A place to find Hope

Tag: weakness

Enjoy the New Year With New Hope and Courage

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It has been awhile since I posted. been struggling with the flu, hip pain and weakness. I am trying to get back to the routine of talking with you.


It can be very disheartening to have so many trials in ones life. It seems to be a regular thing for some of us. I am an optimist, so I have some thoughts on the grim outlook of life:

  1. Storms come, but storms go.
  2. Never give up.
  3. Always fight back against the darkside.
  4. The past is gone, live for today, because tomorrow is another day.
  5. Reach out to others who are struggling. It helps them AND you.


The new year is upon us. We need to look forward to a bright year full of hope. It only can happen when you believe that. Start out the new year with hope and courage.

Also know that God is with you. He knows your hurts. He knows your needs. pray to Him for your protection and love.





You are never alone,

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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COVID-19 is Attacking People, but Remember God Will Help You

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It is time to whine again. I bet you love it. LOL

I got the COVID-19 virus on July3rd. I battled with it, and came out of it OK, But then I was hit with Post COVID-19! I am still feeling the affects of that today. All the symptoms are gone except for the severe exhaustion, and weakness.

I get up in the morning feeling somewhat good, and by the afternoon I am wiped out.

There have been some serious happenings because of the virus. I seemed to have lost hearing out of my left ear. I went to a ENT, and he said that I did. He said the virus caused it. He also thinks that maybe he can get my hearing back with treatment. We will see there.

Then I had some blood tests and my iron count was out of sight. The normal high is 306. My blood test showed 766. That’s more than double the highest allowed. I see my primary doctor in an hour to see what we can do for that.


Have you had some serious health issues attack you? Do you wonder why you are getting so many ailments? I certainly hear you.


We all have to understand that we are not alone. God is with us every step of the way. He cares for us and He is just a prayer away. We need to ask for His protection, and to give us hope.

We shouldn’t give into the the darkside. Look for the light of Jesus, and give all your worries over to Him.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Our sins Come From Our Own Heart

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The Pastor of my church talked to us about the end times, and what we need to do to feel comfort during that time.

He didn’t lay out a rosy picture for us. He said, “To bring people to the true love of God. They will have to face much conflict, pain and suffering.”

I found out later he was referring to the non Christians. That didn’t make feel too much better, because I have close friends who are not christians, and this will happen to them.

He shared with us how we give in to sin. It is within ourselves. It comes from our heart. We can block out everything around us that is wrong, but just one second of weakness and we are lost.



It is two days after Christmas and I am feeling the aftermath of eating the wrong things. We had two gatherings with great cooks at each one. It seemed like some kind of contest. Try my new dish! Is mine better that the others? So of course, I had to try all of them to find out.

I got home after these two events, and was feeling pretty tired and weak. It wasn’t from illness, it was from being a gluten.


It has been a loooong year! So much turmoil, and people getting sick all around us. The pandemic just doesn’t want to go away. I thank God that he has spared my family from all of this.


How did your year go? Full of pain and agony? I certainly hear you!

We all have to cling to God’s robe during these trying times. He is there for us 24/7. He will watch over you if you ask Him. Never give up when it is getting so tough.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Satan Wants You to Slip and be a Trophy on His Wall

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Just can’t get my mind off of how our country seems to be going down the tube. Lack of leadership. Other countries taking advantage of our weaknesses. I keep reminding myself that God is in Charge. I finding hope in that.


As far as I know there are still hundreds of Christians trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Please prayer for them, and the hundreds of Americans who are there as well.


I have been taking inventory on my well being everyday. I can be easily distracted and fall into the darkside. So many wrong things going on these days. What I have decided is that I need to be searching for the light, and forget the darkness.


How is you your world turning? Out of control? Do you fall for all the media lies? So many news articles are fake news.

Here is what I suggest to help you AND me:

  1. Never believe all that your hear.
  2. Fact check everything.
  3. Get reliable sources.
  4. Cling to the robe of God.

That last one is the most important. God will hold your hand and lead you in the right direction. He loves, and He made you in His own image.

Never fall for Satan’s lies. He would to have you as his trophy on his wall.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…..never, ever, give up!


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