was to make you smile. Aging has its bad moments, but in general it is a blessing. I feel that my children respect me for all the years I have been in this hotel called earth.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Do You Seem to be Juggling Your Hectic Life?

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We all have faced hectic times. Everything seems to be pulling us down like a huge magnet. How can we avoid this?

  1. Live differently. We spend too much time trying to mold into what everyone else is doing. It is called the rat race.
  2. Recognize your status as a Christian in the world.
    • Abstain from powerful passions.
    • Display God’s glory by the way you live.
  3. We need to live like an alien on this earth. This is not our home.
  4. Live submissively.
  5. Live feely.

Followers of God see freedom, not as an opportunity to do as we please, but to serve as God wills.

Ask God for wisdom as to how to choose the right thing to do.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Reaching out May Help You Find Old Friends, or Make New Ones.

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I had a pleasant experience yesterday. I went with my son to a meeting he was conducting. He was the MC. He did a wonderful job of leading the meeting. I was back behind everyone trying to stay out of the way. Then one of the members asked who I was. My son said, “He is my dad.”

Then a lady shouted, “He was my fourth grade teacher.” I couldn’t believe it. I met with her afterwards and found out she was indeed one of my fourth grade students.

I met with her during the summer and tutored her. She told me that because of me helping her she became and outstanding student.


Have you had a wonderful experience like this? Why not? Have you reached out to those around you to see if they are someone from your past?

It could be a neighbor. It could be a person ahead of you in a grocery line. It could be at a restaurant.


Reaching out has many benefits. You may find someone you hadn’t seen in years. Even if it isn’t someone you didn’t know, You have made a new connection.

If someone looks familiar, ask.


Put a smile on God’s face and meet new people.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Seven Ideas on How to Make it Through the Day

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Missed Monday. Bad hair day.


A perfect day weather wise, but very cold. I was out in it earlier, and I had the heat turned up high in my car. Oregon will set a record for none rain days if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. Pretty strange for a state that rains a lot.


Have you ever wondered how you can make it through the day? I have. There are some days where I would rather just stay in bed, and sleep. Those days seem to come far to often. It’s like a long lost relative that comes to visit just for a few days, and stays much longer.


My thought on the making it through the day:

  1. All days come and go.
  2. Never let the darkness dictate your feelings.
  3. Go for a long works. This really works for me. Especially when it is cold. New fresh air in the lungs.
  4. Storms come, and storms go, but God is with you 24/7.
  5. Live differently.
  6. Live submissively.
  7. Live freely.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Thanks’ to All The Veterans Who Served Their Country.

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Today is Veteran’s Day. I am a veteran from waaaay back. I was in the service from 1959-1962. I am proud to say that I served, and I thank all of you who are serving, or have served. The sacrifice you did for your country is honorable.


It seems like many people do not appreciate the military and what it does for us. I hate to think what our country would be like if we didn’t have a military. Can you speak German, or Japanese?

The great generation fought hard for our freedoms, and they won. I had three uncles who fought in WWII, against both the Germans, and the Japanese. Two earned the Purple Heart.


It was hard for me to serve. I was a Christian and had feelings about being a conscientious objector. I was raised in a Quaker church that was against going to the military.

Because of me thinking my uncles were heroes, I overcame that feeling and enlisted anyway.


Be sure to thank everyone you know that is a veteran. It will make them feel proud that they served.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Pain and Suffering Seems Something we All Face.

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We want to avoid suffering, but it happens. We want to make sure the suffering is not because of sin.

We need to submit to God to help us with our suffering and pain. What do we need to do to be submissive?

  1. Feelings.
  2. Desires.
  3. Trust.


Jesus submitted to the Father. He went through terrible pain and suffering. Because He did, Jesus is our substitute for pain and suffering.


I was thinking about my TV remote the other day. What Power!! I can get rid of channels I don’t like and turn to the ones I do like. However, we must remember that God is our remote of life. We are not our own remote for life. God pushes the buttons, not us.


Some thoughts:

  1. Do not return evil with evil.
  2. Overcome evil with God.
  3. Entrust yourself to God.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up.


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Winter’s Coming With Rain and Storms. Similar to Life.

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Winter is on its way. The days are colder and the rain has returned. That gives us some relief from the heat, but realize that come April you will be crying for summer to come again.


That is what it seems to be for life. Always changing from stormy to sunny, and back to stormy again.

We have trials that pull us down like huge magnates. We struggle, and fight back.

It seems like we are in a war, and we are losing the battle.


Now that I have totally depressed you, let’s talk about our God who is there for us 24/7.

He knows what we are going through. He knows our hurts and disappointments. He will never forsake you or abandon you.

We just need to reach out to Him in prayer, and He will be there helping us through our storms.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Being a Parent is a Full Time Job Full of Adventures.

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I have been thinking of my two sons, and son-in-law lately. We spent a weekend at my son’s house in Roseburg, Oregon. It was not a fishing trip like we usually plan, but a just sit around watching college football and enjoying each other.

It reminded me of what a most important thing it is to be a father. It brought up some thoughts in my head:

  1. Parents should make it easy for their children to obey.
  2. We shouldn’t frustrate our children.
  3. Don’t do something to make them angry.
  4. We frustrate our children when we are harsh and unreasonable.
  5. We need to guide rather than block our children.
  6. The power you have over your children is for their development, not for your convenience.
  7. Sometimes parenting brings you almost to your end.


I know, “Easy for you to say!” However, if you truly love your children you can make this happen.

Realize that you can mold their future, and not push them into the muck and mire.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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See Excerpts From, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World

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I am starting something new… I will be sharing actual excerpts from my first book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. I am proud to say that the book won a nation award from the Reader’s Favorite, national awards.

Come back often to see more excerpts. Better yet…go to the top of this page and click on subscribe. When you do all future posts will go directly to your inbox.



STORIES HAVE THEIR own unique way of teaching us things.
When Jesus taught the crowds from Capernaum to Jerusalem,
He chose stories about everyday people in everyday places to
teach us about ourselves and about the God we serve. With their
panoramic perspective, stories give us insight into the essential
matters of life. We learn from the truths embedded in the journey
of others.
In Signs of Hope, Douglas Bolton extracts wisdom from his
personal life experience, mining it for the faith lessons God
has urged his heart to pen for us. In his words, we fi nd simple
answers to the harrowing and the complicated as he shares timely
and powerful lessons on living with hope in the midst of this
challenging age.
Hope refreshes us when we feel overpowered by the world
around us. We observe bleakness in another’s eyes (and sometimes
in our own) and wonder how our peace can be restored. Self-generated resources are inadequate. But when we turn back toward
God, we discover His supply, an unending fountain for us to drink.

The power and richness of stories are themselves a fountain
when flowing with God’s eternal truth. It’s in this spirit that I
recommend the journey Douglas Bolton has arranged for his
readers. His experience of walking many years and miles with the
Lord has infused these pages. May Signs of Hope, with its offering
of refreshment, grow your faith in God and lead you to a closer
walk with Him.
Chris Coppernoll

Founder and host of the internationally syndicated radio
program, Soul2Soul Radio, heard around the world on over 800
broadcast outlets in 20 countries. http://providencebook.com

This is the forward to the book. Chris Coppernoll is an incredible young man who has a tremendous outreach with his syndicated radio program. I am proud to have him do the foreword.


Keep coming back to see more chapters from the book, Signs of Hope: Ways to Survive in an Unfriendly World. Subscribe to have it sent to your inbox.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


+If you like what you see, please subscribe at the top of this page where it says, “subscribe.” When you do, all future posts will come directly to your inbox. Also, if you know some else who could benefit from this site, please let them know.

We Get Excited When the Weekend Comes. Are You Too Stressed to Enjoy it?

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Today is my 301’st blog post. I was much higher at one time but my computer went out on me and I lost everything. I had to start over.

Today is Friday, which means that tomorrow is the weekend. Whoopi for those who are still working, but for us retired folks it is just another day.

I remember the excitement of an upcoming weekend. Enjoying my time with my wife and children. Doing fun things.


With the stressful times we have now, just how much time do you have with your family on the weekends? It is pretty hectic most of the time.


Here is what I would do if I was still working:

  1. Put family first. They are far more important than anything else.
  2. Don’t feel guilty if you don’t get something done that you wanted to get done. It will still be there tomorrow.
  3. Always reach out to your family and be positive for them every day.


How about your spiritual life. Do you done things one way during the week and another way for church?

We all need to be consistent and worship with other Christians. I know it is sometimes hard to submit to God, and realize He is your authority. He is a very loving God, and when you obey Him He takes very good care of you. He made you on His own image.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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