A place to find Hope

Tag: wisdom

What is Wrong With the World We Live in?

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It is a nice sunny day today. It will be the last of some sun for a week or two. We had a great summer here, except it got over a hundred degress six times.


I often wonder how things got to the way it is in our world right now. Pandemic going crazy, politicians attacking each other verbally, and continuous rioting in the big cities.

What is wrong with this picture?

Lots of, not so much fun, things happening. I have decided to be thankful for everything, because it is part of God’s plan. It is hard to accept some things that are happening, but God is working on it.

What to do if you are battling the situation:

  1. Take big breaths when you are getting stressed.
  2. There will be storms come, but they will pass.
  3. Never give in to the darkside, who would love for you to that.
  4. Read the bible for God’s promises. The book is loaded with them.
  5. Go for long walks(if it is sunny,) and release all the negative thoughts in your head.
  6. Keep on keeping on.


I have my granddaughter visiting me today. She is only ten years old, but her wisdom is amazing. She teaches me many things about life. She doesn’t allow things to get to her. I need to be more like her.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!


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Idols Will Fade Away, But Not God

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What is an idol? It is something you love more than God. It is taking the place of God. Do your idols control you?

We all have idols. They could be something material, or it could be someone in your life. Here are some examples of both:

  1. A fancy car.
  2. That great boat of yours.
  3. Joe Biden, or President Trump.
  4. A huge mansion.
  5. That Harley Davidson.

There are many more that I can think of, but this gives you an idea.


In Biblical times the Egyptians had hundreds of idols. One came back to haunt them. The frogs came into their homes and everywhere else, as one of the plagues. (There are only so many frog legs you can eat.) However, the most important one for them seemed to be the sun.

The worshipped the sun everyday. They offered sacrifices to it. Idols can destroy you like it did the Egyptians back then.


Do you have idols? Are they more important to you than God? What do you need to do to put God first in your life? I suggest spending time in the Bible every day. The Word is wisdom. It can’t be destroyed like some idols.

I have learned that I need to use my time wisely. I am not sure how many breaths I have left. I want to use them to worship God and to share His love. I can’t say that I don’t have time for God. He should be first, and I should be spending most of my time with Him.

Do you feel more atoned to your I-Phone, or your Fit Bit watch than to God? They can become idols. My wife tells me that I spend far too much time on my I-Phone. I checked and I have to agree. I average 7 hours a day on the phone. Ridiculous!


Put together your priorities. My I-Phone should be near the bottom of the list.

Here is some of my priorities:

  1. God
  2. Family
  3. Church
  4. Reach out to help
  5. Always have a positive attitude.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all….never, ever, give up!


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There Are Benefits to Facing Trials

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There are very trying times right now, with the pandemic, rioting, and wild fires. There are some things I have seen while facing trials:

  1. We draw closer to God and others.
  2. We see things more clearly.
  3. We become more compassionate.

It happens time after time.

I am from Oregon and we have been devasted with wild fires. People have died and over 600 homes destroyed. This would normaly cause widespread depression, and panic.

It is not happening.

The people who lost their homes are out helping others to sift through the rubble to try to find some memories for them. People in my neighborhood have opened their doors for those displayed. People have volunteered to hand out water, food, and masks.


People are very tired of the rioting, and have bonded together to confront the rioters. It is not pretty, but the rioters are gettng the message.


Here are some more thoughts I love to share. You also seem to like them. (Let me know)

  1. Forget what others think you are.
  2. God is love, so we sshould love one another.
  3. Perfect love casts out fear.
  4. Praying is not just for praying. It is to speak to God.
  5. Reading the Bible is not the goal. The goal is to grow spiritually while reading the Bible.
  6. Only through death can we find life.
  7. Every pain, every disappointment, is covered by Jesus’s love.
  8. Live life like you are expecting Jesus to come.
  9. Be joyful; be prayful, and be grateful. (Always without ceasing)
  10. Through affliction, we know that God will do something greater.
  11. We need to be more concerned about God’s glory.
  12. We should obey God even if we are in pain.
  13. If one suffers all of us suffer. If one is honored, all of us are glad.
  14. Envy: Painful or resentful of some one’s possession. Leads to dissatisfacton, discontentment.
  15. Always look at the cross. It reminds you to trust.
  16. Are we just living, or are we living life well?
  17. Are we trusting the Lord to lead us, or are we wanting the Lord to do things our way?
  18. Are we mangaing our time to serve the Lord; our responsiblities, or our relationships?
  19. Do we need to be desparate to read the Bible? Are we willing to let God give us the desire to do so?
  20. You come to a crossroad. There only two directions to go. Left is wisdom, and the right is folly. Which way will you go?

I always suggest you go through those thoughts one at a time and ponder them. Much wisdom could come from them.


What is your life like?

Are you happy? Do you think life is great, or are you depressed with what is going on around you? Never let the dark side overcome you!! Reach for the light. Yes, there are many painful things happening right now, but always remember God is in charge. Stay strong and alway lean on Him for His love.


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You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unlloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!!

Do What God Wants You to Do, Not What You Want to Do.

Not long ago I saw a fly trying to get out by banging on a window with its head. It was getting nowhere. He never gave up. He kept pounding that window over and over again.

I finally opened the window to let him out to the fresh air. Guess what? He still stayed in his spot and kept hitting the window.

Many of us are like that. We struggle on our own and try to face life without God. We need to end that! We need to stop trying do do what we want to do for our lives, and do what God wants for our lives.

We go around like using a GPS in our car. If we make a wrong turn it says recalculate.

Well, you have your own personal GPS. You may think it is guiding you in the right direction, then you hit the wall. That is when God says, “recalculate!”

Let ME guide you!


What are you favorite foods? I love pumpkin pie. I also love peanut butter. Both of these sweeten my tooth and soothes me.

Here are some better sweeteners:

  1. Wisdom sweetens your soul.
  2. Optimism (gluten free by the way) also sweetens your soul.

These sweeteners are non fattening, and good for you.


Some thoughts about God:

  1. God will never abandon you.
  2. God’s power is much greater than any evil.
  3. God fits into your plan.
  4. God’s Son died to provide eternal life.
  5. God has promised to help you when you are in need.


Take an inventory of your life. Are things going in the right direction for you? If not, what is causing you to not be going in the right direction?

God allows U-turns. Now is the time to turn around.



You are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…Never, ever, give up!

How Can we be Humble Through the Pandemic, and Rioting?

Pandemic, rioting, businesses being burnt, statues being tore down, people being killed, and much more. So what can we do to counter all of this?

I have been thinking of this for several months. It was overwhelming for me, and I did not have good answers.

I watched my church message online yesterday, and they shared some ideas.

The first quote I heard was, “Nothing is impossible with God on your side.” That got me in a better mood.

Then they spoke of being humble. What? I am suppose to be humble when the world is crashing around me?

Then they hit me with a verse that woke me up! “Everyone who exalts himself will humbled, he who humbles himself will be exalted.” Matthew 5:4-6.

They mentioned that we need to stop going on rabbit trails. They are scattered and often lead to nowhere. I was doing that. I was running around trying to understand what was happening.

Then our Pastor give us four things to help us be humble:

  1. Love God more than yourself. We need to know who is in charge and lean on Him during the storms.
  2. Love others by serving them for God’s glory. When we reach out and help, not only does the person we help feel good, but so do we.
  3. Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. I often take this for granted. We need the Holy Spirit to guide us at hard times.
  4. We need to hang out with people who are also pursuing a God fearing life. Just being in a group of believers can give us a lot of confidence, and love.


Are you fearful of what is happening? Are your storms getting to hard to face? Do you want to stay in bed all day to avoid the world?

You certainly are not alone.

I feel your pain, and I suggest you totally depend on God as your fortress. he is stronger than any Pandemic, He will hug you during the rioting. He will give you wisdom to understand. He has told us many times:

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Pretty clear there. We just need to rely on Him to protect us and guide us.


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You are not alone.

You are not forsaken.

You are not unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

Words of Wisdom From Friends

I watched a great message from my church online yesterday. It had some great wisdom from parables as it foundation. The first parable is from Matthew 4:26-29.

It speaks of a farmer who scatters his seed on the ground. It grows and he harvests it.

Another parable is later in Matthew 4. It is Matthew 4:30-32.

It talks about a tiny mustard seed growing to one being of the biggest trees around. Jesus is comparing The Kingdom of God to the seed.

When the seed is planted it starts growing, It keeps growing and growing until it is a magnificient tree. It gets so big that birds can make nests in it.

What these two parables infer is that we can plant seeds as well. If we do it in the right way, People will come to Christ as their savior. I often heard someone tell me, “You just planted a seed in that person.” I knew what they meant and I was glad.

As parents we need to plant seeds into our children, We need to let them know about God and His Son Jesus. As they grow up they will be like that mustard seed grown up into a beautiful person.


I was thinking about sports the other day. We really miss it right? I was online at a breakfast last Tuesday when one of the members related the Bible is for people who love sports. He said that we all have a great playbook in the Bible. Everything is laid out for us to follow and be a winner. I loved that.

Another person said, “If you are teaching, you are learning.” I can relate to thta as well since a taught school for 22 years. We never stop learning not matter what our age is.

Yet another said, We spend too much time deciding if we want to or have to. There are things in life that aren’t pretty or rewarding, but they need to get done.

My favorite thing I heard was just one sentence: “See, feel, trust.” We need to know that God is always there for us. We need to trust His guidance.


Your are never alone.

You are never forsaken.

You are never unloved.

And above all…never, ever, give up!

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